Do you understand the structure of your energy?
The driving force of your life is energy. And the more you understand what it is, and the difference between feeling high quality energy and low quality or negative energy, the better you can optimize your life for the former. In this episode, Rob dives in on the components that determine the quality of your energy. When you have knowledge about what you’re doing, when you truly understand something, it makes it easy, success is more likely, and that provides high quality energy. When you’re clear about your goals and where you’re going, you can get excited and feel more motivated about every step it takes to get there. These factors contribute to belief that you will achieve next steps. Versus, when your future aspirations are vague, you don’t really understand the thing you’re trying to do, and thus you don’t have any logical reason to believe in yourself. These things create low quality energy, make everything harder, and prevent you from living the life you deserve.