aaaand WE'RE BACK!! Marty and Kris are back in the house to unfurl 1980 and break down the good, the bad, and the ugly. We talk "moanin cat blues" (0:05) Marty talks tectonic plates shifting (4:34) and body shames Vince Neil (11:14). We then have a conversation about the synthesizer and how it influenced the decade and the genres and bands it created (13:00). To cap it off, We get down to Kris' pick, Chrissie Hynde and the Pretenders raucous and gritty debut, Pretenders (43:00).
Thanks to everyone sticking it out thru the madness. We're going to start releasing episodes on a more regular basis now that we've made some upgrades to our home recording setups. We've got some fun stuff lined up for upcoming episodes. Hit us up at and, if you feel so inclined, check out our patreon at Thanks again!