It’s time to dive knee deep back into the 80’s! We kick things off talking about Marty’s recent vacation to New Mexico (0:58) Marty understanding Kris on a deeper level after driving through the expanse of West Texas (1:20) Introducing our guest, singer-songwriter and Kris’s wife, Stephanie Wright (2:10) Comparing notes on Roswell (3:22) Marty adding to his gas station food repertoire courtesy of Allsup’s in Plains, Texas (4:45) Kris and Step visiting the Motown exhibit at the LBJ Library here in Austin (11:38) Marty impersonating the animatronic Lyndon Johnson (13:54) Kris and Steph going to the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas, and Kris blowing our marketing budget on a can of spraypaint (14:35). We then jump into the 1984 year in music according to wikipedia (19:05) Going thru the 1984 playlist (55:00) We then get to Steph’s pick for 1984, The Bangles little known debut, “All Over the Place” (1:03:30). Stay tuned for 1984-episode 2 coming soon!