When Craig first keyed up his radio as a fresh technician, little did he know the odyssey of ham radio would lead him to our show as an amateur extra with tales that resonate with every push of the PTT. Our show tunes into the heartbeat of amateur radio, from field day triumphs to the innovative ways our club keeps the airwaves alive.
But what keeps our world turning? The repeaters—our lifeline. As we traverse the fusion of analog and digital operations, we enter the Wolfpack Network, a testament to our community's drive to stay connected. And if you're looking to level up your technical know-how, don't miss the Tech Net, where global minds meet to fine-tune their craft. So, fire up your transceivers because this episode is a frequency-hopping journey that will resonate with hams far and wide.
Guest links:
N1SFT - Craig Bailey https://www.qrz.com/db/N1SFT
NNEFARO - http://www.nnefaro.com/
WOLVES Network - http://www.wo1ves.com/
N1EFG Club - http://n1efg.org
Wires X Rooms - YSF Room 28941 & Wolf Den
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YouTube Channel:
Live Free and Ham - @livefreeandham
Eric (N1JUR) - @N1JUR
Paul (N1OG) - @NovemberOneOscarGrouch
Todd (W1STJ) - @W1STJ
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If you would also like to learn more about the hosts:
Todd (W1STJ) - https://w1st...