Ever wondered about the camaraderie, challenges, and thrilling chase involved in ham radio park activations? Join us on a thrilling journey in the quest for the coveted Kilo award in Parks on the Air. With Todd, Eric, and Ryan leading the charge, we make our way through the Nashua Rail Trail Park in New Hampshire, one contact at a time. Our tales of night-time radio silence and our love for 10 meters make for a riveting exchange.
As we aim for an ambitious goal of 950 park activations by May 1st, we reveal the nitty-gritty of park activations, from multi-antenna strategies to navigating through pileups. But it's not all radio chatter. We've got some POTA tales to share too. So, hop on board for an adventure filled with radio waves, POTA, and a lot of fun! Remember to subscribe to stay updated on our latest episodes.
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Live Free and Ham - @livefreeandham
Eric (N1JUR) - @N1JUR
Paul (N1OG) - @NovemberOneOscarGrouch
Todd (W1STJ) - @W1STJ
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If you would also like to learn more about the hosts:
Todd (W1STJ) - https://w1st...