The creepy, the dreadful, the chilling, and the frightening. While these moments semi-regular parts of the Spider-Man mythos, entire stories that encompass them are more occasional, often making their impact that much more forceful when they happen. Join Spidey Librarian and his guest, comics reader and fan Joe Faust as they talk about some of the Spider-Man stories that have left them feeling more than a little frightened, creeped out, or a little less certain of the world around them.
The Web Line: a Podcast About Spider-Man and His Amazing World, is the ideal place for Spider-Fans to discuss all aspects of our favorite webslinger in a fun, informal–but informative!–forum. Join the laughably loquacious Spidey Librarian and his garrulous guests to hear about the timely topics related to the wondrous webslinger! Spidey news, analysis, reviews, and discussion, all in one perfectly imperfect podcast! Come listen to this scare-tacular episode of The Web Line: a Podcast About Spider-Man and His Amazing World! You can find us on most podcast providers, including Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music! If you enjoy this podcast, please leave a rating and review wherever you listen! The Web Line--or rather, Spidey Librarian--has a Patreon! If you'd like to have your name shouted out as part of The Web Line community, become a Spider Society Citizen by joining! You'll gain access to the private patron feed, your name on my Thank You page at the end of my uploaded videos, and a special Spider Society Citizen title on the Spidey Librarian Discord server. Come join the community today! Follow me on my socials! Blog TwiXter Instagram YouTube: spideylibrarian AND spideylibrariangames Twitch Threads Patreon (NEW!) Spidey Librarian Discord Email: #spiderman #spidermanscarystories #thewebline