Michael Malice (“YOUR WELCOME”) welcomes political commentator, entrepreneur, and conservative mother, Sara Gonzales, onto the show to talk about being giving birth during Covid, education changes that came out of pandemic time, and why it’s becoming increasingly challenging to protect children from the left’s infiltration of the classroom.
Sara also updates us on her encounter with the Dallas Police, and why this relates to an ongoing conversation: Conservative’s changing opinion of the police.
Order THE ANARCHIST HANDBOOK: https://www.amzn.com/B095DVF8FJ
Order THE NEW RIGHT: https://amzn.to/2IFFCCu
Order DEAR READER: https://t.co/vZfTVkK6qf?amp=1
Intro song: "Out of Reach" by Legendary House Cats https://thelegendaryhousecats.bandcamp.com/
The newest episode of "YOUR WELCOME" releases on iTunes and YouTube every Thursday! Please subscribe and leave a review.
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