Michael Malice (“YOUR WELCOME”) invites comedian and co-host of Louder with Crowder, Dave Landau, to discuss the effect that the “woke movement” has had on comedy. Is the essence of comedy under attack by censorship, the woke movement, and politics? They also both chat about how certain “outrageous” celebrities in the past like Howard Stern have completely changed their character whether in fear of retaliation or to pander to the powers that be.
Check Dave out on his comedy tour, happening now!
Order THE ANARCHIST HANDBOOK: https://www.amzn.com/B095DVF8FJ
Order THE NEW RIGHT: https://amz n.to/2IFFCCu
Order DEAR READER: https://t.co/vZfTVkK6qf?amp=1
Intro song: "Out of Reach" by Legenda ry House Cats
The newest episode of "YOUR WELCOME" releases on
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