Michael Malice (“YOUR WELCOME”) invites media personality and social scientist, Hotep Jesus, onto the show to discuss his thoughts on the black conservative movement, playing the “media game,” and the interesting change in views on vaccination pre- and post- election.
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Order THE NEW RIGHT: https://amzn.to/2IFFCCu
Order DEAR READER: https://t.co/vZfTVkK6qf?amp=1
Intro song: "Out of Reach" by Legendary House Cats https://thelegendaryhousecats.bandcamp.com/
The newest episode of "YOUR WELCOME" releases on iTunes and YouTube every Thursday! Please subscribe and leave a review.
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BodyGuardz: bodyguardz.com/welcome
CrowdHealth: joincrowdhealth.com, promo code: Welcome
Fum: breathefum.com/malice, promo code: MALICE
IPVanish: ipvanish.com/malice, promo code: MALICE
Sheath Underwear: sheathunderwear.com, promo code: MALICE