Michael Malice ("YOUR WELCOME”) is joined by comedian and host of American Ninja Warrior, Matt Iseman, to talk about the evolution of American Ninja Warrior, his endearing encounters with true American grit, and why Matt is liked by pretty much everyone in the world.
Michael and Matt also discuss how the city of Austin has become a true haven for art and comedy.
Order THE ANARCHIST HANDBOOK: https://www.amzn.com/B095DVF8FJ
Order THE NEW RIGHT: https://amzn.to/2IFFCCu
Order DEAR READER: https://t.co/vZfTVkK6qf?amp=1
Intro song: "Out of Reach" by Legendary House Cats https://thelegendaryhousecats.bandcamp.com/
The newest episode of "YOUR WELCOME" releases on iTunes and YouTube every Thursday! Please subscribe and leave a review.
This week's sponsors:
Bonner Private Wines: bonnerprivatewines.com/MICHAEL
Cigora: cigora.com, promo code: Malice10 or Malice 10
Fast Growing Trees: fastgrowingtrees.com/WELCOME
Investall: www.investall.app, promo code: MALICE
Sheath Underwear: sheathunderwear.com, promo code: MALICE