Episode description
What do 1947, 1972, 1997, 2012, and 2021 all have in common?
They all have big anniversary years in 2022: 75, 50, 25, 10, 1. We like these kind of milestones to remind us of past events, and the impact they have on how we live today. They can work well to anchor an evergreen story that’s worth sharing but that otherwise get lost in the relentless news cycle.
This bonus episode looks at thinking about why a story needs to be told now, as well as an example of a feature that touches on an author read by millions of people for 5 minutes a day.
The Yolisa Qunta Scholarship for Freelance Writer Bootcamp is open until February 12. Click here to apply: www.rebeccalweber.com/scholarship
In Freelance Writer Bootcamp, writers learn how to break into your dream publications, develop long-term editorial relationships, and get paid well to cover stories that matter.
The scholarship is intended to help support the career of a writer who identifies with one or more groups who have traditionally been underrepresented in journalism.
If you’re a woman, if you identify as a person of color, if you’re from the so-called Global South (i.e. a low- or middle-income country), and/or other groups not well represented in journalism, you are strongly encouraged to apply.
Yolisa was a freelance writer, author, and Bootcamp alumni. For years after her initial enrollment, she stayed active in the Bootcamp alumni group, where we enjoyed her generosity, talent, advice, camaraderie, and humor. She was an excellent wordsmith and writer friend.
Yolisa passed away at the age of 41 in 2021. I asked her family's permission to rename the scholarship in her honor.
Apply today or share with a writer friend: www.rebeccalweber.com/scholarship
Read more about the program: www.FreelanceWriterBootcamp.com
Follow Rebecca on Instagram: @freelancewriterbootcamp