Some freelancers say they’re writing for low paying, low circulating, low quality, or otherwise low satisfaction publications because they need to pay their dues.
If working this way was a sure route to high paying, high circulating, high quality, highly meaningful work, I’d be all for it. But it’s not.
Those publications aren’t suddenly going to become lucrative and prestigious. And editors at their dream pubs aren’t going to make assignments because they’ve taken low paying gigs somewhere else.
The freelancer thinks: “I’ve got to do these stories somewhere that doesn’t pay much because I won’t get the assignment otherwise.”
Unfortunately, this kind of thinking leads to more of the same after the articles are published. Instead of being proud of the new clips, the freelancer thinks: “I only got the assignment because I did it for free.”
We all have limited time and energy. Don’t spend yours on pitching places you don’t really want to write for because of some imaginary dues that nobody is collecting.
Look out for where you’re holding yourself back instead of growing forward. Don’t argue for why you should play small or for why you can’t do the things you really want to do.
In this episode we look at the reality that you do know your potential. Recognize it, remind yourself of it, argue for it. Develop and pitch stories that matter to you and to the publications you want to write for.
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Alumni of my group coaching program have used the proven Freelance writer Bootcamp processes to break into the New York Times, the Guardian, Bustle, Fodor’s, Ms., Nat Geo Travel, Al Jazeera, the BBC, and many more.
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