Our Labor Series continues with "The Restaurant Coach" who further validates that the restaurant industry is NOT suffering from a labor crisis, but rather a leadership, culture, and self-care crisis!
We explore these themes with our guest, Donald Burns, who discusses how self-care and empathetic leadership are so pivotal to improving restaurant cultures and teams -- one employee at a time.
Donald is an author, speaker, and trusted restaurant expert who has helped countless brands and owners turn around their operations for the better. He has over 40 years of experience in the restaurant industry as a restaurant owner, consultant, and was even an executive chef for Wolfgang Puck!
Moments To Listen For:
• Outdated management styles no longer work.
The stick & carrot mindset that many restaurant operators use to lead their team is from the 50s & 60s. It's basic (lazy) and outdated. Now is the time to think outside the box and lead with empathy rather than with punishments & incentives. Donald provides great examples of how to do this.
• People are not commodities.
Just increasing pay is not the solution for your employee woes. Owners and operators need to make the restaurant industry an attractive & viable option for people with positive working environments, flexibility for employees, and livable wages. Take care of your people, and they will take care of you!
• Mental health must be discussed more frequently.
As leaders, it is a key consideration to keep in mind for your team. It is extremely important to discuss mental health with your team and provide resources for them as well.
• Fixing culture is NOT a quick-fix, it takes time and the right attitude.
Improving culture isn't a one-day or even one-month project. It's a sustained effort that is implemented by you and fellow leaders in the organization that trickles down to your team.
Now go forth and be awesome!
• Labor Series: We’re In The People Business with Amir Mostafavi (RR Episode!)
• Let’s Think Outside the Bun – Greg Creed, Yum! Brands (RR Episode)
• 2022 State of Digital For Restaurants
Connect with Donald on LinkedIn or at The Restaurant Coach™
Check out Qu's Annual State of Digital for Enterprise QSR & Fast Casual Brands