In episode 2, the Rotoscopers discuss the news, the importance of story and Brad Bird's animated masterpiece The Iron Giant.
Why this is our second time recording episode 2
Why the Wreck-It-Ralph creator is pumped
The Lorax is going green
Chelsea expains her love for trees...again
Rango wins the OVCAFMPT
Is Disney's Paperman project a gamechanger?
Animation Element of the Week: Story
Discussion: Brad Bird's The Iron Giant
Warner Brother's markering blunder
Bird's passion for animation and story
Chelsea teaches Mason about beatniks
Favorite Scenes: Coffeezilla, The Prayer & The Deer
The Giant's CGI animation
1950s references and inspiration
Hogarth's father figures
Why so many single-parent stories in animation?
Favorite quotes: The brain, "Hog Hug!", "luckiest kid in America", "blah blah blah"
We're bringing the term "wig out" back
How many stars do we give it?
Shout out to our 100 listeners!
...And of course: Bloopers
Runtime: 1:11:08, 32.6 MB
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002 The Iron Giant - Hog Hug! | Animation Addicts Podcast - Disney, Pixar, & Animated Movie Reviews & Interviews | Rotoscopers - Listen or read transcript on Metacast