Are you stuck trying to figure out where your pads sit in the mix? Maybe you're scratching your head thinking what can you do with a synth or even how can I make my pads sound better? Then check out EP 117 of the Inside The Mix podcast.
Want to level up your synth mixing skills? Then prepare to be inspired. This episode of Inside the Mix sees me, your host, sharing some of my go-to synth EQ techniques that will revolutionize how you mix instruments. Listen as I unravel the layers of two synth pads in an outro section of a song from my upcoming EP. With the aid of a virtual mix rack, I'll reveal how to create a distinct effect, and how to position your synths for maximum impact. It's about time your synth started standing out from the crowd.
As we dive deeper into the world of synth mixing, discover the power of kilohertz Trance Gate and Neutron 4 EQ in adding subtle movement and variation to your tracks. Uncover the secrets of identifying clashing frequencies with Neutron’s masking feature, and learn how to use the Decapitator and Waves Brauer Motion plugins for added saturation and synth pad movement. Don't just listen, immerse yourself in the world of music production and take your skills to the next level.
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Listen to my new single 'Separation'
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