Welcome to this episode of our podcast where I dive into the world of Logic Pro X and share my top five tips to help you improve your workflow. If you're a music producer, composer, or someone who just loves to experiment with sound, then this episode is for you.
I start off with a powerful MIDI feature that allows you to hear a note at any point in Logic Pro X - MIDI chase. Next, I show you a nifty Logic Pro X fade tool shortcut that will save you tons of time when working with audio tracks.
Then, I introduce you to Logic Pro X's MIDI FX and show you how they can help you spice up your chord progressions and add new dimensions to your tracks.
For those of you who work with MIDI extensively, I've got you covered too! I'll teach you how to bulk edit MIDI note length in the Logic Pro X piano roll, and how to quickly move multiple MIDI notes in the same piano roll with ease.
So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn some Logic Pro X tips that will take your music production to the next level. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay updated with our latest uploads!
CLICK HERE, to get your mix on point with Logic Pro X in just 5 weeks! https://mailchi.mp/synthmusicmastering/learn-to-mix
Listen to my new single 'Separation'
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