Paul warns the Corinthians to be on guard who they invite into their church: The Corinthians were inviting false apostles to preach and take control of the church The history of slapping heretics on the face Paul shares his list of trials Why did Paul share his trials with the Corinthians if it wasn't considered "godly" to go through persecution? Hey! Don't go away yet! Also check out these other P40 sites: YouTube - Ko-Fi -
Mar 11, 2025•23 min•Ep 1118•Transcript available on Metacast Naaman is finally healed of leprosy: Naaman insists Elisha take a gift, but Elisha refuses Naaman asks for Israeli earth to take home to Syria Elisha tells Naaman to go in peace Gehazi is angry that the Syrian commander doesn't have to pay for his healing Gehazi pays the ultimate price for his greed Click all the links for more cool stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// www....
Mar 10, 2025•24 min•Ep 1117•Transcript available on Metacast Paul boasts a little about himself, for a good reason: Was Paul contradicting himself by boasting? What was the point of Paul's boasting? Paul defends his role as apostle Paul tells the Corinthians to stop believing everything they hear Not everyone who claims Christianity is Christian Hey! Don't leave before looking at other P40 stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// www.fac...
Mar 06, 2025•23 min•Ep 1116•Transcript available on Metacast A Syrian man with a big problem needs to find a solution: Naaman hears about Elisha from his Israeli servant girl Naaman decides to pay Elisha a visit He is infuriated that Elisha refuses to see him Naaman takes the advice of his servants and washes in the Jordan Naaman is healed There are so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// www.facebo...
Mar 05, 2025•20 min•Ep 1115•Transcript available on Metacast The Corinthians were heading for an empty life: The Corinthians were judging Paul's appearance The Corinthians believed Paul was "wimpy" in person The Corinthians didn't believe Paul had authority to correct them The Corinthians were accusing Paul of being worldly The Corinthians were comparing themselves to other people If you want to support the Bible Explained: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website -
Mar 04, 2025•26 min•Ep 1114•Transcript available on Metacast A terrible famine happens in Israel: Elisha wants to feed the prophets soup, but there is very little food to put in the pot The servants find a vine of poisonous gourds and put them in the soup God purifies the soup. It becomes safe to eat The prophets express their faith by eating the once poisoned soup A man brings his first fruits to Elisha Elisha performs a second miracle where he feeds a whole town with just 20 loaves of bread Be sure to click every link for the full P40 experience: YouTub...
Mar 03, 2025•18 min•Ep 1113•Transcript available on Metacast God sometimes blesses people with wealth, however: God doesn't bless with wealth so that we hoard it for ourselves God expects us to give of our blessings God loves a cheerful giver God repays the giver 4 benefits of giving to other people I know you need more: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact - Rumble - https://rum...
Feb 27, 2025•21 min•Ep 1112•Transcript available on Metacast After the Shunamite woman loses her son: She sets the boy on Elisha's bed because of her faith She doesn't tell her husband about her son's death Why the Shunamite woman's faith is something to emulate when we lose loved ones God raises the boy from the dead There are so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// C...
Feb 26, 2025•30 min•Ep 1111•Transcript available on Metacast Titus decides to go help the Corinthians take up a collection: Titus and an unnamed brother are sent as administrators for the finances Why churches should be transparent with their congregant's donations Does the New Testament command tithing? Check out all these links from P40: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact - R...
Feb 25, 2025•17 min•Ep 1110•Transcript available on Metacast God loves women, as expressed in the passage today: A widow begs Elisha for help because her sons were about to become indentured servants What was indentured servanthood? God performs a miracle for the woman by giving her more than enough oil Elisha meets a kind Shunamite woman who builds a room for him Elisha prophesies that she will have a son, which ends up happening Hey! Don't leave before looking at other P40 stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - https://ko-f...
Feb 24, 2025•22 min•Ep 1109•Transcript available on Metacast Paul asks the Corinthians to finish what they started: The Macedonians were poor, yet gave generously The Corinthians never followed through with their collection Why giving is called "grace" Giving emulates God's love Was Paul encouraging Communism? There are so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact -...
Feb 20, 2025•25 min•Ep 1108•Transcript available on Metacast Moab rebelled against Israel, and Israel decided to take it back: King Jehoram is introduced Jehoshaphat goes to battle with Jehoram for some reason YHWH gives a prophecy to Elisha using music God performs a miracle for the Israelites Israel completely defeats the Moabites The Moabite king sacrifices his oldest son to Chemosh Be sure to click every link: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook ...
Feb 19, 2025•31 min•Ep 1107•Transcript available on Metacast Paul finishes his great digression: The "sins of the flesh" and "sins of the spirit" God wants us to pursue godliness Worldly sorrow produces more sin Godly sorrow produces godliness When God refreshes you, He refreshes you There are so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact - Rum...
Feb 18, 2025•26 min•Ep 1106•Transcript available on Metacast Elisha is now the new prophet of Israel, and he's met with challenges: Some men ask for the waters of Jericho to be healed Elisha throws salt in the water and heals it Elisha travels to Bethel, where he's met by some aggressive youths What the word na'ar means when referring to youths Why Elisha cursed the youths for calling him "baldy." Be sure to click every link: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - https://www.p40ministries.c...
Feb 17, 2025•21 min•Ep 1105•Transcript available on Metacast Paul warns us to listen to the truth and stop being influenced by non-Christians: 4 ways we can be unequally yoked: In marriage In friendships In media/entertainment In temptations Our Escape from the IFB Denomination - Leaving a Theologically Unsound Church - Part 3 Hey! Look at this other P40 content! YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - h...
Feb 13, 2025•25 min•Ep 1104•Transcript available on Metacast Elijah is about to be taken to heaven: The whirlwind was public knowledge The prophets keep reminding Elisha that he is about to lose his mentor Elijah parts the Jordan River Elijah is taken up to heaven, but leaves his mantel for Elisha Elisha becomes the new prophet of Israel Be sure to click every link: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact...
Feb 12, 2025•23 min•Ep 1103•Transcript available on Metacast In today's episode: What does it mean to not receive God's grace "in vain?" NOW is the era of grace; this era will someday end The Apostles's crazy resume The Corinthians were restricting their affection for Paul, which hurt Paul's heart Our Escape from the IFB Denomination - Leaving a Theologically Unsound Church - Part 3 Here's other amazing content from P40! YouTube - Ko-Fi -
Feb 11, 2025•21 min•Ep 1102•Transcript available on Metacast Elijah once again is in hot water with the king: King Ahab is dead, and his son Ahaziah is now king Ahaziah fell several stories and inquires of Baalzebub if he will recover God sends Elijah to the king to tell him he will die The king is angry and sends captains to take Elijah, but God sends fire from heaven Ahaziah dies Hey! Don't leave before looking at other P40 stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - https://www.p40minis...
Feb 10, 2025•22 min•Ep 1101•Transcript available on Metacast Paul appeals to people to be reconciled with God: Jesus died for the kosmos (universe) God adopts us as His children God has plenty of room for more children We become new creations when we believe in Jesus Need more? I don't blame you! Click the links below to see other P40 stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact -
Feb 06, 2025•19 min•Ep 1100•Transcript available on Metacast Asa dies and Jehoshaphat becomes the new king of Judah: Jehoshaphat was one of Judah's best kings Asa trained Jehoshaphat well for the job as king The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge God blessed Judah because of king Jehoshaphat Jehoshaphat didn't train his own son well for the job as king Be sure to click every link: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https://
Feb 05, 2025•24 min•Ep 1099•Transcript available on Metacast Here's why Christians don't need to have a crippling fear of death: Our current bodies are just "tents" We have a permanent place ready for us in heaven We walk by faith and not by sight What will we be doing in heaven? A discussion on the Judgment Seat of Christ Be sure to click every link for the full P40 experience: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https://
Feb 04, 2025•26 min•Ep 1098•Transcript available on Metacast King Ahab willingly goes off to die: 400 prophets lie to Ahab and tell him to go to battle Macaiah, the only real prophet, reveals that the prophets were lying because God sent a lying spirit How can God send a lying spirit if He doesn't cause people to sin? Macaiah gets thrown into prison and Ahab disregards what he warns God saves the life of Jehoshaphat Ahab dies from a randomized arrow Check out all these links from P40: YouTube - Ko-Fi - https://k...
Feb 03, 2025•25 min•Ep 1097•Transcript available on Metacast In today's episode: What does it mean to "deny yourself" and follow Jesus? Do Christians expect people to not have nice things? What is the "Christian Poverty" movement, and is it biblical? Why Paul calls his sufferings "light" The difference between "forever" and "eternity" Need more? I don't blame you! Click the links below to see other P40 stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - htt...
Jan 30, 2025•24 min•Ep 1096•Transcript available on Metacast Ahab and Jehoshaphat strike up a deal: Jehoshaphat agrees to help Israel in battle against Syria Jehoshaphat wants to hear a prophet of God first 400 "prophets" gather to tell the king what he wants to hear Only one prophet was willing to tell the truth Ahab gets angry at the true prophet of YHWH There are so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - ht...
Jan 29, 2025•17 min•Ep 1095•Transcript available on Metacast Paul discusses why Christians don't give up on the Gospel message: God gives mercy and love The Gospel is the truth 4 things Christians MUST do after they are saved Christianity is not the gospel of self Why Satan is called a "god" Need more? I don't blame you! Click the links below to see other P40 stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact...
Jan 28, 2025•26 min•Ep 1094•Transcript available on Metacast God pronounces judgment after Ahab and Jezebel kill a family man: Ahab is in Jezreel instead of Samaria where he should be God sends Elijah to prophesy against Ahab All prophecies of God give people time to repent Ahab actually repents God reduces His sentence on Ahab I know you need more: Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact - Rumble - Books...
Jan 27, 2025•26 min•Ep 1093•Transcript available on Metacast In today's episode: Why did Moses put a veil over his face? Two viewpoints What is this veil that people have over their minds? There's only one way to remove the veil The Holy Spirit is the only source of freedom and truth Click all the links for more cool stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact - Rumble - https://...
Jan 23, 2025•24 min•Ep 1092•Transcript available on Metacast Ahab and Jezebel are truly the worst: Ahab decides he wants a field near his palace to grow a veggie garden Naboth, the owner of the field declines Why it was against God for Israelites to buy or sell land Jezebel enacts a plan to get the field Mass hysteria takes place, and Naboth dies Why we should always question what we hear instead of going with the flow Need more? I don't blame you! Click the links below to see other P40 stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - ...
Jan 22, 2025•20 min•Ep 1091•Transcript available on Metacast In today's episode: Paul explains what his letter of commendation really is Why degrees don't matter in the eyes of God The Old Testament Law brings death? A discussion of Romans 7 How can something glorious bring death? Why the new covenant is so much more glorious than the old Hey! Don't go away yet! Also check out these other P40 sites: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// www....
Jan 21, 2025•24 min•Ep 1090•Transcript available on Metacast In today's episode: Ben-Hadad begs for mercy from Ahab, and Ahab makes a treaty with him God is upset with Ahab God strikes a man for not striking a prophet A prophet gets beaten as an object lesson to Ahab Ahab goes home sulking and furious There are so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact - jenn@p40...
Jan 20, 2025•29 min•Ep 1089•Transcript available on Metacast