Nathan the prophet visits David and shares a message from YHWH: Nathan tells David a story that makes David extremely angry Why adultery is the sin of theft Why adultery is the sin of disrespecting God Does 2 Samuel 12 support polygamy? Nathan drops a truth-bomb on David David repents of the sin, but the consequences are still there God punishes David, but forgives him nonetheless There are so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube - Ko-Fi -...
Jun 24, 2024•24 min•Ep 972•Transcript available on Metacast David commits more sins as he tries to cover up his infidelity: David has Uriah killed in battle Several people die due to David's murder of Uriah David hides his guilty conscience David marries Bathsheba and she has a son Why David's story is a cautionary tale Sin always affects more people than just us I know you need more: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https://
Jun 21, 2024•18 min•Ep 971•Transcript available on Metacast The Christian life isn't an easy one: Christianity does not produce everything we want in life God is patient with wicked people, but why? The Gentiles are adopted into the family of God Only a remnant of Israel will be saved We want instant gratification, but God has a different time table There are so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https://...
Jun 20, 2024•21 min•Ep 970•Transcript available on Metacast David gets himself into a major problem: Why David's sin was planned and not an "accident" 7 steps David takes to purposely sin Why Bathsheba was also sinning Bathsheba becomes pregnant, so David tries to cover for himself It doesn't go as planned Hey! Don't go away yet! Also check out these other P40 sites: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Conta...
Jun 19, 2024•22 min•Ep 969•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode: Jenn shares the story of Pharaoh from Exodus 7-9 God destines people for glory but not destruction Why does God harden hearts? Why it's better to be a "trash can" God is the Maker and we are the clay Need more? I don't blame you! Click the links below to see other P40 stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact - jenn@p40m...
Jun 18, 2024•24 min•Ep 968•Transcript available on Metacast David tries to be kind to the Ammonites, but they insult him instead: At some point, David and king Nahash were friendly with each other Nahash dies, so David sends goodwill ambassadors to the new king The new king decides to torture and embarrass the ambassadors This starts a big war between Ammon and Israel Why king David should have been going out to all wars instead of sending Joab Be sure to click every link for the full P40 experience: YouTube - ...
Jun 17, 2024•22 min•Ep 967•Transcript available on Metacast David emulates Jesus by showing unneeded kindness: David looks for a member of Saul's family to bless David discovers Jonathon's crippled son, Mephibosheth Why didn't David's wife Michal know about her own nephew? Why Mephibosheth is horrified to meet David David emulates Jesus in 4 ways God didn't heal Mephibosheth; He did something else Hey! Don't leave before looking at other P40 stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - htt...
Jun 14, 2024•23 min•Ep 966•Transcript available on Metacast Here's the discussion today: Paul says he would rather be cursed than have his Jewish brothers and sisters be cursed Not everyone who is Abraham's child is automatically saved Abraham had many children, but only Isaac was chosen Does Romans 9 prove Calvinism? Why does Scripture say that God hated Esau? Jenn discusses why she is neither Calvinist nor Armenian: After you're done with that, check out these websites: YouTube -
Jun 13, 2024•24 min•Ep 965•Transcript available on Metacast Paul knew suffering better than 99.99% of people, and yet: Paul writes about how God uses suffering for good Paul talks about God's love in spite of suffering Why we are better than conquerors even during trials Jesus is our "Big Brother" who talks to God for us There are so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https://
Jun 11, 2024•22 min•Ep 964•Transcript available on Metacast YHWH is with David during battle: David defeats the Philistines and takes Israeli land from them David defeats the Moabites Why did David defeat Moab if they were at peace? David defeats the Syrians Why did David kill the war horses? David defeats the Edomites The other leaders of Israel during the time of David Click all these links from P40: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// ...
Jun 10, 2024•20 min•Ep 963•Transcript available on Metacast David just heard that God was going to build him a house, so David: Prays humbly Glorifies God Gives thanks Asks for a blessing Glorifies God again Reminds God of His promises There are so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact - Books -
Jun 07, 2024•18 min•Ep 962•Transcript available on Metacast Paul talks about suffering: All creation is suffering along with humanity Animals and nature have become corrupted due to the sin of humans Will animals go to heaven? God will some day make all things new Our suffering now is momentary when compared to eternity How to suffer well I know you need more: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact - je...
Jun 06, 2024•21 min•Ep 961•Transcript available on Metacast David looks around and realizes how much he has: David thinks it's wrong that his house is nicer than God's David offers to build a house for God God tells David He is grateful, but no thanks God blesses David immensely and builds David a house The 2 prophecies God mentions to David After you're done with that, check out these websites: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// www.fac...
Jun 05, 2024•19 min•Ep 960•Transcript available on Metacast Here's the discussion today: God doesn't condemn His own people The difference between the Law of Sin and Death and the Old Testament Law Are we following the flesh or are we following the Spirit? The ONE path to God God adopts us as His own children If you want to support the Bible Explained: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact - jenn@p40mi...
Jun 04, 2024•16 min•Ep 959•Transcript available on Metacast Michal, David's wife, doesn't appreciate what she sees: She despises David as he dances in front of God She doesn't care about the Ark's homecoming 3 reasons why she might have been so angry at David David's response to Michal Why resentment is so unhealthy for us Click all the links for more cool stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact -...
Jun 03, 2024•20 min•Ep 958•Transcript available on Metacast David decides that it's time to bring the Ark home, but it doesn't go as planned: Uzzah and Ahio transport the ark on a cart 3 reasons why Uzzah was wrong: Uzzah was prideful Uzzah was acting like a Phillistine Uzzah was disobedient God kills Uzzah for touching the Ark David is angry at God and puts the Ark in Obed-Edom's house God blesses Obed-Edom and David is happy about it Click all the links for more cool stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi -
May 31, 2024•22 min•Ep 957•Transcript available on Metacast Paul shares how much of a sinner he is: Paul says he does the opposite of what he knows he should do Is it a contradiction to say that Christians can still be slaves of sin? Why we still sin even after believing in Jesus 2 practical tips to heal from habitual sins I know you need more: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact - jenn@p40ministries...
May 30, 2024•19 min•Ep 956•Transcript available on Metacast David finally becomes a king: David conquers Jerusalem for Israel David gets many more wives and concubines David becomes greater and greater Are you better at handling success or trials? David communicates with God about the Philistines twice, and God gives a different answer each time Hey! Don't leave before looking at other P40 stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// www.fa...
May 29, 2024•25 min•Ep 955•Transcript available on Metacast Today, Jenn discusses divorce in depth: What Jesus says about divorce in Matthew Why was there an Old Testament Law about divorce? What about cases of abuse or cheating? Should separated people get divorced? Why God says He hates divorce How marriage is the picture of God and the church Mike Winger video on abuse in marriage: After you're done with that, check out these websites: Ko-Fi - YouTube - https://www.youtub...
May 28, 2024•21 min•Ep 954•Transcript available on Metacast As David rises to power, some traiterous people try to get a reward: After Abner dies, Ish-Bosheth loses all power As he sleeps, some of his men kill and behead him The men bring his head to David David is so angry, he executes the men on the spot Why David's reaction was right A lame little boy named Mephibosheth is introduced Click all the links for more cool stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - https://www.p40ministries...
May 24, 2024•17 min•Ep 953•Transcript available on Metacast In the last Romans episode, Paul talked about habitual sins. But now he talks about infrequent sins: Are little sins okay since we all have a sin nature? Everyone serves something... either God or sin If we are servants of God, why does Jesus say He no longer calls us "servants?" Sin cannot produce fruit, only righteousness can Jenn discusses her new grapevines Why it's better to serve God than sin There are so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube -
May 23, 2024•20 min•Ep 952•Transcript available on Metacast After Abner abandons Ish-Bosheth, he is in for a rude awakening: David forgives Abner, but Joab yells at David Joab hatches a scheme to kill Abner Abner is murdered Why were Joab's actions murder? David curses Joab and forces him to wear sackcloth and ashes Israel respects David when they see how he is mourning for Abner Hey! Look at this other P40 content! YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebo...
May 22, 2024•18 min•Ep 951•Transcript available on Metacast Here's why Christians shouldn't keep sinning even though God shows us grace: Sin is part of the "old nature" We were crucified with Christ We get baptized We are raised to life with Christ We have many amazing benefits with Jesus We shouldn't grieve God I know you need more: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact - Books ...
May 21, 2024•20 min•Ep 950•Transcript available on Metacast Abner decides to join David's team: Abner sends a peace treaty deal to David David accepts but on one condition: bring back Michal Michal is taken from her husband who cries behind her The Hebrew word for "multiple" and why kings shouldn't have multiple wives Why it's important to study the Bible and not always trust commentaries David gives Abner a huge feast and forgives him Click all these links from P40: YouTube - Ko-Fi -
May 20, 2024•24 min•Ep 949•Transcript available on Metacast As war heats up between David and Ish-Bosheth: David suddenly has a lot more wives and a lot more children God's design for marriage and why it works Was Eglah David's first wife? The problems with David's sons Ish-Bosheth and Abner get into a fight and Abner threatens to switch sides Click all the links for more cool stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https://
May 17, 2024•17 min•Ep 948•Transcript available on Metacast Paul talks about the similarities and differences between Jesus and Adam: Adam was perfect and so was Jesus Adam changed the course of the world and so did Jesus Jesus brought life, but Adam brought death How to achieve eternal life What is heaven like? If you want to support the Bible Explained: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact - jenn@p4...
May 16, 2024•18 min•Ep 948•Transcript available on Metacast As time goes by, the two kings of Israel are destined to clash: Abner, Ishbosheth's commander, meets with Joab, David's commander The two men decide it's a good idea to make the meeting a gladiator sport Everyone in the gladiator ring dies and chaos ensues Abner kills Joab's brother Abner is seriously defeated in battle Everyone stops fighting and goes home Check out all these links from P40: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - ...
May 15, 2024•17 min•Ep 946•Transcript available on Metacast After writing 4 chapters about sin, Paul now writes about the uplifting benefits Christians receive: When we are justified by faith, we have peace with God God loved us so much because He died for us while we were enemies Faith in God gives us hope, but hope in what? How can we rejoice in terrible sufferings? Need more? I don't blame you! Click the links below to see other P40 stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - https://w...
May 14, 2024•22 min•Ep 945•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode: David moves to Hebron after God tells him to The tribe of Judah anoints David as king Meanwhile, Ish-bosheth is named king of Israel Abner's power grab David patiently waits for God to make him king over all Israel 3 character traits David has that God loves If you want to support the Bible Explained: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - Facebook - https://
May 13, 2024•20 min•Ep 944•Transcript available on Metacast David writes a famous poem for the death of Saul: Is the book of Jashar a lost book of the Bible? David writes many kind things about Saul and Jonathon Why would David say that Saul was "pleasant?" David says Jonathon's love was better than women. What does that mean? 3 reasons why David chose to show honor to Saul in his death There are so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube - Ko-Fi - Website - https://www...
May 10, 2024•18 min•Ep 943•Transcript available on Metacast