Here's the discussion in today's episode: Paul encounters a demon-possessed slave girl Does the demon inside her state the truth? Why does Paul exorcise the demon? Why didn't Paul exorcise the demon sooner? Why did the demon coerce the girl to follow Paul's team around? Paul and Silas are arrested for looking like Jews Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Here's other amazing content from P40! YouTube -
Dec 21, 2023•18 min•Ep 848•Transcript available on Metacast Here's what happens in today's episode: The Israelites and the Philistines go to war Are Palestinians descended from Philistines? The Israelites have a defeat and they decide it would be a good idea to take the ark into the next battle Why taking the ark into battle was a bad idea The prophecy comes true Save babies with Seven Weeks whole bean or ground coffee: An ancient potshard that recorded the Ark's wanderings:
Dec 20, 2023•20 min•Ep 847•Transcript available on Metacast Why does God sometimes shut doors? Find out: Paul and Silas go on the 2nd missionary journey Timothy, a half-greek boy, is introduced to the party Why did Paul ask Timothy to be circumcised? Paul is blocked from spreading the gospel in Asia God shut the doors for Paul, but opened others Paul heads to Europe Save little babies and support P40 with Seven Weeks Coffee: After you're done with that, check out these websites: YouTube -
Dec 19, 2023•23 min•Ep 746•Transcript available on Metacast In today's episode: Eli's prophecy retold YHWH talks to Samuel Samuel doesn't have faith in YHWH yet, so he wakes up Eli three times God tells Samuel about the Eli's prophecy Samuel grows up and becomes a competent leader When God is on your side, your plans will succeed Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Here's other amazing content from P40 Ministries YouTube - Website - https://www.p40...
Dec 18, 2023•21 min•Ep 845•Transcript available on Metacast Why should parents discipline children? See why: Eli complains to his sons but they refuse to listen YHWH brings a message to Eli about his terrible sons Why God "hardens hearts" and what that really means Parents are responsible for raising well-adjusted adults Another Old Testament prophecy about Jesus Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Here's other amazing content from P40 Ministries YouTube -
Dec 15, 2023•23 min•Ep 844•Transcript available on Metacast A fight breaks out between Paul and Barnabas? Here's what happens: The early church receives a letter that is very encouraging Why the Gentiles needed to follow certain OT Laws Paul and Barnabus get into a heated conflict over John Mark The two men split and Paul gets a new partner 3 ways to keep the church unified: get rid of bad ideology, learn conflict resolution, and don't split over every little tradition How to practically apply these rules Save babies and drink great coffee - Use code SEV...
Dec 14, 2023•22 min•Ep 843•Transcript available on Metacast Hi Faithful Listeners, check out what we are chatting about today: Eli's sons are really bad people Hophni and Phineas steal meat and are violent How these men disrespect God's home Samuel, a child, does a better job than the priests Hannah is blessed with 5 more kids Save babies and drink great coffee - Use code SEVEN for 10% off Be sure to click every link: YouTube - Website - Facebo...
Dec 13, 2023•17 min•Ep 842•Transcript available on Metacast Here's the discussion today: The disciples discuss whether or not Gentiles should convert to Judaism in order to be saved James responds to Peter's experience The church sends a letter explaining what laws the Gentiles should follow A quick discussion on Romans 14 Why we should always be sensitive of other people's sensitivities Save babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Click all the links for other cool stuff: YouTube -
Dec 12, 2023•19 min•Ep 841•Transcript available on Metacast In today's episode: Hannah fulfills her vow and drops off her only child at the Temple forever Humility is important when talking to God Why God hates pride and arrogance so much Why Americans and westerners need to be more humble Save little babies and support P40 with Seven Weeks Coffee: After you're done with that, check out these websites: YouTube - Website - Facebook - https:// ww...
Dec 11, 2023•21 min•Ep 840•Transcript available on Metacast A rundown of today's episode: Hannah has to wait longer even though God has every intention of answering her prayer Hannah's vow to God - was it a bad idea? Did Hannah try to go back on her vow? Hannah has a baby and names him Samuel Samuel's new home Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Check out all these links from P40: YouTube - Website - Facebook - https:/...
Dec 08, 2023•20 min•Ep 839•Transcript available on Metacast In today's episode, here's what you'll discover: Some men spread the false narrative to a Gentile church that they need to follow the Old Testament in order to be saved Paul, Barnabus, and Peter discuss the question further Peter states that grace is all that's needed for salvation Do the OT laws matter nowadays? Should Christians keep the OT laws? Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Here's other amazing content from P40! YouTube - ...
Dec 07, 2023•23 min•Ep 838•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome to season 7! A woman named Hannah is introduced Was Hannah the first or second wife of Elkanah? Hannah was barren and really wanted a child Eli the priest/judge is introduced Eli thinks Hannah is drunk while she prays to YHWH The peace God gives when we pray to Him Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee There's so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube - Website - https://w...
Dec 06, 2023•21 min•Ep 837•Transcript available on Metacast For the last episode of season 6, we discuss: Paul and Barnabus get persecuted and almost killed in Iconium The people of Lystra try to worship Paul and Barnabus How Jupiter, Zeus, and Baal are all the same god Minutes later, the people of Lystra try to stone Paul Did Paul die? Paul finishes his missionary journey and heads home Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Here's other amazing content from P40 Ministries YouTube - https://ww...
Dec 05, 2023•24 min•Ep 836•Transcript available on Metacast What we discuss today: Boaz asks the nearer kinsman to "redeem" Ruth A discussion of Deuteronomy 25 and the Leverite Law A happy ending to a sad beginning Ruth has a son after years of infertility Why God sometimes doesn't give you something you want Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Here's other amazing content from P40! YouTube - Website - Facebook - https...
Dec 04, 2023•22 min•Ep 835•Transcript available on Metacast A breakdown of today's episode: Naomi tells Ruth to propose to Boaz Boaz is threshing grain and falls asleep Ruth uncovers Boaz's feet - what does this mean? Did Ruth and Boaz make love on the threshing floor? Was Boaz married? Why Ruth was secretive Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Click all the links for other cool stuff: YouTube - Website - Facebook - ht...
Dec 01, 2023•28 min•Ep 834•Transcript available on Metacast Jenn invited Gregory Koukl back on the podcast to discuss his new book Street Smarts. Here's a breakdown of the episode: Greg shares several ways in which we can present the gospel to a hostile world Questions keep you safe Start with a comfortable conversation to see what they believe Ask them why they believe what they believe Using questions to make a point about God How to share the gospel to atheists Get a copy of Greg's new book Street Smarts here:
Nov 30, 2023•34 min•Ep 833•Transcript available on Metacast Here's the discussion in this episode: An analogy of how poor Ruth would be in the modern day The socioeconomic status of Boaz Naomi is shocked at the kindness of Boaz The reason Boaz took care of Ruth from the beginning Why Boaz is someone we should emulate Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Here's other amazing content from P40! YouTube - Website - Facebook...
Nov 29, 2023•15 min•Ep 832•Transcript available on Metacast Jenn chats about these topics in this episode: Paul shares the Gospel and the Gentiles like it The Gentiles ask Paul to speak more The Temple is overflowing with Gentiles The Jewish elders are angry and jealous The Jewish elders stir up the women to tell lies about Paul and Barnabas Why selfish ambition and greed always lead to problems Why I am neither Calvinist nor Arminian: Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee https://...
Nov 28, 2023•22 min•Ep 831•Transcript available on Metacast The discussion today: Ruth meets a wealthy farm owner named Boaz Boaz happened to be the "Guardian" Did Boaz think Ruth was a babe? How God rewarded Boaz for his generosity and kindness Why Boaz is someone we should aspire to imitate Protect babies and drink great coffee - Use code SEVEN for 10% off Be sure to click every link for the full P40 experience: YouTube - Website - Facebook -...
Nov 27, 2023•20 min•Ep 830•Transcript available on Metacast Here's the chat today: Who wrote the book of Ruth? Naomi and her family are introduced All the men in Naomi's family die Ruth has a heart change and starts to worship YHWH Ruth travels to Bethlehem with Naomi Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Here's other amazing content from P40! YouTube - Website - Facebook - https:// Contact...
Nov 22, 2023•21 min•Ep 829•Transcript available on Metacast This episode in a nutshell: John Mark leaves the group for some reason; Paul is not happy about this Paul preaches in a different Antioch What is the point of the Old Testament for modern Christians? Evidence of how God doesn't just strike people dead all the time Why did Jesus have to rise again on the 3rd day? Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Here's other amazing content from P40! YouTube -
Nov 21, 2023•22 min•Ep 828•Transcript available on Metacast A breakdown of the episode: Israel continues to go from one extreme to the next All of Benjamin is basically slaughtered 2 silly vows taken Israel encourages woman-stealing The Benjamites get wives and are able to survive Why your "heart" can't guide you Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee I know you need more: YouTube - Website - Facebook - https:// www.faceb...
Nov 20, 2023•23 min•Ep 827•Transcript available on Metacast You may notice that there is no music in today's episode. That's because I messed up an audio preset. I was not able to fix it without redoing the entire episode! So sorry about that! Music will be as usual in the next episode :) Here's what we chat about today: Israel goes from one extreme to the next Benjamin is defeated through ambushes Gibeah is destroyed God's justice is shown Feelings should not determine actions Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee https://sevenwe...
Nov 17, 2023•17 min•Ep 826•Transcript available on Metacast Here's a rundown of this episode: Paul, Barnabas, and John Mark prepare for the first organized missionary journey of the early church The Holy Spirit speaks Paul meets a crazy Jew named "son of Jesus" who is a sorcerer and also a false teacher Paul strikes the sorcerer with blindness A Roman official becomes a Christian Jenn discusses why the church needs to be a lot more like Paul and lot less worried about hurting feelings Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee https://...
Nov 16, 2023•19 min•Ep 825•Transcript available on Metacast Here's what Jenn chats about today: The Israelites hesitate to do what needs done The Israelites are slaughtered by the tribe of Benjamin... they don't seem to care Israel cries to God and God responds How the church is similar to the Israelites Why the church should never compromise on the truth to appease the world Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Here's other amazing content from P40! YouTube -
Nov 15, 2023•21 min•Ep 824•Transcript available on Metacast In today's episode, here's what you'll experience: King Herod is angry with the region of Tyre and Sidon The cities get cozy with the King's personal aid Herod decides to give a speech and is immediately struck by an angel Herod's body is eaten by worms - what could this mean? Jenn talks about how God's justice will always prevail The good ending of Acts 12 Save little babies and support P40 with Seven Weeks Coffee: After you're done with that, check out the...
Nov 14, 2023•17 min•Ep 823•Transcript available on Metacast Here's what Jenn chats about: Isreal is united against the people of Benjamin Benjamin refuses to hand over the evil men who raped the concubine The Levite lies about the situation to make himself a victim Several ways Israel is not following the Old Testament Law Israel prepares for civil war as Benjamin gathers soldiers Support babies and drink good coffee - Seven Weeks Coffee - Use code SEVEN for 10% off Be sure to click every link: YouTube - https://www....
Nov 13, 2023•22 min•Ep 822•Transcript available on Metacast Here's what we chat about in today's ep: A Levite and his concubine stay at an old man's home The men of the city want to sodomize the Levite Is the 2nd amendment against Scripture? The Levite throws his concubine out to the men Judges 19 is the perfect snapshot of anti-YHWH Jenn discusses how society falls when self-worship and hedonism are prevalent Protect babies and drink great coffee - Use code SEVEN for 10% off Be sure to click every link: YouTube - ht...
Nov 10, 2023•22 min•Ep 821•Transcript available on Metacast Here's what Jenn chats about in this ep: Peter knocks at the door but is ignored The church can't believe that Peter is at the door Peter leaves and his story is pretty much ended Don't be surprised if God answers "big" prayers Herod kills all the guards Save little babies and support P40 with Seven Weeks Coffee: After you're done with that, check out these websites: YouTube - Website -
Nov 09, 2023•18 min•Ep 820•Transcript available on Metacast In today's episode, here's what we discuss: 5 sin problems you will find in today's passage A Levite takes a concubine Why the passage refers to them as married The father tries to get them to stay The Levite puts his family in danger by leaving at night Support babies and get quality coffee with Seven Weeks Coffee Here's other amazing content from P40! YouTube - Website - Facebook - h...
Nov 08, 2023•16 min•Ep 819•Transcript available on Metacast