A podcast journal, questioning the creative life. Questioning the assumptions underlying the life I’ve chosen – the penurious road of the struggling writer. Maybe the open vein is the best to drink from. Take a listen.
News Stories of the Year - Wikileaks, Acts of God TV of the Year - Boardwalk Empire, Walking Dead, Spartacus Blood and Sand, Movies of the year - A Profit, The Social Network, Network (1976), Scott Pilgrim Games of the Year - Minecraft, Sleep is Death, Pixeljunk Eden (2008) * Dylan Cuthbert Person of the year - Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, Justin Hall, Plato, Why the Lucky Stiff Personal Highlights of the year - Andrews trip to America, Johns trip to Italy, Marshmallow Ladyboy Jesus, Cheaper...
A mini-documentary about my first trip to America in 2006. Download: East Coast / West Coast While I was at the anti DRM demonstration at Apples 5th avenue store, I also interviewed a member of New Yorker’s for Fair Use, Jay Sulzberger. The interview was too long to include in the program, but if you’re interested […]