Professor Gary Foley on his life in activism
Professor Gary Foley joins Daniel James, host of The Mission , to talk about his life in activism and the origins of Blak/Palestinian solidarity, as well as America's influence on Australia.
Professor Gary Foley joins Daniel James, host of The Mission , to talk about his life in activism and the origins of Blak/Palestinian solidarity, as well as America's influence on Australia.
Daniel chats with multi-talented, Yorta Yorta man and self-proclaimed 'Senator' Adam Briggs and the Co-Chair of the First Nations Assembly of Victoria, Gunditjmara man Rueben Berg. They tackle ongoing concerns and public opinion surronding the up-coming referendum on the Voice To Parliament, Dan Andrews sudden resignation as Victorian Premier and the Now & Forever Concert taking place in Shepparton on the 6th of October featuring Baker Boy, Hilltop Hoods & more.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander listeners are advised that this episode contains the names of people who have passed away. Daniel James analyses the current state of The Voice Referendum with Ian Hamm. Ian is a Yorta Yorta man from the Stolen Generation, he has extensive government and community sector experience and is a board member of the Healing Foundation. They discuss the implications of Jacinta Price’s claims that colonisation has had a ‘positive impact’ on First Nations Australians...
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander listeners are advised that this episode contains the names of people who have passed away. Lawyer Dr Tamar Hopkins and VALS CEO Nerita Waight join Daniel James on The Mission. Daniel and Tamar discuss how communities were targeted by police during the 2020 lockdowns and the conflicting statements presented by Victoria Police in response. Daniel and Nerita discuss reforms to state bail laws, including Poccum’s Law being pushed by the family of Veronica Nelson...
Wurundjeri woman and Yoorrook Justice Commissioner Sue-Anne Hunter joins Daniel James of The Mission . The pair discuss the Commission's Report into the Child Protection and Criminal Justice Systems and the urgent need for reform in both areas. They also discuss the Voice referendum dates and the current state of the polls.
Daniel James and Jacinta Parsons reunite for Radiothon 2023. They discuss all things Triple R, Radiothon, read out new subscriber names and talk about what it means to support The Mission through subscribing.
Daniel James speaks to Rueben Berg and Ngarra Murray, newly elected Co-Chairs of First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, about the Treaty and the Voice to Parliament.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander listeners are advised that this episode contains the names of people who have passed away. Daniel James pays tribute to Veronica Nelson and reflects on the latest bail law reforms. He also speaks to GetUp's CEO Larissa Baldwin-Roberts about the referendum & esteemed writer Melissa Lucashenko about Aboriginal identity.
Daniel James opens the show with a tribute to Yunupingu, Yolŋu leader and campaigner for Indigenous rights. He's then joined by Jamie Lowe, a Gunditjmara Djabwurrung man, and the CEO of the National Native Title Council. He joins the show to discuss the recent success of the Eastern Maar people in their Native Title claim, and the plans to develop and support culture on the land. With presenter Daniel James. Program Page:
Chair of the Queensland Law Society Children’s Law Committee, Damian Bartholomew, talks about concerns regarding the Queensland government's tough on crime laws and how they could impact the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in that state; Gunditjimara man and Health Ambassador for the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS), Alan Brown, then joins the show to discuss the 50th anniversary of VAHS, from its humble beginnings in Gertrude Street, to the multi-dimensional service it...
Aunty Muriel Bamblett AO, a Yorta Yorta and Dja Dja Wurrung woman, CEO of Victoria Aboriginal Child Care Agency and representative of Closing the Gap, discusses the Australian Government releasing its second Closing the Gap Implementation Plan, alongside the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations (Coalition of Peaks) annual Implementation Plan. And Worimi man Professor John Maynard explains the long history of the fight for Indigenous representation in Australia's ...
Aunty Geraldine Atkinson, proud Bangerang/Wiradjuri warrior woman and Co-Chair of the First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria, explains the complex Treaty process in Victoria. Daniel is also joined by proud Kirrae Whurrong, Gundijitmarra, Gunai Kurnai woman Tanya McDonald, Lecturer in Children's Health and Community, Charles Darwin University, to discuss crime in Alice Springs. With presenter Daniel James. Program Page:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander listeners are advised that this episode contains the names of people who have died. Nerita Waight, CEO Of Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS), talks with Daniel about the Coronial findings into the death of Yorta Yorta woman Veronica Nelson at Dame Phyllis Frost Centre. With presenter Daniel James.
Yorta-Yorta man and Chairperson of the First Nations Foundation, Ian Hamm, drops by the studio to talk about the year in review and the challenges 2023 may hold in raising awareness around Indigenous social justice and bringing forth change. He also discusses an update on Treaty and the Uluru Statement heading into the new year. With presenter Daniel James. Program Page:
Meena Singh, Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People, joins Daniel to talk about her recent statement delivered to the Yoorrook Justice Commission. Their chat covers why government support for the field is urgent, and the emerging links to the previous Stolen Generation in many young Indigenous children being seized from their families. With presenter Daniel James. Program Page:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander listeners are advised that this episode contains the names of people who have died. Former Chairperson of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee Glenda Chalker talks to Daniel about her role in promoting awareness around the 1816 Appin massacre and why formally recognising that fatal day matters. Then, Megan Krakouer, Project Director of the National Suicide Prevention & Trauma Recovery Project, joins Daniel to discuss the shocking suicide r...
Playwright and Yorta Yorta/Gunaikurnai woman Andrea James discusses her new project ‘Sunshine Supergirl’ at the MTC, and the process in getting it to the theatre stage. Then, speaker, MC and proud Tati Tati, Wadi Wadi, Muti Muti and Wamba Wamba man Troy Benjamin talks with Daniel about this year’s ‘We’re Black Again’ night and the unique importance of Indigenous comedy and entertainment. With presenter Daniel James. Program Page:
Bunurong-based artist and head of Kaptify Art, Adam Magennis discusses his early influences, his unique creative process, and the Queen Victoria Market’s recent decision to remove and ban “inauthentic” Indigenous Art from their stalls. And Madison Connors, a proud Yorta Yorta, Dja Dja Wurrung and Gamilaroi artist, explains how identity and culture shapes art and the ways in which artists can raise awareness surrounding key Indigenous issues through their work. Check out Adam’s work on his Instag...
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander listeners are advised that this episode contains the names of people who have died. In this episode, Daniel reflects on the State funeral service held for Indigenous actor, Elder and activist Uncle Jack Charles. Daniel is also joined by Torres-Strait Islander author Thomas Mayor to discuss his book "Finding the Heart of the Nation” and the Uluru Statement, a call for the establishment of a First Nations Voice in the Constitution. With presenter Daniel James....
Newly-elected WA Senator and Yamatji-Noongar woman Dorinda Cox discusses what her experience of parliament has been like thus far and how we can put a stop to the alarming rates of violence against First Nations women in Australia. And Sarah Schwartz, Principal Lawyer of Police & Prison Accountability at the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, examines the lack of police accountability in Victoria and the current failing system of handling police complaints. With presenter Daniel James....
Daniel is joined by fellow Triple R presenter Vanessa Morris and also Eddie Cubillo, an Associate Dean of Indigenous Research from Melbourne University, and a proud Larrakia man. Together they discuss the recent strides taken towards the Treaty in Victoria, the significance of the agreement and how the process may unfold. With presenter Daniel James.
Daniel Billy, member of the ‘Torres Strait Eight’, which recently recorded a historic win at the United Nations over the Morrison Government and its inaction on climate change, discusses how the campaign originated and how the whirlwind response to its success has felt. Then, Uncle Andrew Gardiner, a proud Wurundjeri man and member of the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria, critiques the Andrew government's controversial decision to rename Maroondah Hospital after the now-deceased Queen Elizabet...
Proud Arrernte/Kalkadoon woman Rachel Perkins discusses her new documentary series “The Australian Wars”, and explores why we fail to recognise our rugged history of imperialism and colonial violence. Then, Professor Sandy O’Sullivan, an Associate Professor in Creative Industries at the University of the Sunshine Coast, explains the cultural significance of Queen Elizabeth’s death, and what our response to the matter should look like. With presenter Daniel James.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander listeners are advised that this episode contains the names of people who have died. In this episode, Daniel pays tribute to the life of actor and activist Uncle Jack Charles. Daniel plays an interview from 2019 with Uncle Jack, in which they discuss his book ‘A Born-Again Blakfella’, life on Cummeragunja Reserve, and why Aboriginal activism matters now more than ever. With presenter Daniel James.
Nerita Waight, CEO of the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS) discusses the effectiveness of Victoria’s police staffing allocation and how this influences the toxic “tough on crime” theme carried throughout Victoria’s election. And proud Bangerang and Wiradjuri Elder and First People's Assembly of Victoria Co-Chair Aunty Geraldine Atkinson explains the early details of the Victoria Treaty and how the process could now build momentum. With presenter Daniel James.
Michael Bell, Director of the Australian War Memorial, talks about recognising Indigenous servicemen and women who served during the Vietnam conflict. With host Daniel James. Website:
Proud Wamba Wamba, Yorta Yorta, Dhudhuroa and Dja Dja Wurrung woman Ngarra Murray, Executive Lead of Oxfam’s First Peoples Program, speaks about Oxfam's Straight Talk National Summit. Kicking off on August 14, the five-day summit sees more than 50 women from across the country gain invaluable insights into political processes and build on their skills to create positive change in their communities. And Nadine Miles, Principal Legal Officer at the NSW Aboriginal Legal Service, speaks about the si...
Proud Wiradjuri woman and Minister of Indigenous Affairs the Hon Linda Burney MP talks about the proposed referendum that would enshrine an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, and the steps needed to get there. Listeners also share their feelings and memories on the music and life of Archie Roach after his passing this week, and this episode is dedicated to him. With presenter Daniel James. Website:
Dunghutti woman June Riemer, Deputy CEO, First People's Disability Network, talks about the Royal Commission hearings into the NDIS, and the NDIA failing First Nations People; and descendent of the Tagalaka people, Victor Steffensen, Lead Fire Practitioner of the Firesticks Alliance & filmmaker, author, musician, and consultant, explains how traditional Indigenous cultural burning can provide insight into the horrific results of the recently released 2022 State of the Environment Report. Wit...
Shelley Ware, Proud Yankunyjatjara and Wirangu woman, and formerly part of the ground-breaking NITV football program Marngrook, speaks about the 'Stop It At The Start' campaign that aims to reduce violence against women and their children; and Productivity Commissioner Lisa Gropp talks about the new draft protections for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visual arts and crafts that have been proposed by the Productivity Commission. With presenter Daniel James. Website: