Eye floaters, rescue bees, drinking blood
Why do I always hiccup and burp at the same time? Do birds recognise their own reflection? Why does my dog steal my socks? Dr Karl answers these questions and more, on triple j mornings with host Lucy Smith.
Why do I always hiccup and burp at the same time? Do birds recognise their own reflection? Why does my dog steal my socks? Dr Karl answers these questions and more, on triple j mornings with host Lucy Smith.
What is Mars's role in Indigenous astronomy? Why are snail trails shiny? How do extinct animals come back? Dr Karl answers these questions and more, on triple j mornings with Corey Tutt from Deadly Science, Karlie Noon from Sydney Observatory and host Lucy Smith.
Why can I predict the rain? When's everything going back to normal? How did we draw maps before satellites? Dr Karl answers these questions and more, on triple j mornings with host Lucy Smith.
Can i change my tastebuds? Can i overcome my food intolerance? Does eating affect my mood? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith and Professor Clare Collins from the University of Newcastle.
How does weather affect our mood? Can a chicken produce a fertile egg without a rooster? How do some people grow out of their allergies? Dr Karl answers these questions and more, on triple j mornings with host Lucy Smith.
Why does seeing babies make me want to have babies? Do you start looking like your partner? Can I fall in love via smell? Dr Karl answers these questions and more, on triple j mornings with host Lucy Smith.
A special COVID edition of Science with Dr Karl this week. We answer all your questions with the host of the ABC's Coronacast Tegan Taylor & Professor Marc Pellegrini - joint head of infectious diseases and immune defence at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne.
Why do we want to squeeze cute things? Do birds feel G-Force when changing direction? Will my semen trigger my partners allergies? Dr Karl answers these questions and more, on triple j mornings with host Lucy Smith
Should you soap your genitals? Do ducklings ever change their order? Can muscle memory be hereditary? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
Which came first; the chicken or the egg? Why does cutting onions make me cry? Does my pee always come out in the same direction? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Bryce Mills.
Why is the sky Blue? Why do boiled eggs explode in the microwave? Why are some planets called 'Gas Giants'? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
How do we create blood? Do animals have a sense of humour? Do birds like flying? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
Can you catch a ride on a comet? Why does coffee work some mornings and not others? How do trees produce Oxygen? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
What's the difference between a virus and bacteria? Do ants feel hot water? What would happen if everyone started eating a plant based diet? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
When you lose weight, where does it go? Why does the shower steam when the water isn't boiling? Are bees loyal to one hive? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
Former NASA astronaut & deep sea explorer Kathryn Sullivan is our special guest today, answering all your space/ocean questions with Dr Karl.
Has the ocean always been salty? Can we turn lead to gold? Is there any science behind star signs? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
Where does dust come from ? Have we measured the speed of thought? Is there science behind the 5 second rule ? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
Is choccy milk the best post-workout beverage? Why aren't we disgusted by our own body odour? If someone is blind from birth, can they dream? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
Could you last on a deserted island, Tom Hanks style? Are bananas actually healthy? Is my vegetarian diet affecting my PCOS? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith and Professor Clare Collins from the University of Newcastle
What happens if I fall into the deepest hole on earth? Could my dog get COVID-19? How does Dr Karl's brain work? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
Would Superman outrun COVID-19? Why do I pee more when I'm camping? Do oranges actually help at half-time? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
What happens when we run out of oil? How long does the human brain last? How do anaesthetics knock us out? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
Why do dead people still get goosebumps? What happens if two black holes collide? Why do you feel worse after a long nap? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
Do you hear the voice in your head or do you think you think it? why does eating chilli make you feel good? does the sun rotate? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
Has the weather been impacted by the Coronavirus? Can you smell when someone is on their period? Was COVID-19 created in a lab? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith and Science reporter Olivia Willis from ABC News.
Can dogs be left or right handed? Where does the wax go when you burn a candle? How many coffees are too many coffees?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
Has evolution made our farts louder? Do rabbits see colour? How do I survive a plane crash?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith.
Can Wearing a hat make you go bald? Can you physically feel a vibe or someone’s energy? Is it possible to crush someone’s head Game of Thrones-style? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Karla Ranby, filling in for Lucy Smith.
When can we go to music festivals again? Can you store a fart in a jar? Can exercising make you orgasm? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings, with host Lucy Smith and Dr Norman Swan from the ABC's Coronacast podcast ,