EYS2307 Cam's Retirement From Challenge Politics
Responding to fan mail, Killah Cam making moves, a new challenger enters the ring.
Responding to fan mail, Killah Cam making moves, a new challenger enters the ring.
An actual daily!, house drama, Shane drama, lots'o'bangin.
"Purge" challenge, CT is whack, basically nothing else happens.
Paulie's power moves, random house drama, Johnny gaslighting Shane.
Britni girl you crazy, Brad somehow the sane one, more drama, more twists, unfair eliminations.
What is Bad Girl's Club, Redemption House still stinks, Tony Time, Derrick still stinks, Britni.
Early eliminations, early fights, the return of the worst Challenge format ever.
Newbies abound, nobody cares about the newbies, top team rankings, the mysterious case of the missing Banana.
Still Tonytime, Leroy goes hard, Zack continues to suck, just SAY IT Cara.
Tonytime, Natalie stinks, BURGER KING, don't trust the troika.
Leroy is scared, Devin's team sucks, Brutal eliminations, Bridget reveals her weight.
IT'S TONY TIME, Kailah is awful, the greatest elimination ever.
Devin gets hosed, Cara gets hosed, Nelson gets hosed, Leroy isn't dead.
Leroy doesn't really die, the best elimination round ever, the worse challenge round ever, Cara Maria is wack.
John picks the troika, V goes in, Shane gets dominated (in a good way), return of some familiar faces.
The note, everyone swims, Shane is whack, Tony makes sweet love to Johnny.
Killa Cam, Crazy Brad, Melissa the villain, beardplugsgate.
Pizzagate, Brad is a psycho, sex on camera is fine but undignified, garbage eating challenge, garbage quiz challenge.
Spain's dirty water, Nicole dirty moves, what's the deal with Natalie, Cory is the worst of all time
Ghost Eddie, the troika, the inquisition, crazy Brad, British backstabbers.
Joss beast mode, new cast members, sloppy Marie, crazy eyes, Brits.
Dirty Thirty ending, Champs vs Stars is awful, trying to keep doing this podcast thing.
Running with Tori, ignore the fact that 112 doesn't exist, 20lb rocks, Hunter's hand, Jordan's knee,TJ quits.
TJ's big reveal, Jordan is sexy, Derek hates Camila, Kailah's a sports(wo)man, CT still got it.
Big moves, big eliminations, bye bye Jonathan Banana, Crazy Cara, baby.
Baby, Hunter is the worst, Nelson is also the worst, the importance of being Derek, sharing underwear.
Racism in the Challenge house, Tony is a scumbag, NellyT wants to be Hunter when he grows up, the Queen.
Cliffhangers are annoying, Tony and Camilla round 2, The redemption house continues to suck, TJ continues to be great, Trivia challenge. Music: Bensound.
Aneesa's ankle, Redemption House returns (Ammo does not), TJ loves pain, Veronica is just a friend, Kailah continues winning. Music: Bensound.
Jordan Single-Handedly Ruining The House, Much Ammo About Nothing, Booty, TJ's Wifey, Picking UP The Pace. Music: Bensound