Today, we'll talk about the four steps I'd take if I needed to start a startup in 2025. We'll also talk about idiots. We begin by embracing the reality that both founders and customers are irrational. Then, we build out steps and a process to address this. We start with a life audit, increase our Luck Surface Area, tackle the unit economics of working with one customer, and build out a system for accountability. This is a fun episode - one of my favorites in a while. Tacklebox - code "MuchAdoAbo...
Jan 10, 2025•27 min•Ep 171•Transcript available on Metacast Today is episode two of testing an idea (AI for Parenting) live on the pod. We use a second round of interviews to go deep on the actual problem we're solving for parents, pull inspiration from an AI tool in the dementia care space, and end up with a Wedge product that'll use voice notes to reduce the pain of handoffs. We also hit on one of my favorite tactics - The Pain Text. Hot Frosty is in there, too, because why not. Tacklebox Customer Interview Workshop You And Your Research - Richard Hamm...
Jan 02, 2025•25 min•Ep 170•Transcript available on Metacast Today is day one of testing an idea live on the pod. We talk through how to turn a big, broad idea (AI for Parenting) into something actionable, the three questions every startup must answer, and how to balance curiosity with focus. Also, we talk about both my son and trees swaying to Bruno Mars. Tacklebox Granola 00:30 Intro - Testing a Startup Idea Live 03:01 The Three Questions for Any Startup 04:40 Where Magic Comes From 07:44 Smooth Jazz 08:16 Who’s it For + What’ll it Help Them Do? 12:32 T...
Dec 11, 2024•18 min•Ep 169•Transcript available on Metacast A special Thanksgiving mailbag episode answering your biggest questions (plus a holiday deal for the dedicated listeners who aren't too busy with pumpkin pie). We tackle the one thing you should actually be doing with AI right now, why competition is often the best thing that could happen to your startup, and the single most important habit every founder needs to build. Plus, Derek Jeter makes a surprise appearance to ask about imposter syndrome, and we break down why choosing the right TV show ...
Nov 27, 2024•21 min•Ep 168•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we'll dig in on three approaches that separate how pros and amateurs build businesses. We'll talk through how pros leverage existing infrastructure, how they use anti-marketing to build trust with strangers, and how they don't leave luck and serendipity to chance - they orchestrate it. We'll do this with help from stories about Frank Sinatra, a comedian in an Uber, and a founder starting a GMAT course for people looking to score 800 (and for those people only). And, Hey Jealousy by the Gi...
Nov 21, 2024•22 min•Ep 167•Transcript available on Metacast Most founders hope to get lucky. But luck isn't random - it can (and has to be) engineered. Today we'll break down exactly what luck is and how you can reverse engineer it. We'll help you identify Luck Gatekeepers and build your Luck Budget. You'll never think about entrepreneurial luck the same way again. PARTNER: XLR8 Dev Tacklebox (code Holiday for 50% off month one) Graham Weaver Timestamps: 00:30 How to get lucky 03:11 Story Time: Getting Press for 3Degrees 11:06 12:32 The Five ...
Nov 13, 2024•20 min•Ep 166•Transcript available on Metacast Today we'll dig in on productizing your customer's first step. This is the best path to building a product that generates revenue immediately so that you've got some runway and flexibility to build. We'll walk through a few examples, including a Family Operating System that came in at 3am last Thanksgiving from a listener. Tacklebox (50% off with code Holiday) Timestamps 00:30 The Thanksgiving Startup Idea - The Family Operating System 05:24 Smooth Jazz, with an Offer 06:06 Productize the First ...
Nov 08, 2024•21 min•Ep 165•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we dive into the Always Work and Never Work Lists to pull out a method that's immeasurably useful for our founders: The 5-Minute List. A system that helps you turn scattered pockets of time into meaningful work - rebranding "Sand" tasks (from the Sand and Stones framework) to "Pebbles." We leverage AI to break intimidating projects down and minimize transition time to remove all friction. XLR8 Dev Tacklebox Workshops The Midnight Library Sand and Stones Episode of Idea to Startup Deep Wor...
Oct 31, 2024•19 min•Ep 164•Transcript available on Metacast Today we talk through the three types of problems that deserve a solution. We start off with a few higher level thoughts about problems and startups - specifically around achievement incentives and how some bad early decisions usually can't be salvaged by good decisions later on. Then we talk through Hole Problems, Teleporter Problems, and Status Level Jump Problems. Tacklebox Customer Interview Workshop Getting God at the Wrong Thing 00:40 The Types of Problems Customers Will Solve 01:00 Manhat...
Oct 24, 2024•23 min•Ep 163•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we talk through the Silk Sheet Problem - how to do something new and hard when your life is fairly... comfortable. We help a listener get started on their idea - an AI tutor's assistant - with three shortcuts to set their life up in a way that makes it easier to start a startup than to not. We talk through Just-In-Time Prep, Forcing Functions, and life design. This episode is meant to be a blueprint for you to take action and keep momentum. Tacklebox Customer Interview Workshop Idea to St...
Oct 17, 2024•23 min•Ep 162•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we talk through how to write compelling copy. We go through a few counterintuitive archetypes you can use to dramatically increase the clarity of your messaging, which will allow you to increase your conversion rate and get more people involved earlier in the process. Copywriting is an idea-testing superpower. Tacklebox Workshops 00:33 When Copy Becomes Important 02:40 Why You’re a Bad Writer 05:40 Is This Anything? 06:50 Byldd 07:55 The Big Misunderstanding 10:45 Reverse Architect Copy 1...
Oct 11, 2024•18 min•Ep 161•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we're going to talk about one of the best things Brian has learned in 40 years of living. We'll talk through why embracing discomfort is crucial for personal growth and happiness, learn how to generate innovative ideas by adopting a "documentary approach" to life, and find out what Taco Bell has to do with prioritizing your day. Tacklebox Workshops The Daniel Tiger SOP Timestamps 00:30 Intro - Discomfort Leads to Happiness 01:33 Discomfort is Front-Loaded + The Happiness Equation 07:43 Ob...
Oct 04, 2024•20 min•Ep 160•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we'll help you think through a deceptively tough question - are you a freelancer or an entrepreneur? Every decision you make needs to nest neatly below this core decision for your business to work, but tons of founders are either trying to do both simultaneously or think they're one when they're really the other. We clarify the difference between freelancer and entrepreneur, help you decide which will make you happier, and get you started on the path for whichever you choose. Tacklebox Se...
Sep 27, 2024•25 min•Ep 159•Transcript available on Metacast Today is the last episode in our four-part series helping a doctor test a business idea live on the pod. We follow as they execute their Concierge MVP - teaching productivity skills to fellow physicians. We dive into the process for building a product from scratch (with no code or experience), and talk through how to navigate the fears that'll naturally pop up. Finally, we help the doctor translate the insights they pulled from the CMVP into their next steps on the business. Byldd Tacklebox Idea...
Sep 20, 2024•25 min•Ep 158•Transcript available on Metacast In part three of testing a startup idea live on the pod, we dive into the Concierge MVP - a crucial step in validating a startup idea by manually solving your customer's problem. We break down the four key ingredients of a Concierge MVP and follow our doctor friend as he builds one for his productivity idea, highlighting both the process and the fears that come with it. Episode 1 in the series: The Idea Episode 2 in the series : Acquiring Customers Tacklebox Idea to Startup Newsletter One Person...
Sep 12, 2024•22 min•Ep 157•Transcript available on Metacast Today is Part 2 of starting a startup live on the pod. We focus on finding and engaging potential customers through Brute Force Customer Acquisition and dig in on value creation using the Delta 4 framework. The entrepreneur we're helping experiences an epiphany about what his doctor customers truly need, challenging his initial assumptions and forcing him to pivot his approach. Tacklebox Byldd Idea to Startup Newsletter Delta Four 00:30 Intro - Last Week’s Episode 04:18 Brute Force Customer Acqu...
Sep 05, 2024•18 min•Ep 156•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we'll start a startup live on the pod. A listener wrote in with an idea in the shifting healthcare space and we pursue it over the next few episodes. We start from square one, digging into what's actually valuable about the idea with the 90% Wrong Principle, using the Four Question framework to pull out assumptions, and finally judging the viability of early customers with the Committed vs. Interested Test. It's a fun start to a series where we'll build a business in real-time. 90% Wrong ...
Aug 28, 2024•22 min•Ep 155•Transcript available on Metacast Today we'll help you find and choose the right startup idea. We'll use a couple of frameworks to help you evaluate startup ideas you've got and find startup ideas other people miss. We talk through the Hard Startup Myth and The Hassle Premium, two mental models that'll make sure your next idea has legs. We'll also evaluate Tinder for Jobs and learn a lesson from the great Frank Prisinzano. Byldd Tacklebox Frank's Crispy Egg video + instagram Personal MBA 00:27 Intro 01:35 Are All the Good Ideas ...
Aug 22, 2024•20 min•Ep 154•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we'll talk through how to identify and pursue the big, consequential ideas - what we'll call Quests. We go through how to identify them, how to wrap our arms around them, and what to do when you (inevitably) feel intimidated. We'll do it with a little help from the 90 Yard Mistake, a ghost kitchen idea, and some chronic pain interviews. Quest (drink). Tacklebox Idea to Startup Newsletter Idea to Startup Bot Choose Good Quests Timestamps: 00:24 Intro - Becoming a Parent 05:21 The Hard Stuf...
Aug 15, 2024•26 min•Ep 153•Transcript available on Metacast Hard problems are the only problems worth your time, but they're not always easy to find. Today, we'll talk about how to root them out. We'll dig in on decisions customers avoid and how to use those decisions to anchor early traction. We'll also talk through one of Brian's favorite current businesses - a guy who buys used cars for you. Byldd Tacklebox Idea to Startup Newsletter Idea to Startup Bot 0:27 Intro - Noticing What People Hate 05:00 The Car Problem 07:52 BYLDD 09:15 Solving Hard Problem...
Aug 08, 2024•20 min•Ep 152•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we'll talk about my favorite item from the Always Work List from a few weeks back - the Daniel Tiger SOP. Entrepreneurship requires you to do uncomfortable stuff constantly. This gets overwhelming and leads to founders sticking with the well-worn, safe path. That leads to startups with no differentiator and no reason to exist. The Daniel Tiger SOP helps you turn intimidating tasks into manageable ones. It lets you travel a unique road, which leads to a unique product. It's as good a techn...
Aug 01, 2024•19 min•Ep 151•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we'll help you build a system for creativity. We'll start by defining creativity as an equation to make it more accessible. Then, we'll develop a system that focuses on the inputs of the creativity equation. We talk through the Commonplace Book, Commencement Speeches, a sports writer and the movie Sahara. Then, we get into the weeds on how to set up and implement your own personal creativity system. Tacklebox Weekly Podcast Newsletter The Great Talks, Lectures, and Speeches of History Not...
Jul 25, 2024•22 min•Ep 150•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we'll talk through a landing page system that'll help you find a great initial customer - one that can anchor your business. We'll talk through the circle framework, as well as the One Person Landing Page and the Emotion / Logistics / Urgency flow. This will help you identify the right customer to focus your product building efforts on. Tacklebox Owl City - Fireflies Daniel Priestley Unbounce Score 00:51 Intro - Landing Pages 03:21 Circles 10:00 Smooth Jazz 10:32 The One Person Landing Pa...
Jul 18, 2024•26 min•Ep 149•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we talk about how to price your startup. We touch on the four places to find margin, the Taco Bell pricing strategy, and using price to attract customers. We talk through pricing an AI assistant, basketball lessons, honey, and pilates. After this pod, you'll (hopefully) think about pricing your startup completely differently. Tacklebox Idea to Startup Newsletter The Bear Scene Tonies Idea to Startup Bot 00:34 Intro 02:00 Taco Bell Pricing 03:16 Forks and The Freakin’ Super Bowl 05:02 Stub...
Jul 11, 2024•25 min•Ep 148•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we'll help you figure out how to find and position your startup idea's value. We'll talk through the Need/Gap/Swap framework, go through a few startups doing the value thing well and poorly, and we'll talk about a Magician on the Upper West Side. Tacklebox How to Make $1,000 Today Idea to Startup Newsletter Idea to Startup Bot 01:25 Intro 02:32 Make as Much Money As You Can In One Week 10:13 Smooth Jazz 10:45 The Magician 14:22 Non-Alcoholic Drinks...
Jul 03, 2024•22 min•Ep 147•Transcript available on Metacast A throwback to the 6th ever episode of Idea to Startup - an episode that’s been listened to thousands of times and has a consumption rate at nearly 100%. Entrepreneurs can do anything, but they can’t do everything. How do you prioritize early on? How do you differentiate? This episode presents a framework that’ll ensure you work on the things that give your startup its best chance at success. Tacklebox Idea to Startup Newsletter Freedom Inbox Pause Essentialism Deep Work Getting Things Done The ...
Jun 20, 2024•24 min•Ep 146•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we dig into the Always Work and Never Work Lists - a method that'll help entrepreneurs make good decisions through the constant second guessing and self-doubt that a startup brings. We talk through examples from the lists and apply them to a moment Brian had to deal with recently. We get a little help from Goodfellas and Taylor Swift. Tacklebox Idea to Startup Newsletter Idea to Startup Bot Anti-Hero - I stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror - ( quietly a better version ) Good...
Jun 13, 2024•21 min•Ep 145•Transcript available on Metacast Today, we'll talk about content. Two of the most asked questions we get are "should I create content?" and "if I should... what the heck should I say?" Creating content feels daunting until you realize the best way to create content is to not create content. We go through how to do that, leaning on a few examples and a content generating framework. We also crown the best burrito in NYC. Tacklebox Dos Toros / El Gallo Bird by Bird 00:25 Intro 02:56 Why People Order Hot Habanero Sauce 07:45 Byldd ...
Jun 05, 2024•22 min•Ep 144•Transcript available on Metacast One of my favorite episodes in a while. Today, we talk about how you can stand out in a crowded market by looking at an exceptionally successful exterminator. We'll pull out four lessons that make a framework to create contrast between your business and your competitors. We'll talk through Customer Journey Mapping, the Feature Fold, how to take yourself seriously through pricing and the things other people stink at. And, we'll get a ton of help from the Mouse Man (and no help from Ruby). Tackleb...
May 30, 2024•24 min•Ep 143•Transcript available on Metacast One of the most listened to episodes in ITS history with an average consumption rate well over 100%. Today, we go through a Weekly Prioritization and Audit Framework for entrepreneurs. We'll hit on three giant shifts you'll likely need to make - ditching a to do list and moving to your calendar, weekly progress reports, and environment design. We get a little help from our friends in Finland along the way. For more info on the framework, subscribe to the Idea to Startup Insider Newsletter. Tackl...
May 22, 2024•27 min•Ep 142•Transcript available on Metacast