Lex and Not Lex
The results of Lex’s COVID test were: Negative! However…
The results of Lex’s COVID test were: Negative! However…
This episode covers three main topics: The Philadelphia Eagles, pithily. COVID, in brief. And fingernails, meanderingly.
On Super Bowl boxes, betting, and the lottery.
Ed and Harry: I don’t like you. Sorry. (Not sorry.)
Lex shares thoughts on the silly app BeReal.
Liam competed in the spelling bee. Spelling bees are awesome.
It’s possible the email notifications I have enabled aren’t good for me.
The unarmed security guards in Lex’s development won’t protect Lex’s house. Or his neighbor’s. For different reasons.
Lex shares stories of computers singing to him.
An episode that was planned to zig, but instead zags.
Lex (finally!) participated in the MIT Mystery Hunt.
Luisa! Lex! Kindles! Tic-Tacs! Stuff!
Pun follow-up that does and doesn’t suck. And a strep adventure.
Lex’s friends challenged him to write five puns in fifteen minutes based on a some suggestions. This was fun. For Lex, anyway.
Lex experienced a first yesterday!
Move fast and release things, I guess.
Lex just started his new business. Here’s how it’s going. And another idea.
Water where there shouldn’t be water is the worst. The worst.
It’s 2023! Lex is back to work.
New year, new Lex.
This very podcast was a topic on another (very) podcast.
I keep getting stuck in an infinite loop. Of GrubHub’s making.
How Lex spent his Christmas. And also, I sing to you. Again. You’re welcome.
Announcing Lex Friedman Consulting. And talking at an even more manic pace than usual. And thoughts on 1975. The band, not the year.
Lex is on hold. You get to join him. It’s more fun than it sounds. (For you, not him.)
On friends far and near.
Treadmill repair woes. And a brillaint customer service idea.
Someone let the Lex out in the rain.
It’s toilet talk time. Buckle up.
On remembering things, reminders, and the like. An unintentionally chaotic episode.