#111 The Household: Children
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Thanks for listening! Check out Ian’s website at: https://www.thechristianagrarian.com/ Also, you can check out the Hope Baptist Church Christendom Conference https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd-3FW8crrcg98-WjwwckEA
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Thanks for listening! Giveaway https://kingsumo.com/g/snhfof/reformation-coffee-co
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Thanks for listening! https://theshepherdscrook.co/podcast/homeschool-convention-and-why-we-homeschool/
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Jordan and Lexy talk about how Brian broke the internet.
Thanks for listening! This was a great conversation with my friend Lexi about God saving her out of New Age!
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Thank you all so much for listening!
Thanks for listening! This was a lot of fun. Be encouraged, grow that backbone!
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Thank you so much for listening. Today we talk about common obstacles women face as they take the kitchen seriously.
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