The Hillary Clinton Master Class Part 2 w/special guests The Reply Guys
Julia Claire & Kate Willett join Josh & Dave as Hillary explains public speaking and how to handle hecklers.
Julia Claire & Kate Willett join Josh & Dave as Hillary explains public speaking and how to handle hecklers.
The first of our multi-part examination of Hillary Clinton's version of If I Did It. We really will do anything to avoid going back to The West Wing.
Dave and Josh aren't emotionaly there yet, so season 7 isn't happening this week. Instead, Brian Siano - our amazing research dude in Philly - pops by for a visit. Plus, fun with the Supreme Court!
SIX SEASONS DOWN! We're almost there, folks. Walker Bragman joins us to dissect the thrilling climax to the DNC storyline. Who will the Democratic presidential nominee be?
Impossible space shuttle problems, decent Republicans, and the horrors of a contested Democratic convention. It's a very special science fiction episode of The West Wing!
Comedian James Fritz joins Josh and Dave to talk about God, children, ice cream, and the awesome January 6 celebration, with a special appearance by West Wing superfan Lin-Manuel Miranda. Plus, an interview with social epidemiologist Justin Feldman about his terrific piece on the Biden administration and Covid, which you can read here:
Cuba Libre! Soft core 90s porn! Brian Dennehy! All this, AND we take on the Don't Look Up non-controversy.
We force the great comedian Eddie Pepitone to watch his first ever episode of your favorite show, then laugh at his howls of anguish. Plus - did we just hear the stupidest line of dialogue ever spoken on The West Wing?
Matt Stoller returns to discuss THE most important issue facing mankind today. We're talking about the deficit, of course. Here's Matt's piece on the FDA creep responsible for the rapid test shortage:
Jen Briney from Congressional Dish joins us to witness a truly massive return to Sorkinian misogyny on this week's episode. Plus, Josh cries while reading his acceptance speech.
After weeks of running away from the job, Josh and Dave are back to discuss the latest episode of the show that must not be named.
We HAD to do it - Briahna Joy Gray joins us for a deep dive into Crooked Media's very weird West Wing video. If you must see it, here's the link:
Josh and Luke did it so you - and Dave - don't have to. We watched the entire Mayor Pete documentary. We walk Dave through every horrifying moment. Plus, Alex Press stops by to give us an update on the IATSE vote.
No show this week, kiddies, but we'll be back in seven days with a very special one. In the meantime, take a walk down Memory Lane with some of Diesel Boots' greatest WWT hits... plus - something new! Even when we're giving you nuthin', we give you sumthin'!
We're joined by Chapo Trap House's Amber A'Lee Frost to discuss the Cold War, Belarus, sexy ladies, and the joy of feeding Skittles to cows.
The best goddam Pete in Democratic politics returns to discuss Iowa, corn, and the difference between Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Plus: Everyone gets horny. Also: Is Matt Yglesias the stupidest human being to ever make a nickel as a pundit? Seriously - is there something wrong with his fucking brain?
We're joined by recovering West Wing fan Jared Sexton to discuss what may be the Rosetta Stone of West Wing episodes. Plus, we learn that not all American contractors in Latin America work for the CIA. America is good!
In which we discover that no one on the West Wing writing staff knows what an activist is. Plus - Dave comes up with the world's greatest podcast.
Brand new West Wing writer Bradley Whitford takes on the third rail of American politics - gay marriage.
The great Prof. Adolph joins us to do something no other guest has done... or, to be precise, to NOT do something every other guest has done. Also - our old pal Josh Androsky stops by to explain the LA City Council's unprecedented attack on democracy, and what you can do to stop it. To help out in LA: Find your councilmember: LA Council president Martinez:
Penn & Teller join the West Wing kids to send a powerful message about the horrors of flag burning. Plus - THREE Psaki Bombs!
The West Wing kids accidentally cause an international incident between Taiwan and the Chinese, and our pal Daniel Bessner explains it all to us.
Weirdest episode ever? Might just be. Matt Santos wins one for the insurance industry, and Leo defends corporate malfeasance in India. Or something like that.
We made Briahna Joy Gray apologize for killing Roe V Wade, then we punished her by making her watch a super annoying episode of The West Wing. And that's saying something. Plus, the most adorable college love story ever, and some other stuff.
Lee Camp joins us to watch CJ's first day as the second most important human being on the planet.
Jed's solved the Middle East problem, but those pesky Republicans are standing in the way with some truly insane demands. Also, whither Leo?
We kick off the 6th season with this deep dive into The West Wing's Middle East solution with Abby Martin, and a special report on the California recall with Shanti Singh. Plus, Josh reads Vogue's amazing Jen Psaki profile to Dave.
We felt bad abandoning you for a week, so it's an extra special one for you. We asked the great economist Professor Richard D. Wolff to check our homework on Talking Points, the dreaded NAFTA episode we covered a few weeks ago. We also got the real deal from our good friend Pete D'Alessandro, who was on the ground in Ohio for Nina Turner. Plus, a particularly annoying Psaki Bomb.
It's a two part season finale, as the West Wing gang decides it's time to get serious and fix Israel!
No exit, indeed. The West Wing kids are locked up in a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... Nothing happens. So Josh and Dave talk about some other shit, including the depraved orgy known as the White House Correspondents Dinner. Don't worry, folks - next week's will make up for this shit show.