After 30 years in the music industry, John Gusty moved into the alternative health field after his wife was diagnosed with MS and he witnessed the brutal nature of the American medical machine with his own eyes. Advocating on her behalf became a mission to inform others of how dangerous the established medical industry has become. Dr. Jeremy Ayres trained under the right doctors and was able to extract himself from the traditional healthcare industry before it was too late. Spreading health lite...
Dec 29, 2024•2 hr 43 min•Transcript available on Metacast Host of the Arterburn Radio Transmission & owner of Wise Wolf Gold & Silver, Tony Arterburn, makes another appearance to discuss how sound money, cycles, and human psychology play an oversized role in the emergence of great civilizations, while simultaneously assuring their own destruction through the transition to fiat currencies, down cycles, and ignorance of the normalcy bias. Are we on the cusp of a Fourth Turning where the cultural norms of society are flipped on their heads so that...
Dec 27, 2024•1 hr 20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Germany is a mess these days, and they have nobody to blame but themselves. The self-immolation has been taken to new levels under the forced migration imposed by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation in conjunction with the European Union. Schools in Berlin are warzones, with teachers and principals quitting in droves to avoid being stabbed to death by their students representing 23 different countries who do not speak the language. Baltimore and Chicago may have low test scores, but violent cr...
Dec 25, 2024•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast The director of “Drugs as Weapons Against Us” is back with the follow-up, “CIA: Drugs R Us”, which begins with opium money financing the creation of Ivy League universities two hundred years ago, and ends with Cortney Love’s role as a subversive with intelligence ties. From Lookout Mountain and Laurel Canyon in Los Angeles to the Tavistock Institute in London, the role LSD played in shaping society for the better part of a decade included the endorsements of the biggest names in the music indust...
Dec 22, 2024•1 hr 3 min•Transcript available on Metacast The marriage between Saudi Arabia and the United States is on the rocks, to say the very least. The Petrodollar arrangement is an integral part of keeping the US Dollar relevant internationally as it set the rules for conducting oil trade in only America’s currency, but those days may be coming to an end sooner than most people anticipated. As the Saudis look to diversify away from only being known as the world’s gas station, they are using their sovereign wealth fund, the Public Investment Fund...
Dec 20, 2024•1 hr 10 min•Transcript available on Metacast The 500th episode of Macroaggressions is dedicated to the memory of my mother who passed away in early November from pancreatic cancer. This is the story of how a trip to Las Vegas lasted three months, and how many of my worst fears were realized simultaneously. Cramming for the final to understand cancer as quickly as possible is something that millions of people have experienced, but having connections to alternative medicine providers developed throughout the past 500 episodes certainly did s...
Dec 18, 2024•1 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast The founder of Above Phone and , Hakeem Anwar, stops by to offer solutions to the problem of a lack of privacy online and especially on our cell phones. The Above phones and laptops are built using software that prevents the sort of tracking and spying that has become standard these days. The Vault 7 leaks showed how the CIA had hacked every cell phone before it came out of the box with technology from a decade ago. Taking control of one’s privacy is paramount, and Hakeem Anw...
Dec 15, 2024•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast The host of “Deep Dives With Monica Perez” reintroduces us to the fascinating true story of the British Deep State’s plan to subvert America from within through covert means in order to bring it back under the control of the Crown. How does the Milner-Fabian conspiracy fit into the plan for remaking America, and have people been fooled by the Fabian Society once again into supporting “Democratic Socialism” in the United States? It seems as if part of their master plan is working because America ...
Dec 13, 2024•1 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast There was a moment in time when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were considering rounding up Americans and throwing them into concentration camps, under the guise of “shielding” them from the seasonal flu. The stigmatization, isolation, and emotional distress caused by being rounded up and separated from their families for an indeterminate amount of time were features, not bugs. Details about prioritizing medical resources away from high-risk people, meaning older Americans, harke...
Dec 11, 2024•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Director Ryder Lee is back to discuss his new film with Jay Weidner, “A Clockwork Shining”, that takes a deep dive into the symbolism and continuity errors found buried in the 1980 Stanley Kubrick film “The Shining”. What is this film really about, besides a man going nuts inside a shuttered hotel isolated high in the Rocky Mountains all winter? Authors Mark Devlin and Cathy O’Brien provide details on the role of the Military-Industrial complex operating inside Hollywood, and the mind control pr...
Dec 08, 2024•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast The United Nations has a problem that they are very concerned about. It is such an important threat that they took the extraordinary step of holding a conference in Brussels to get to the bottom of the issue that is sure to destroy the fabric of society and plunge the world into darkness. The issue they fear is “conspiracy theories”, and the people that they are terrified of are probably listening to shows like this one. The education arm of the United Nations, UNESCO, held the “International Sy...
Dec 06, 2024•1 hr 29 min•Transcript available on Metacast The commercial real estate sector of the United States is on the verge of a catastrophe, and any combination of interest rate hikes, continued inflation, economic uncertainty, or supply chain break downs may spell the end. The number of large-chain retail stores closing in 2024 has been off the charts, with well over a thousand pharmacies and dollar stores closing around the nation. Shopping malls have also been hit hard and have been demolishing millions of square feet of real estate over the p...
Dec 04, 2024•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Being a whistleblower is a tough enough endeavor without the added challenges of exposing a government that is running secret mind control programs on a staggering number of victims. MKUltra was a top-secret program that sought to control people’s minds without their knowledge, but there were major problems with the program, both from a moral and scientific standpoint. Annalie Cummings has never known a life that didn’t involve trauma-based mind control, and her story of being a child in the sys...
Dec 01, 2024•2 hr 33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Founder of Police The Police & The Free Thought Project, Jason Bassler, is back to discuss solutions to the insanity that we are collectively experiencing inside the United States and beyond. Police accountability is a start, but the weapons that are being recycled into the American police departments through the 1033 Program have been turning local cops in Des Moines into Delta Force in Fallujah. Can the construction of parallel systems be the answer to the fraudulent banking and taxation s...
Nov 29, 2024•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Many experiments have been conducted on unsuspecting human beings over the years, and America leads the way in frequency and creativity. Biological agents were tested on the general public in the United States 239 times in the 1950s and 1960s, and children were given syphilis in Alabama and Guatemala just to see what would happen. Social experiments also play a role in understanding how the American government manages its flock of sheep. The Stanford Prison Experiment and the Milgram Experiment ...
Nov 27, 2024•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Host of “Into The Microcosm” on Free World.FM , Jimmy Gene is back to give us his insights into the soul of America in the aftermath of a Red Wave. How will the mainstream media continue to convince the people to vote against their own self-interest when the conversation has left the television set and moved to the alternative media? Is it possible that our reality is being manipulated beyond our perception by something in another dimension? Geordie Rose, the founder of DWave, explained in one o...
Nov 24, 2024•1 hr 18 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Transgender Industrial Complex has exploded lately, both in regard to popularity and finances. The industry is already bringing in over $2 billion a year, with that figure set to top $5 billion by the end of the decade, and the push by the media, both social and mainstream, doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Is this just a fad or is there something more sinister behind it? When we take a look under the hood at what is happening to the children that make that decision to transition...
Nov 22, 2024•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast The name of the episode is taken directly from the title of a recent report bearing the same name released by the Deputy Head of the National Energy Security Fund. It shows that the sanctions slapped on Russia by the G7 have backfired spectacularly and have created massive opportunities with other nations who share a desire to bypass the marketplaces controlled by the American empire. The 2024 BRICS Summit in Kazan wrapped up in late October with a directive to find a way around the Western-led ...
Nov 20, 2024•1 hr•Transcript available on Metacast The first step in curing an addiction is to admit that there is a problem in the first place. Americans have been blissfully ignorant as their country has been dismantled, the military has been converted into an embarrassing Woke mess, the currency is being inflated away, and the Washington Blob has never been held accountable. Mel K makes the comparison between the 12-step programs that help treat addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, and sex, to what America must embrace if it is to turn the ...
Nov 17, 2024•1 hr•Transcript available on Metacast In the fall of 2021, Joe Biden threatened a large segment of the American public with a “Dark Winter” if they refused to inject themselves with experimental gene therapy. That theoretical winter never arrived in America, but a different Dark Winter is scheduled to blanket western Europe just one year later. With the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines by American interests, Europe has been cut off from a potential source of oil and gas from Russia at the very moment that it needs it most. As...
Nov 15, 2024•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast The written work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels called “The Communist Manifesto” was released in 1848 and listed the ten steps towards creating a dictatorship of the proletariat, in theory. The actual doing is where the problems arise, as most of the ideas advocated for in the book are not practical, and in most cases, not even possible. This book showcases the desire for a two-tiered legal system where the virtuous are hunted down and eliminated from society while the dregs of humanity run r...
Nov 13, 2024•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast The UK’s most demonized doctor, and the director of the transformative autism documentary Vaxxed , stops by to detail how 25 years of persecution by the mainstream medical cartel and the corporate media shaped his life and pushed him into filmmaking. Dr. Andrew Wakefield has been targeted by the Murdoch family and Big Pharma for blowing the whistle on the massive criminality that happened with the MMR vaccines. His latest film, Protocol 7 , shows a fictional representation of a very real scenari...
Nov 10, 2024•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast The leader of Germany was well known for having his political opponents jailed while consolidating power into his own hands to be used against anyone that spoke out against his insane ideas and dictates. He sent tens of thousands of his Gestapo agents to monitor the activities of his citizens, and jailed people that refused to go along with his increasingly more outrageous and nonsensical plans. Joe Biden has quite a bit in common with Adolf Hitler beside the German Shepard and the weaponization...
Nov 08, 2024•1 hr 11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological response to being held captive where the victim forms a connection with their captors and begins sympathizing with them. After living in America long enough, most people have become deluded to who is actually in control and how much the propaganda is actually working. As the American voter once again gets ready for the performative act of voting for a new slave owner, it seems fitting to address the topic of psychological manipulation by those in power. Will...
Nov 06, 2024•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast History professor and host of “Geopolitics & Empire”, Hrvoje Moric, is back to discuss the spiritual creep towards world government through non-governmental organizations such as the Lucis Trust. The writings of Alice Bailey formed the foundation of this theosophical movement, and if the name itself didn’t give it away, the Globalists’ adoption of this group should cause massive concerns about their agenda. The role of the United Nations is not to be underestimated, as Lucis Trust has consul...
Nov 03, 2024•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast It sometimes feels as if our reality is part of some carefully coordinated script or outline that the global power structure has planned for humanity. The events feel inorganic and forced, so it begs the question of how much control we have over the outcome of the world. James Corbett knows how to read the script and describe it in a way that makes sense to everyone, but it seems like magic when he predicts outcomes years in advance. We know from history that world wars preclude economic paradig...
Nov 01, 2024•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast The United Nations Summit in New York City showed the world what the future framework of global governance would look like, and it leads towards the eventual enslavement of humanity by unelected globalists. Internationalists from around the world met to secure their control over the population through policy instead of bullets. The “Pact for the Future” includes the Global Digital Compact as well as the Declaration on Future Generations. These policies will allow the UN to take control of disast...
Oct 30, 2024•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Cory Hughes is the author of “A Warning From History” about the Zionist influence in the murder of John F. Kennedy, which has recently become a popular topic of discussion, as Israel takes center stage in the lead-up to World War 3. The influence held over the American Empire by this tiny country is becoming more difficult to obscure, but it has been in place since at least 1963. To know the true history of the murder of JFK is to understand the current interconnectivity of two of the most dange...
Oct 27, 2024•1 hr 11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Because he has been dead for over a century, Cecil Rhodes doesn’t get the credit he deserves for being a world-class psychopath and (actual) white supremacist, not the imagined ones that the Lunatic Left thinks are hiding behind every American flag. The aftershocks of his reign of terror in Africa are still being felt today in local politics and industry, and the diamond on your wedding ring was more than likely pulled from the ground in a South African mine that his company, DeBeers, owns to th...
Oct 25, 2024•1 hr 14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ted Kaczynski was an American mathematician and domestic terrorist who mailed bombs from 1978 through 1995 and scared the hell out of the American public until his arrest in 1996. Most people remember the hooded sunglasses sketch, but not the message and certainly not the reason why Ted decided to take things to the extreme. The Unabomber’s Manifesto is a 35,000-word document detailing his fight against industrialization and the destruction of nature in the name of progress. Was Uncle Ted just a...
Oct 23, 2024•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast