The host of the wildly popular podcast “Those Conspiracy Guys”, Gordon Rochford, stops by to discuss a wide variety of topics including the Royals and their “friends”, the Great Pyramid mystery, and how conspiracies throughout time have been suppressed by those in positions of power. Are we any closer to solving some of these great mysteries of our past, or are we being intentionally misled by the media establishment as a way of preserving the powerful knowledge that has eluded humanity for cent...
Apr 07, 2023•2 hr 39 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sometimes a logo tells you everything you need to know about an organization, and when it comes to the Fabian Society they clearly let the people know that they have hostile intentions in disguise, and intend to move slowly to achieve their goals. Formed as an organization to publicly push “Democratic Socialism”, their true intentions were much more devious and included an organized blueprint for a one-world government financed by some of the most Imperialistic ruling families of the time and or...
Apr 05, 2023•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Documentary filmmaker, Simon Esler, has allowed his previous six-part series on the intentional destruction of the family unit to lead him towards another avenue of psychological warfare, this one directed at children. In his new movie “Cut: Daughters of the West”, Esler looks at the rise of sexual transitioning among children and teens, mostly girls, and how a coordinated and covert agenda is being used to normalize the process and crush anyone that disagrees with the new narratives on transiti...
Apr 02, 2023•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Thousands of days have passed since Julian Assange was arrested for doing the job the media should have done and telling the truth about the American Empire, and some people have never forgotten. Steve Poikonen from Slow News Day has never stopped talking about the fraud surrounding the Assange case, and his organization has been on the front lines of the trial in the UK live-streaming the proceedings to an American public that is being prevented from seeing what is actually happening. Why is th...
Mar 31, 2023•1 hr 17 min•Transcript available on Metacast The plan for world domination is not a new one, the idea has been in existence for thousands of years. But it wasn’t until the late 1800s that people in positions of power within the British Empire, through the use of improved and newly created technology, were able to actually formulate a plan that would put in motion the push for world conquest. The Royal Institute for International Affairs, most recognized by its nickname Chatham House, was created to serve as a think tank for members of the ...
Mar 29, 2023•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Many of us dream of giving our boss the middle finger and throwing it all away to move to the country to live without a corporate overlord, to grow our own food, to harness our own power, to disconnect ourselves from the “system” and live a peaceful life. For most people with that dream, it usually stays in the planning phase, but when Tag decided to give it all up to move to the country he wasn’t messing around. The host of the “Life Done Free” YouTube channel, Tag, stopped by to detail his tra...
Mar 26, 2023•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Medical Mafia in the United States is one of the most powerful operations in the world, and the main reasons are because of a captured government, rigged marketplaces, a revolving door of regulatory oversight officials that fall under Big Pharma’s control, and an unimaginable amount of money flowing through the system. The lies by the media, the governments of the world, and the useful idiots inside the medical establishment have created the COVID situation that the world is forced to deal w...
Mar 24, 2023•1 hr 10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Because he has been dead for over a century, Cecil Rhodes doesn’t get the credit he deserves for being a world-class psychopath and (actual) white supremacist, not the imagined ones that the Lunatic Left thinks are hiding behind every American flag. The aftershocks of his reign of terror in Africa are still being felt today in local politics and industry, and the diamond on your wedding ring was more than likely pulled from the ground in a South African mine that his company, DeBeers, owns to th...
Mar 22, 2023•1 hr 14 min•Transcript available on Metacast When Alex Jones proclaimed that the pharmaceutical and pesticide industries were “turning the frogs gay”, he was widely ridiculed by the Mainstream Media for being an alarmist with dangerous anti-science beliefs. A decade later and those very same scientists owe AJ an apology, as he was correct in his assessment of what the chemical compounds of Atrazine and Glyphosate do to not just amphibians, but humanity as a whole. Australia’s Dennis O’Connor has some sensible tips for improving one’s healt...
Mar 19, 2023•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast In the United States, we really aren’t as “united” as we might like to think that we are. Each state is subject to federal laws, but they also have a bit of flexibility when it comes to setting some of the laws that govern their territory. From state taxes to marijuana legalization, to gay marriage, each state has the flexibility to make adjustments to some of the rights that people have within their geographic location. In 2020 we saw just how important it was to live in a state-run by people w...
Mar 17, 2023•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the epicenter of evil in our modern world, with every Globalist agenda and ideology finding a home, and most importantly, money. With over $55 billion under management, the Gates Foundation has the ability to remake society in its image through its ability to deploy capital to institutions that are actively involved in depopulation and forming a world government. Most people have no idea who Bill Gates actually is and what he stands for because his inve...
Mar 15, 2023•1 hr 11 min•Transcript available on Metacast The eye in the sky is watching your every move inside the Divided States of America these days. If it isn’t your government that is tracking your activities, then it might be your employer using the new Bossware system of full-spectrum advanced oversight that knows when you are stressed out at work or sleeping on the job. Have we been predisposed towards accepting this new normal of mind control through the predictive programming fed to us through Hollywood’s brainwashing apparatus, or are we ju...
Mar 12, 2023•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast The days of “Representative Government” are long gone and seem to have been replaced with “Reprehensible Government” while the public was distracted with endless unimportant issues. Is it even possible to weed out the psychopaths that are attracted to government power since it provides them all of the things that psychopaths want: power, money, influence, sex, and drugs? Andrew Cuomo is just one of an endless supply of defective human beings that migrate into politics in order to gain the things...
Mar 10, 2023•1 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Biden Administration hates the people of America and this is evidenced by their continued agenda of destroying the sovereignty of the United States every chance they get. The World Health Organization has been granted the authority to override the laws and constitution of the United States during the event of a global pandemic, so after over 200 years of independence America now belongs to unelected globalists through a newly formed Medical Police State. Ukraine continues to be the focus of ...
Mar 08, 2023•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast JFK researcher and host of the “Understanding Propaganda Podcast”, Cory Hughes, is back to discuss his new book on the assassination of the President of the United States in 1963 and who was actually behind the killing. The movies made about the killing may be intentionally misdirecting the audience to believe a very different narrative than what actually happened on that day, and Cory explains who is really behind that. Could the entire world be wrong about the timeline of events, the players i...
Mar 05, 2023•1 hr 11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Disclosure would be fantastic, provided that it was not coming from the Mainstream Media and an organization with over 100 years of CIA experience. It is kind of hard to take anything these people say seriously with their reputations for lying compulsively for decades. But what if there was some truth to what they were talking about, and how would we go about telling the difference? What do we want disclosure to look like, and who would we trust to give it to us straight? Where this all goes is ...
Mar 03, 2023•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast In February, Anarchists and freedom-loving people from all over the world gather in Acapulco, Mexico to discuss how we can make the changes necessary to this world to remove the heavy chains of government authority and free ourselves so that we may determine our own fate. Far from Molotov cocktail-throwing demonstrations or tire-burning seminars, the vibe at Anarchapulco is one of peace and understanding, with a focus on solutions over rhetoric. With a focus on health & wellness, cryptocurre...
Mar 01, 2023•1 hr 24 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s obvious for those with the eyes to see it that the medical industry has been weaponized and turned against the general public, not just inside of America, but worldwide as well. In conjunction with its partners in the corrupted mainstream media, the pharmaceutical industry has recently been used to enslave and ultimately alter humanity in a way that creates a two-tiered society with one small group dominating the huddled masses. But is this a new plan or has this idea existed for much longe...
Feb 26, 2023•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast We play a very dangerous game with technology, and the relationship that we have with it is very complicated and layered. The ability to broadcast a video or audio message from the comfort of one’s home to the rest of the world is best described as a form of magic. But are we walking into a trap where the technology that we own comes to own us instead? Who really financed and built the technology that we depend on to get through our increasingly digital lives, and is the government using this to...
Feb 24, 2023•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast With such horrible examples of previous cultural revolutions gone wrong in places like China, Cambodia, and the former USSR, one would think that the slow reveal of the American Cultural Revolution would cause a bigger reaction from the general public, but most have no idea of the importance of where things are heading inside America. The Woke agenda of ideological subversion is following the step-by-step process of demoralization that former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov laid out in his series of int...
Feb 22, 2023•1 hr 19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Host of the Arterburn Radio Transmission & owner of Wise Wolf Gold & Silver, Tony Arterburn, makes another appearance to discuss how sound money, cycles, and human psychology play an oversized role in the emergence of great civilizations, while simultaneously assuring their own destruction through the transition to fiat currencies, down cycles, and ignorance of the normalcy bias. Are we on the cusp of a Fourth Turning where the cultural norms of society are flipped on their heads so that...
Feb 19, 2023•1 hr 20 min•Transcript available on Metacast As the 20-year war in Afghanistan comes to a disastrous conclusion, even more questions have emerged as to why America was there in the first place. And why they didn’t leave sooner. Scott Horton is the author of several books on the Afghan war and runs the wildly popular website . He breaks down the mistakes that were made, not just with the botched exit, but from the initial invasion just weeks after 9/11. The repercussions of the longest war in American history will be felt for de...
Feb 17, 2023•1 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast A tremendous article from Jim Quinn at The Burning Platform inspired this episode as a way to look back and take inventory of what we lost during this “Great Reset”, an event that is admittedly not finished by a long shot. What was lost, what was gained, how did society change, what lies were told to convince people to act against their own best interests, and who is responsible? What happens when a large segment of the population awakens to the reality that they were lied to and coerced into in...
Feb 15, 2023•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Make sure that your tray tables are in the upright and locked position for this episode because the founder of , Captain Dan Hanley, touches down for a discussion on the science, aerodynamics, feasibility, and motives surrounding the events of September 11th, 2001. With over 20,000 hours of flying experience under his belt, even Malcolm Gladwell would have to admit that Captain Dan Hanley is an expert in his field twice over, and he has some rather disturbing information that will ...
Feb 12, 2023•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Are you “woke” enough to navigate the new weird world of cancel culture and inclusivity? Are you pure enough to withstand the scrutiny as the trolls go back through your online history to find one misstep or insensitive comment? These days it’s as if the world is participating in the Victimization Decathalon where one must show how oppressed they are in a variety of areas in order to show how much pity everyone else should have for them. Throw in the insanity of critical race theory and you have...
Feb 10, 2023•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast The “leaders” of North America met for the 10th time recently to map out how to ruin an entire continent from the inside out, and they came up with a few insanely stupid concepts that nobody was asking for to solve a problem that does not exist. The Woke mind virus is still spreading in the Davos circle as new ideas on how to mismanage entire regions of the globe are proposed to the public with zero enthusiasm and no concept of how little people care about injecting social responsibility into th...
Feb 08, 2023•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast The World Economic Forum is pushing for a 4th Industrial Revolution where humans are blended with machines to create a new type of animal that isn’t 100% human and, as such, no longer retains human rights. The concept of eugenics has recently been rebranded as “transhumanism” so that the people walking into the trap cannot connect the rather obvious dots. Jay Dyer, author of Esoteric Hollywood volumes 1 & 2, swings by to explain where the Davos crowd intends to take humanity, and why Hollywo...
Feb 05, 2023•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast The third book, Hypocrazy: Surviving In A World Of Cultural Double-Standards , is complete and just about ready to go to the printers. This episode gives a little sneak peek into what to expect and who should hide in their basements. The eight areas of focus are: Woke, Wars, Media, Society, Beliefs, COVID, Business, and Government, with each topic showcasing their own version of hypocrisy, along with many examples of their questionable behavior and the footnotes to prove it. This podcast has alw...
Feb 03, 2023•1 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast With his 100th birthday quickly approaching, it seemed like the perfect time to discuss the wicked and psychotic career of one of the worst human beings of the entire 20th century: Henry Kissinger. From advocating for tactical nuclear strikes as a normal matter of foreign policy to spraying Agent Orange and napalm on an entire country of civilians in Vietnam to authorizing the State Department to use food as a weapon against “Lesser-Developed Countries”, Kissinger has shown the world that he is ...
Feb 01, 2023•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Author of several books on the topic of the British Royal Family, Shaun Attwood stops by to explain the dark history of the House of Windsor that has been ruling over many countries trapped inside the British Empire for over a century. With an appetite for pedophilia and power, the so-called “elite” run this world in an inverted manner that prioritizes all of the wrong things while claiming to be doing the opposite. Through his five-book series called “War On Drugs”, Shaun explains how this fake...
Jan 29, 2023•2 hr 30 min•Transcript available on Metacast