A little known aspect of Bill Gates’s plan to take over the planet and change humanity forever is his involvement in the building of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. This is where the real seeds are kept, far away from the sheep that are forced to eat GMO food. Monsanto’s role in destroying the planet is well documented, but how they work to suppress all of the negative information about them is truly devious and Machiavellian. As Henry Kissinger once mocked, if you control the food then you cont...
Sep 09, 2022•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast As the anniversary of 9/11 once again becomes a topic of discussion, it seemed like a good time to take a look at the events of that day from an unusual perspective that nobody thinks to do. What the remote viewers at the Farsight Institute did was examine the events piece by piece to see if they could uncover any new information that may allow us to better understand the complexities of this massive operation. The things that they found through their methods of discovery will make the hairs on ...
Sep 07, 2022•1 hr 13 min•Transcript available on Metacast When a few food processing plants burn to the ground it can most likely be explained away as accidents or coincidences. When 135 burn down just in the first six months of 2022, it is a pattern. And when not one, but two airplanes crash into facilities processing food within the same month, there is reason to believe that something coordinated is happening. Emily Menshouse has been documenting the cases of suspicious fires, not just in the food processing facilities, but also in the fuel plants a...
Sep 04, 2022•1 hr 10 min•Transcript available on Metacast When Donald Trump rightly called CNN “Fake News”, the public went crazy but for two very different reasons. Some felt that he was attacking the integrity of that news organization for political purposes and out of bitterness, but others realized that he was just making an honest and correct assessment of CNN’s body of blatant lies over four decades. The introduction of News Guard was designed to shift the balance of power back onto the corporate media and away from those in the alternative media...
Sep 02, 2022•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Psychedelics have a bad reputation because of the movies, the media, and the government. The scare tactics worked to an extent, but the drug classification laid out in the scheduling of drugs is what turned a harmless personal experience with a mind-altering substance into the potential for decades inside a prison cell. However, the tide is starting to turn as the medical industry has begun to take an interest in the power of these mysterious substances for fixing PTSD and depression. With a “br...
Aug 31, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Joseph P. Farrell is an Oxford scholar and author of an astounding 37 books on such topics as the mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids, Nazis in America, and the secret networks of global finance in the post-World War 2 era. What do you get when you import high-ranking Nazi scientists and their twisted ideology into America and task them with replicating their rocket program? You get NASA and a way of conducting business that obscures the truth through a public-facing agency while the real pro...
Aug 28, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast The organizations that proclaim to be objective and altruistic are usually just using that as a cover story to hide what they are actually up to. It’s an old trick that the Rockefeller family used when setting up their foundation as a shield to protect them from criticism and as a form of public relations. These days the Think Tanks are busy at work trying to change the world to fit their warped ideas of how it should run, and they have blurred the lines between politics and big business. This e...
Aug 26, 2022•1 hr 11 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is the most disturbing episode of Macroaggressions so far, and that is really saying something. We have been forced to look into the future to see where this planet is heading and the results are nothing short of apocalyptic. The COVID-19 vaccination experiment has lit a 10-year-long fuse on the population of the world, the results of which are already becoming impossible for the media to deny and the world to ignore. People are dying from the shot. That is undeniable and no longer able to ...
Aug 24, 2022•1 hr 28 min•Transcript available on Metacast What would you say if I told you that even professional sports are rigged from time to time? For most people, the thought of this being a reality is instantly dismissed as ridiculous. But is it? Brian Tuohy is the author of four books on the subject of sports fixing and it is a serious problem that the leagues want to be kept very private. This is not limited to one sport or one country, it is a worldwide problem that is found almost anywhere and in every sport. With billions of dollars sloshing...
Aug 21, 2022•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast What we are experiencing in 2020 is just the beginning of a coordinated march into the New World Order’s plan for global enslavement. The evidence is now out in the open for anyone with the eyes to see it. How they plan to use the Mainstream Media, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and governments around the world to fulfill their dystopian vision for humanity is becoming more obvious by the day. This is an explanation of where we currently are, where they want to take us, and how they intend to do it, laid...
Aug 19, 2022•1 hr 15 min•Transcript available on Metacast In Bill Cooper’s literary masterpiece “Behold A Pale Horse”, he laid out a future scenario where mankind would be destroyed through a series of governmental decisions in order to prioritize a new way of life for those that survived. The “cutbacks” to the human population were the overall goal, with the methods including retardation of both technological and economic growth, the elimination of meat from the human diet, strict control of human reproduction, a total commitment to preserving the env...
Aug 17, 2022•1 hr 10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Legendary researcher and movie maker Freeman Fly makes his return to interviews after almost a decade away to explain where things are heading in the near future, and it might require people to look up into the night sky. From Freemasons running global corporations to the OTO influencing Hollywood, there are hidden agendas and nefarious players infusing our visible world with subtle messages used to push dark energies throughout the planet. The origin story of Barack Obama has always been a thin...
Aug 14, 2022•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Everybody wants to save the planet and prevent sad polar bears from starving to death in the Arctic Circle. Nobody wants to be a part of the problem and have the proverbial blood on their hands for destroying this beautiful planet through our reckless carbon emissions. But what if all that data the government and media rely on to make their case about climate change is fake? Who would know, and how could we even go about understanding why they would do something like this in the first place? The...
Aug 12, 2022•1 hr 3 min•Transcript available on Metacast The people in positions of power are losing the information war and it shows by their increasingly deceptive and laughable ways of trying to hide the truth. They have decided that if they don’t like the current definition of something they can just change the meaning and the problem magically goes away. Nowhere was the manipulation of words more prevalent and obvious than when it came to defining almost every aspect of the COVID lies, from how one defines herd immunity, to changing what constitu...
Aug 10, 2022•1 hr 13 min•Transcript available on Metacast The mid-1980s were a weird time when politics and child trafficking started to be mentioned in the same breath from time to time. The Franklin operation was in full swing between Omaha and D.C., the Iran-Contra affair was dragging in unusual stories about where some of the money was coming from, the McMartin Preschool scandal was breaking in Southern California, and an unusual group appeared on the scene called The Finders that had ties to intelligence agencies but looked and operated much like ...
Aug 07, 2022•1 hr 22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Many of us have been sucked into the abyss of social media over the past decade with the expectation of keeping up with friends, connecting with people from our past, and spying on our ex’s. The benefits of this interaction are at the core of why so many people choose to participate. However, when the service is free, sometimes that means that YOU are the product, and these social media platforms have used their customers to generate vast amounts of data that is being sold to the highest bidder....
Aug 05, 2022•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast If there is one thing that you can take to the bank it’s that if Al Gore is involved with a project, it’s a giant scam just waiting to be uncovered. His grifting in the area of Global Warming and Climate Change has reached legendary proportions, as he has amassed a multi-billion dollar fortune pushing his fear-mongering that the world is going to end if humanity doesn’t give him and his friends more money. His newest con is an organization called Climate TRACE (Tracking Real-time Atmospheric Car...
Aug 03, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Mainstream Media’s job is to divert the general public away from the real events that impact their lives and shift their focus onto a neverending stream of unimportant distractions designed to keep them unaware of the creeping authoritarian Police State that is being built up around them. Clint Russell managed money for many years and understands how the Globalists are using some very sophisticated language and tactics to shift the public into a disastrous system of global carbon taxes, Cent...
Jul 31, 2022•1 hr•Transcript available on Metacast Three generations of evil carried the Bush family name, and all of them were focused on trying to dismantle America while pretending to do the exact opposite. From financing the rise of Adolph Hitler to running the CIA, to shooting American presidents and kicking off multiple wars in the Middle East, the Bush family has been deeply involved in just about every major war over the past century. If George H.W. Bush was the Emperor, then Dick Cheney was Darth Vader, using fear and intimidation to si...
Jul 29, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast The United States policy toward the Third World should be that of depopulation, at least according to super villain Henry Kissinger. He has spoken openly about his desire to see population levels reduced by 50%, which means that perhaps we should start by cutting ol’ Heinrich in half. In December of 1974, The Kissinger Report was created as a classified document to guide the policy of USAID towards depopulating several countries with high population growth rates in order to benefit the United St...
Jul 27, 2022•1 hr 21 min•Transcript available on Metacast The host of the most popular conspiracy podcast on the planet, The Higherside Chats, stops by to talk about what he has been hearing from the people he speaks to on THC about where things are headed for the foreseeable future. The geopolitical moves currently being made have major ramifications both home and abroad, and the experts working in the field of intelligence are seeing troubling signs that point to the very real potential of another world war. How much of this is just noise to boost sa...
Jul 24, 2022•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Respect is earned, but governments around the world have acted in ways that can best be described as psychotic while they still demand a level of respect that is simply unearned. Psychopaths make up about 2% of the population, but those numbers go through the roof when you just look inside the beltway of Washington D.C. where the ability to control large groups of the general public always seems to attract the worst kinds of people. If you ever get the feeling that your government is trying to k...
Jul 22, 2022•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast For anyone with the eyes to see it, the “Great Reset” is a radical socialist plan designed by the monsters at Davos to reset the world’s economy so that they can install a centralized and managed form of control through the use of technology. Think of dystopian China, but with a Western feel. The Globalists’ dreams of world domination were always tempered by the limits of technological innovation, but as the tech evolves and improves, so does the opportunity to use these advancements for global ...
Jul 20, 2022•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Host of Rogue Ways, Lindsey Scharmyn, stops by to explain the diabolical push to transform society into a Communist hellscape through the use of marketing campaigns aimed at low-information voters to make bad ideas into laws. Has the Biden Administration thrown in the towel on his presidency or are they plotting to dust off a new version of the Biden robot for a reboot in 2024? Kamala ain’t the answer, so what do they do now? This might be a job for the Large Hadron Collider at CERN to fire up a...
Jul 17, 2022•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Did you know that a third building fell on September 11th of 2001? If this is news to you, you are in for a rude awakening that just might change the way that you view that “terrorist” event. Evidence of the controlled demolition of that building is everywhere if one has the eyes to see and the ears to hear. However, we know that cognitive dissonance starts to play a part in suppressing this truth because to understand that this building was rigged well in advance is to realize that the official...
Jul 15, 2022•1 hr 14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sometimes they let the cat out of the proverbial bag and tell the general public the truth, but it is always accidental and never meant to be anything resembling a leveling with the public about the actual state of affairs. They just sometimes say the quiet part out loud. When asked to explain what to tell those struggling to afford $5/gallon gas and a grocery bill that has magically doubled in the past 18 months, Biden Advisor and Director of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese, found hi...
Jul 13, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast From his perch in the Bronx in New York City, Billy Ray Valentine of The Infinite Fringe has been watching the culture crumble over the past few years and reporting on it. The disappointment in where things have gone is magnified because of the amazing but long climb out of the gutter that New York City had after the late 1970s heroin craze ended, Time Square was cleaned up in the mid-90s, and all of the Peep Lands was finally run out of town. In the two years since COVID arrived, it’s right bac...
Jul 10, 2022•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Those dirty Russians used propaganda to convince their people that their country was indestructible, that their system of government was popular, and that bread lines were normal. Those poor bastards with their lying government were the laughing stock of the world because it was obvious that the people were not getting the truth from those in charge in Moscow. Well, the United States of America just put the “pro” in “propaganda” when they passed the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 which le...
Jul 08, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bill Cooper let the world know in his legendary book “Behold A Pale Horse” that the government has a program in place to weaponize mental illness in a way that causes people to shoot up schools and public places in an effort to cause changes in attitudes in order to change gun laws. The recent shootings appear to be part of a much larger agenda of gun control disguised as protecting the most vulnerable, but the cracks in the official stories were obvious from the very start. We’ve seen this show...
Jul 06, 2022•1 hr 17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Devious multinational food conglomerates have partnered up to destroy the health of humanity all in the name of profits, and as bad as that sounds, it isn’t the worst thing they have planned. The depopulation agenda is never far behind when the large corporations join forces on a project, and the killing of the population through the food system certainly does qualify as another one of their “projects”. A little bit of education can help us to move out of the direct path of the poisonous foods t...
Jul 03, 2022•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast