The scam of central banking is something that the vast majority of people never think about, let alone understand. Banking is boring, so most people focus on other things, but they do so at their detriment. The creation of the Federal Reserve Bank was a secretive affair because the men involved understood that if anyone ever figured out what they had done to America they would be hung for their crimes. Lucky for them nobody really figured it out until it was too late, but their scam lives on. Th...
Feb 11, 2022•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast The world’s wealthiest medical research foundation, Wellcome Trust, long disguised as an altruistic charity organization committed to helping humanity, has been knee-deep in the COVID corruption and has major and long-lasting ties to the British eugenics movement. With over $40 billion in funds, the organization has invested heavily in vaccine development and has been instrumental in providing shots to the developing world with the help of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The most concer...
Feb 09, 2022•1 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Writer and lecturer, Elana Freeland, discusses the direction that our sophisticated technology is heading, and some of the challenges that humanity as a whole will be forced to confront. If the World Economic Forum’s planned path for the world comes to fruition, human beings will live in a vastly different world than the one experienced today. Freedom of movement will be limited, synthetic biology will play a huge role, and human beings will no longer be natural. They will legally become classif...
Feb 06, 2022•1 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do you ever wonder if your government is being smart with your tax dollars? Of course, you don’t, nobody thinks that any government is doing the right thing with their tax dollars. It is a scientifically proven fact that governments are run by criminals, but just how bold these criminals actually are might be the only real surprise to most people. Not satisfied to let the government commit all of the crimes, these days big corporations have gotten in on the fraud and corruption as well. The use ...
Feb 04, 2022•1 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast If there is one thing that people can trust, it’s that when the Government gets involved with a situation, the situation is about to get a whole lot worse. And when a government declares a “WAR” on an idea, well, get ready to see criminality in full swing. One might think that after the long line of Government failures in the past, they might stop engaging in nonsensical wars against inanimate objects, invisible enemies, and concepts. Well in America, that has never stopped the Government from g...
Feb 02, 2022•1 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Five nights a week, Ryan Gable digs into the mysteries of the universe on his show “The Secret Teachings” on Fringe FM in an attempt to try and understand the world around us. The last two years have been a social experiment like none other, and Ryan Gable has been examining the use of particular words and phrases that seem to have hidden meaning and might be part of a deeper operation to literally mind control the population into feeling one way or another. Are we actually living through the mo...
Jan 30, 2022•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast The World Economic Forum held yet another simulation to show what could happen if something went terribly wrong, and it is causing concern for those that are paying attention due to their uncanny ability to simulate fictional events that play out almost exactly as they were forecast. The Cyber Polygon event that took place in July of 2020 brought in hundreds of partners from around the world to simulate a cyber attack that crippled the world’s supply chains, internet, and power grids. Corporatio...
Jan 26, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Konspiracy Kyle is back to discuss his brand new book, “Intergalactic Totalitarianism: Authoritarian Tactics & Traits In A Galaxy Far, Far Away (and a Galaxy not so Far Away)”. The overlap between how the prequel Star Wars movies described the totalitarian creep of government, and what is currently happening in the world is stunning and disheartening. The lies that are told, the power that is consolidated, and the vengeance that is brought down upon the people by those in positions of author...
Jan 23, 2022•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast It is tempting to think that the concept of depopulation is strictly that of science fiction or conspiracy theory, but when the lights are turned on and the documents are examined, the reality of the situation becomes crystal clear: these people really are trying to murder us. Of course, the justification for the Eugenics programs in the early 1900s always had racist undertones and an altruistic cover story of “improving the stock” of humanity. The normalization of eugenics continued under Plann...
Jan 19, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Richard Willet, director at Ickonic and host of “Glitch In The Code”, joins Ricky Varandas, host of “The Ripple Effect Podcast”, to discuss the recent athlete deaths in Europe on the soccer pitch and how the media is trying to ignore the entire thing. The narrative managers have failed in their mission to scare the public into submission, so we currently have a situation where a small segment of the population wants the fear to continue while everyone else is ready for the whole production to be...
Jan 16, 2022•2 hr 11 min•Transcript available on Metacast As we reexamine the wreckage of 2021, we stop to ponder what things we were correct about happening, and where we got it wrong. Sometimes the predictions that we made sounded crazy at the time, only to come true months or sometimes just weeks later. From the origins of the virus to the digital enslavement grid being built up all around us, there was a whole lot to watch over the past 12 months. When we speculated about COVID concentration camps we were derided as “conspiracy theorists”, only to ...
Jan 12, 2022•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast When people take an honest look at the series of events that predicated the second world war, it becomes clear that there was collusion and media manipulation that played with how the public viewed the reasons for getting involved. As the media starts to bang the war drums once again, this time in Ukraine, we are starting to see similarities to how things kicked off in Poland and Czechoslovakia back in the late 1930s. Alex Krainer is writing about these similarities for his investment analytics ...
Jan 09, 2022•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Statism: The practice or doctrine of giving centralized government control over economic planning and policy. Who still thinks that this is a good idea at this point? Agents of the State can legally do things that would be criminal for others to do unless they are wearing costumes like those worn by police officers and soldiers, so why do we still accept this system of control? Part of the reason is that we were born into the Statism matrix and most people simply cannot envision a different worl...
Jan 05, 2022•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Author, podcaster, and former investment banker, Mark Gober, explains why his journey from Ivy League scholar to Wall Street banker, to Silicone Valley tech partner, left him feeling like there was something missing and put him on a path to self-discovery. His newest book, “An End To Upside Down Liberty”, asks what would happen if the idea of “consciousness” were given a seat at the table of governance? How could we reimagine society if we changed our priorities and decided to focus on something...
Jan 02, 2022•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast And you thought 2020 sucked? Wait until you get a load of some of the stupidity and evilness that was unleashed upon the world in 2021. It doesn’t seem like things are getting better anytime soon, but that remains to be seen. One thing that was established was that the governments and media of the world are evil monsters that openly hate humanity and the people are finally starting to notice. Well, some of them. Let’s take a walk down memory lane and relive the trauma of the year of our Lord, tw...
Dec 29, 2021•1 hr 21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Author of “God, School, 9/11 & JFK”, Bruce de Torres, stops by to talk about his book and why getting to the truth about the past is the key to making a brighter future. American schools are infiltrated by Marxists these days, but they were always built to suffer from functional obsolescence when the compulsory schooling idea was first put into play. Bruce explains why they want control of your children for more than a decade in order to fill their heads with the religion of Statism. The tra...
Dec 26, 2021•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast It seems to be getting worse these days, but will we soon be longing for the “good ol’ days” of 2021? Hopefully, things improve, but all signs are currently pointing to things getting worse before they get better. Bank runs, supply chain issues, wars, COVID stupidity, social credit systems, internet kill switches...all on the table for discussion for the new year. Hopefully, these things won’t happen, but the conversation needs to be had in order to be ready, just in case. Happy New Year to ever...
Dec 22, 2021•1 hr 19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Infowars Producer Rob Dew stops by to give us the year-end wrap-up on what we have been experiencing over the past 12 months, what the Globalists have planned for 2022, and what we can do to thwart their plans. Is the SPARS Pandemic document that Rob, Alex Jones, and Michael Halpern reported on the playbook for what is coming next, or is it nothing more than an ambitious plan for depopulation? The next year will be one of the most important in our lives as decisions are being made without our co...
Dec 19, 2021•1 hr 11 min•Transcript available on Metacast The chaos that is happening around America is not accidental, and the response to those crimes has been altered in some of the major cities in order to allow the breakdown to continue. Everyone’s favorite boogieman, George Soros, makes an appearance in this episode since he has been financing the problems in San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and elsewhere with his Open Society and his billions of dollars. The good news is that the problems are fixable, but until the general publ...
Dec 15, 2021•1 hr 3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Host of “The Ripple Effect Podcast” and co-host of “The Union of the Unwanted”, Ricky Varandas, stops by to discuss the work that he has been doing with doctors and scientists to get the word out about what is happening in the medical industry. It is no secret that the authoritarians have captured the pharmaceutical industry in order to create a society built on a rotten foundation of global mandatory vaccinations and a neverending injection schedule tied to a social credit system. Ricky describ...
Dec 12, 2021•2 hr 58 min•Transcript available on Metacast As the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell begins, the opportunity for the corporate media to misdirect what is left of their dwindling viewers into thinking that Maxwell was simply a victim is very high. Those that do not understand the whole story may be misled, but nobody should blindly follow the MSM as they distract and deceive. The evidence will show that Ghislaine Maxwell was a co-conspirator in the raping, grooming, and trafficking of children all over the globe to very important and well-connect...
Dec 08, 2021•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Few people have the expertise and desire to expose the coming global “Climate Change” scam, but Jim Lee is fearless, determined, and well-qualified to do just that. The conflation of the very real problem of global pollution with the manufactured crisis of global warming has been done intentionally in order to take the things that the people actually care about fixing and wrapping them into an agenda that leads to a global carbon tax. Jim Lee’s work at Climate Viewer has been dedicated to sortin...
Dec 05, 2021•1 hr 19 min•Transcript available on Metacast The newest environmental scam set to sweep across the world under the guise of saving the planet is the new ESG movement, or Environmental, Social, and Governance rating system. And like everything that the Globalists put forth to humanity, it is a giant scam designed to modify and ultimately control the behavior of everyone else. By quantifying the environmental, social, and governance decisions made by corporations, the World Economic Forum seeks to remake society by assigning a score to both ...
Dec 01, 2021•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast The United Kingdom is just as screwed up as America these days, it’s just that they have a different flavor for their insanity. The co-hosts of the hilarious podcast WTAF on Ickonic, Gareth Icke & Richard Willett, stop by to fill us in on the details of what they are experiencing with vaxxx passports, idiotic restriction, never-ending double standards, and the endless lies. HYPOCRAZY New Book: Sponsors: Emergency Preparedness Food: ...
Nov 28, 2021•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast