Episode 29- Game of the Year and Most Disappointing Game of the Year
Enygma puts forth his lists and winners for the most Disappointing Game and Game of the Year!
Enygma puts forth his lists and winners for the most Disappointing Game and Game of the Year!
Enygma share his hoenst feelings about the Game Awards...and do we really need them?
Enygma shares his experiences about working in gaming retail during the hoilidays.
Enygma talks about another Christmas game (for him) the original Legend of Zelda!
Enygma shares his thoughts about his first real Christmas video game wish, the original Final Fantasy.
Enygma focuses on twitter (which is in the news right now) on the release of the XBox One.
Enygma covers his preview of the new God of War game and has a tribute to the late, great Kevin Conroy!
Enygma talks about his experiences with the orignal God of War game!
Enygma offers a short review of his expereinces with the new release of Gotham Knights, and did Hellena Taylor end her career with her call for a boycott of Bayonetta 3?
The re-animated corpse of G4 gets one more entry before the head shot. We discuss the last gasp of air the channel had before expriring a mere 10 months after it's relaunch!
Enygma shares his thoughts on the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster on his brand spanking new Steam Deck!
Enygma gives his thoughts about the Super Mario trailer revealed this week, and also his mini review of the Steam Deck he got this week!
Enygma covers a vareity of topics, including how fan blaming does not work, and somebody is getting a Steam Deck!
MORE G4 News? On-air talent finally released from their contracts? Also a bit about Valkyrie Profile (Lenneth)
Yeah so G4 is back...and it's not going so well.
Enygma talks about the latest Ninja Turtles release, the Cowabunga Collection!
Want to know more about what I think about gaming Journalism in 2022? Check this out!
A little bit of a look back at the insanity of the original Saints Row and a small review of the new reboot
Madden is one of the most infulentiual and important games ever made, but has a very bad reputation amongst many gamers. Why is that? Let's discuss!
Enygma hates the Wii, and correctly predicted it's downfall early. Here's what he has to say about it!
The Sega Saturn didn't have much of a rise, it just fell. Wanna know why? Enygma worked in the industry at the time...
Enygma covers one of his all time favorite games, Lunar: The Silver Star (And it's multiple remakes)!
Why does Enygma hate digital distribution? Find out why he will always be a supporter of physical media!
This....is a rant about why GameStop is failing. So buckle up!
Enygma discusses one of his most famous gaming mistake (He thought Sony would fail!) and and Elden Ring review!
Enygma talks about the games on the Capcom Fighting Collection and some retrospectives on what arcades were and what they meant to him!
Square Enix announces their next installments of the FFVII Remake series, and Enygma is playing the new Ninja Turtles Game, what does he think?!
A look at some of the highlights from Microsoft and Capcom for their upcoming video games titles! Don't forget to follow me on Twitch http://twitch.tv/evilenygma
Enygma covers the highlights of the Summer Games Fest, including being critical of Naughty Dog! Follow me on Twitch and Twitter @EvilEnygma!
In the first episode, I introduce myself to you, why I started a podcast. I also cover the Sony State of Play presentation from 6-2-22. Please follow me on Twitch at http://twitch.tv/evilenygma and Twitter handle @EvilEnygma