A 4.5 Rupiah million bar bill.
In this episode, Carol has thunder, lightening, very very frightening and they help with a cooker and a racist Nan.
In this episode, Carol has thunder, lightening, very very frightening and they help with a cooker and a racist Nan.
In this episode, Carol gets short-changed, Nick is almost sympathetic, there's tales of paradise and they help with queuing and hair dye stains.
In this episode, Carol is waiting for a chat, Nick is disconnected and they help with table manners and with interrupting celebrities.
In this episode, Carol makes makes a slip, Nick tries and fails to save her and they help with a classic TV series and a heavy-handed wife.
In this episode, Nick spots a Christmas tree and so does Carol and they help with the number zero and with where to sit on a dog sled.
In this episode, Nick keeps the cap attached, Carol doesn't and they help with a Drag Race fan and a very expensive dentist.
In this episode, Carol goes undercover, Nick has a problem with a cloud and they help with boomeranging children and twisting pants.
In this episode, Carol goes to pick something up, Nick wants to know what it is and they help with the menopause and with splitting logs
In this episode, Carol is late for an appointment, Nick has a new addiction and they help a grandad who doesn't like the name and a person who needs an aid.
In this episode, Carol has a delivery, Nick makes an horrific discovery and they help with a parent's annoying friend and with a couple who don't see eye-to-eye.
This week, Carol takes an opportunity when Nick can't hear her and they help with a language dilemma, a poster issue and with shedding pounds.
In this episode, Carol steals some sachets, Nick has a morning revelation and they help with an idle relative and with what to do with a wedding dress.
In this episode, Nick and Carol help an Australian who is bored of Australia, assist with a wedding anniversary and with a first time buyer.
In this episode, Carol returns an odd item and they help with a pushy friend and mastering small talk.
In this episode, Nick and Carol help with a smelly vacuum cleaner and with what to see on a big trip.
In this episode, Carol puts her blue jeans on, Nick wears a badge and they help with knotty bread issue.
In this episode, Nick checks the electricity, Carol is late back from holiday and they help with the sheets.
In this episode, Carol attacks punks, Nick misses a superstar, they get some angry advice and help with a wierd job.
In this episode, Nick struggles with a new computer, Carol gets a comment from a local and they help with a restaurant dilemma and on how to cope with a big birthday.
In this episode, Carol spices up her nuts, Nick finishes his lunch and they help with describing yourself on dating websites
This time, Carol finds she is not the account holder, Nick discovers he is not the administrator and they help with hiding valuables and ordering pizza.
In this episode, Nick is mad for it, Carol disapproves, they look into a bucket hat, help with a cat problem and advise on spam calls.
In this episode, Nick suffers a carmageddon, Carol neglects hers, they come up with a money making scheme, help someone who's podcasts won't play and with remembering names.
This week, Nick and Carol play travel agents and they help review a TV show that neither of them have seen.
In this episode, Carol has a problem with her box, Nick as an issue with some tools and they help a nurse who wants a particular day off and a lad who wants a sports car.
This week, Carol checks for an infestation, Nick assists with the packing and they help a Taylor Swift sufferer and choose where a nomad should settle down.
This week, Carol fails to spot Tom Cruise, Nick objects to a turn of phrase and they hear about an embarrassing family incident they caused and help with some wind-chimes.
In this episode, Carol has a fruit problem, Nick tells her what do with them and they help with an accidental dinner invite and an offensive wedding list.
In this episode, Nick has the builders in, Carol complains about being balmy (not barmy) and they help with a family food dispute and an incident in a car park.
In this episode, Carol gets into a celebrity spat, Nick gets the belt and they deal with a sarcastic husband.