Surah Al Imran: Family of Imran - Verses 76 & 77 - Be Fair or Else!
Learn the Tafsir of Ayat 76 & 77 of Surah Al Imran in this week's English Quran video.
Learn the Tafsir of Ayat 76 & 77 of Surah Al Imran in this week's English Quran video.
Is it OK to treat people differently based on their faith? Can you charge a non-Mualim a higher price for goods? Find the answer and much more in this week's Quran Tafseer.
What is Al Amanah Trust in the Quran? What are the origins of our humanity? These are big questions. Find the answers and much more in this week's English Quran Tafseer of Surah Al-Imran.
Allah says in Ayat 73 of Al Imran: "But do not trust in any but those who follow your religion." Say, "Surely, the only guidance is God's guidance," that anyone should be given the like of what you were given, or that they should argue against you before your Lord. Say, "All grace and bounty is in God's hand; He gives it to whomever He wills." God is Infinite, All-Knowing." Learn the Tafsir of this Aya in this week's video.
People of the Book, why do you dress the truth with falsehood? Why do you knowingly conceal the truth? (Al Imran 3: Ayat 71) Learn the Tafseer of this verse and more in this week's English Quran lesson.
In Islam: Are you just responsible for your own sins? Or can you also be responsible for the sins of others? The Quran and Prophet Muhammad give us the answers. Listen to the English Audio Tafsir of Aya 69 of Surah Al Imran.
Surely the people most worthy of associating with Abraham are those who followed him, and this Prophet, and those who believe. God is the guardian of the believers. (Al Imran 3: Verse 68) Learn how to be from the family of our beloved Ibrahim in this week's tafsir of surat Ali Imran ayat 68
What was the religion of Abraham? He was Haneef. Learn more in the English Quran Tafseer of Al Imran, Ayat 67
Can Muslims, Jews and Christians ever find common ground? Can there be peace between Abrahamic faiths? Verse 64 of Al Imran presents an excellent starting point! Learn more in the English Tafsir of Ayat 62, 63 and 64 of Al Imran.
A Christian delegation from Najran âan area south of Medina in Arabiaâ came to visit Prophet Muhammad. They wanted to discuss some differences they had with the Muslims and the Jews. But they could not agree. So who is the best judge to solve these differences in Abrahamic religions?
Perhaps the most important story is that of our beloved Jesus, peace be upon him, and we must lend a great deal of attention to it. We should take time to weigh the Christian and the Muslim arguments and evidence regarding our beloved Jesus and consider the opinion of those who gave Jesus his due right and those who assigned him a status opposite to what God commanded.
What will happen to you on the Day of Judgment? What will happen to world leaders? The answers may surprise you. Learn more in the English Tafsir of Ayat 56 and 57 of Al Imran.
Allah says to Jesus the Messiah in the Quran: "I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieved till the Day of Resurrection." (Chapter 3 Al Imran, Verses Ayat 55). Learn more in this week's English Quran Tafsir.
Where is Jesus now? How does Islam explain Jesus? Where is Jesus in the Quran? Learn the answers and much much more in this week's Quran Tafseer session.
Every Muslim, including you, is an ambassador for Islam chosen by God to adopt the behavior which represents faith. Learn more in this week's English Quran Tafseer of Surat Al Imran.
And the disbelievers schemed; God also schemed; God is the Best of Schemers. (Surah Al Imran: Ayat 54) Could God be a plotter, a schemer, and a deceiver? Learn the answer and much more in this week's English Quran Tafsir of verse 54 of surah Al Imran.
"Our Lord! We believe in what You have sent down, and we follow the Messenger, so write us down among the witnesses." (Chapter 3: Verse 53) In this week's English Quran Tafsir we look into how God sends down for us to rise.
Our beloved Jesus called for supporters to stand by him on the path of the Lord. The disciples responded to Jesus' call. Learn how the Quran and Islam describes the disciples of Jesus in this week's English Tafsir of Surah Al Imarn.
Prophet Jesus said, "Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is the straight path." (Chapter 3: Verse 51) What exactly is God's straight path? Learn the answers and much more in this week's English Tafsir session.
Prophet Jesus' new message of Christianity reemphasized the teachings of the Torah, which begs the question of whether there was even a need for his message. Learn the answers in this week's Quran Tafsir session.
Our beloved Prophet Jesus said, "I have come to you with a sign from your Lord: I will create the shape of a bird for you out of clay, then breathe into it and, with God's permission, it will become a real bird." Take a few moments to understand creation in Islam through the English tafsir of Aya 49 or Surah Al Imran.
Miracles!! Jesus Cures the Sick & Raises the Dead, Learn more about miracles in this week's English Quran Tafsir.
In this week's English Quran Tafsir of Surah Al Imran, we dive into the meaning of the name: Jesus the Messiah Son of Mary.
From the day of his birth to Judgment day: Let's take a look into what Jesus was thinking. Listen to Jesus' conversation with Allah on the Day of Judgment as mentioned in the Quran.
God says in Verse 45 of Chapter 3 of the Quran: "And when the angels said, "Mary, Allah gives you the glad tidings of a Word from Him." What does that mean? Learn the answer and much more in this week's Quran English Tafseer.
Is God speaking to you? Does Allah speak to ordinary people? Allah spoke to the mother of Moses, and the mother of Jesus. Learn all about heavenly revelations in this week's English Quran Tafsir of Surah Al Imran, Aya 44.
Allah chose the Virgin Mary twice! Learn more and learn the benefits of God's selection in this week's English Quran Tafsir session.
We continue with the English Quran Tafsir of Al Imran and the story of Prophet Zachariah and his pregnant wife. Allah chose the name for that child "John Yahya" which has a very significant meaning. Learn more in this week's English Quran.
Who is John the Baptist in Islam? What is the story of his birth? Who are the parents of John the Baptist? Find the answers and much more in this week's Quran Tafsir update.
Listen to the story of the Virgin Mary and the person who cared for her in her youth. We continue with the Quran explanation of verse 37 of Surah Al Imran.