Oct 10- Phil 2:12-16
Today Paul teaches us about how the things we do matter, and the attitude with which we do them matters as well.
Today Paul teaches us about how the things we do matter, and the attitude with which we do them matters as well.
Today Paul teaches us through the example of Christ about the love and care we should have for others.
Today we learn about the Philippians, and we see that Paul is grateful and joyful whenever he thinks of the Philippian saints.
We need to examine our whole armor and make sure that we haven't left any vulnerable places.
The purpose of the structure of the church is laid out by Paul
As we root ourselves in Christ we will be taken back in awe with the magnitude of His love for us!
Paul teaches us that if we are willing to follow Christ as our cornerstone then we can be joint heirs with him!
When we are told to be one in Christ, Paul makes it clear that it is BECAUSE of Christ that we can be one.
Today we see how faith plays into grace.
Today we talk about the doctrine of foreordination. This can be hard at times to wrap out minds around, but hopefully we can learn a lot from what prophets an apostles have said about it.
We know that bearing one another's burdens are part of our covenants. But how do they apply to the covenant to take the name of Christ upon ourselves?
Today we talk about the power that comes into our lives as we walk by the Spirit, and how to learn to recognize the Spirit in our lives.
Every commandment that our Father in Heaven gives us, is given to us for the purpose of helping us retain our agency.
The Spirit is key in our discernment and understanding truth from error.
If we are saved by grace (which we absolutely are!) Then what is the purpose of our works?
Prophets help us see Jesus Christ more clearly as they point us to Him.
Today we get an introduction into the boo of Galatians, as well as an understanding of Jesus Christ as our deliverer.
Here Paul teaches us that if we are finding faults with our leaders, that perhaps that is when we should look inward and check where we stand in our faith in Jesus Christ.
Our weaknesses are not a kink in God's plan for his children, they are PART of His plan for us!
Paul warns us about listening to false teachers who preach anything other than Christ and His gospel.
Paul talks about the foolishness of comparing ourselves to others, or holding our selves to a higher measure than what God expects of us.
Today we talk about meekness and how it's okay to be bold within our stewardships as long as we have the balm available to bind up the broken heart.
Today we talk about Paul's invitation to give. We talk about abundance and how sometimes our abundance isn't monetary, but we can be willing to give of anything that we have in excess, be it joy, time, faith etc.
Paul reminds us that God doesn't just expect to give of our abundance, but the responsibility to care for the poor extends to every one of His followers.
Today we talk about the difference between godly sorrow or sadness for sin differs from worldly sorrow, or the shame that the adversary tries to make us feel.
As we strive t come unto Christ, we are better able to reflect the light of Christ
God doesn't just want our rote obedience, he wants our discipleship written upon our hearts.
Forgiving those who have hurt us is one of the greatest ways we can testify of our belief in Christ.
Since God had invested so much into us, he is not going to turn His back on us now.
Today we learn about what it means that God is a God of ALL comfort, and how we can learn from Him to be a greater comfort to others.