Jan 8- 1 Nephi 1:4,20
There is strength that flow to us when we reflect upon and remember the tender mercies of the Lord!
There is strength that flow to us when we reflect upon and remember the tender mercies of the Lord!
The afflictions of our day are not a sign of the disfavor of God, in fact, if we will look to Him we will see that we are HIGHLY favored of the Lord, even in our hardest days!
God has always used the testimony of witnesses to establish truth. This was true in the Savior's day, it was true in the early days of the restoration, and God invites us to receive a testimony of truth so that we can share it as well.
What does it mean that the Book of Mormon is the Keystone of our religion?
Today we dive into the third paragraph of the Introduction and learn that the crowning event of the Book of Mormon can be the crowning even of our lives as well.
Why does Moroni warn us to be careful about fault finding in the Book of Mormon?
Today we study the 2nd and 3rd reason that Moroni gives us for the Book of Mormon.
An often overlooked purpose of the Book of Mormon is to prove to us that God is a God of miracles, mercies and deliverance.
In all things, The Book of Mormon IS Another Testament of Jesus Christ.
How to overcome satan in our homes and in our lives.
Today we talk about the "woman's" preparation for the Lamb.
Today we see the Harlot fighting, but those who fight with the lamb come off triumphant.
Overcoming the trials of this life.
Even with the difficulties of the world swirling around us, we have the promise of peace.
Pres Monson reminds up of where the joy of Christmas can be found.
Pres. Nelson teaches us about the gifts of Christ.
President Monson teaches us about the infinite blessings that come to us because Christ was born.
Do we really understand what it means that Christ willingly came down as a babe in Bethlehem?
What does Mary teach us about becoming a true disciple?
What does Joseph teach us about what to do when things don't turn out quite the way we are expecting.
So many lessons that we can learn from the diligent seeking wisemen.
What can the shepherds teach us about our opportunity to come to know the Savior?
This week, as we look at the Nativity story, there is a lot we can learn from the Innkeeper.
The war in heaven would be better named, the war that began in heaven. The war is still raging, it just changed battlegrounds! But the way we overcame satan in the premortal existence is the same way we can overcome him today!
What can we learn from the 2 witnesses who are killed, and how can it apply to our lives?
The number 144,000 teaches us about God's radical inclusivity.
God, knowing the difficulties of the last day, restored His Kingdom to the earth.
Today we look at the 2nd- 5th seals, 4 thousand years of history summed up in 8 verses!
Today we look at the symbolism of the white horseman.
As the Savior opens the seals he authorizes those who worship him to invite everyone to "Come and See."