Nov 9- Heb 10:35 11:1
Today we see how faith, action and evidence work together to build our solid testimonies!
Today we see how faith, action and evidence work together to build our solid testimonies!
Today we learn about the trustworthiness of the Savior and how we can come unto Him first in all that we do.
Because Christ gave all to rescue us, He now stands as the Great High Priest, our own Holy of Holies.
What is the new covenant, and through it, what is Christ offering us?
Teachings about the Melchizedek priesthood.
Today we learn about how one of our purposes in life is to learn to trust God enough to bend our will to His.
When we better understand who Christ is, and what He wants for us, we gain confidence to approach is mercy boldly.
Paul teaches us how to maintain our strong faith, and sometimes that means we just hold on for dear life to the experiences we have already had.
Christ took it all upon Himself so that He would know exactly how to run to us and lift us up in our hardest moments.
Allowing the Savior to captain our souls, and being refined in suffering.
Today we talk about how Jesus Christ teaches us about a loving and merciful Heavenly Father!
Today we get a background of the book of Hebrews as well as Paul's desire that we understand that Christ is greater than the prophets.
What can we learn about turning judgement and justice over to God and forgiving and loving with our whole souls?
Paul warns Timothy in 3 different places about the dangers of the latter-days. It is easy to see the truthfulness of his prophecies as we look around at the world we live in.
When Paul commends the mother and grandmother of Timothy for their faith, he credits their faith for the strength of Timothy's faith. How can we use our faith to build up the testimonies of those we love?
Be thou an example of the believers!
Jesus Christ lives! He is our Savior, or Redeemer, our Mediator.
How has the atonement of Jesus Christ changed or enabled you?
Today we learn more about Timothy and Paul's first piece of advice to Timothy as a leader.
Today we talk about the 2nd coming prophesies of the apostacy and the restoration.
If Christ is the source of rest, what can we do to find it?
Paul warns us that the Savior will come as a thief in the night, but for those who follow him, we will be awake and aware.
How can out faith be made perfect?
The call for prophets an apostles and the true sense of what it means to minister.
The Thessalonians teach us, through powerful examples, about member missionary work!
Today we learn that when Paul taught he did so with power and authority because of the way he lived his life.
in order to survive our world today we have to have our feet rooted deeply in Christ and be willing to do whatever it takes to grow towards Him.
The admonition of Paul is the capstone of our faith an testimony, as we believe in Jesus Christ, His doctrines and the restoration of His Gospel, it should lead us to seek out the good virtues that Paul teaches.
Paul teaches us that success comes by pressing towards the mark.
Today we talk about true conversion going beyond doing the external to be seen by our fellow man.