Embrace Your Inner Asshole
Parties. Gregor Mendel. Dildos. Camping. David Blane. Shock hazard. Casey thanks Jeff. Being genuine. Socializing. Disingenuously charming. Clerks. Domestic violence. Bitch-slap. Fixations. Larry David. Quaternions.
Parties. Gregor Mendel. Dildos. Camping. David Blane. Shock hazard. Casey thanks Jeff. Being genuine. Socializing. Disingenuously charming. Clerks. Domestic violence. Bitch-slap. Fixations. Larry David. Quaternions.
Giant spiders. Literature. Pedophile. French chickens. Slovinkia. Jesus. The Nutcracker. The Zoolights. Ballet. An apology to our listeners. Creepy uncles. The Christmas train. Racist dances. Tacoma. NASCAR.
Yom Kippur. Rabbis. Condoms. Judaism. Matrilineal descent. Entertainment. Hanukkah. Miracles. Religion. The Seder. 400lb squirrel. Larry David. Passover. Jesus Christ. Bris. 30-plus. Dredel. Jewish side-hug. Rough Riders.
Black Friday. Brainwashed. Frankincense. Christian side-hug. Lennon-McCartney. Myrrh. Crucifixion. George Martin. Gold. The Nokia N-Gage. The Twelve Days of Christmas. Christianity. Rough Riders. The Epiphany. Atheism. Three Kings Day. ...
The X-Files. Charles Bloom. Outhouses. Fonts. Shrinkage. Truth. ClearType. Singers. The FBI. Chrome. Yoga. Zodiak. SafeSearch. Superpowers. Colombo. DNS redirectors. Programmers. Freud. Bing. Flash.
Launch parties. Drugs. Cores. Terrorism. Rum. Ireland. The Revolutionary War. Lithuania. World of Warcraft. Windows 7. Marriage. Launch videos. Heroin. Bathroom rules.
The black president. Dolphins. Martians. Space. Lobsters. Primate rights. Russians. Snatch. Screech owls. Contact. Conspiracy theories. Tiny raptors. Spacequest. Martian-backed securities. Michael Bay. Permanent Midnight. Snails. Steve...
Israel. Disco. Graftings. Soviet research. Depression. Geisha. Gamers. Clowns. Goats. Listener dreams. Addiction. Mermaids. Robotic cats. Sex. Ambien.
Grand Juries. Dolphins. Milk. Garfield. Pacifiers. SMiles. Girls Gone Wild. Cats. The moon. Pornography. Monkeys. Cows. Zero gravity. Animal cruelty. Bucket lists. Police. The Autoblow.
Art museums. The Road to Mecca. Chris Crawford. Games as art. Good/no-good. Listener mail. iTunes. The Programmer's Challenge.
Reality TV. Malware. Doubles. Viruses. The ladies' bathroom. Cheaters. Condo deaths. Dispensers. Friends on Friends. On-line dating. BestBuy. match.com. TV installation. PS3. pets.com. Fiber. Web programmers.
Bra bags. World records. Raer Love. The world's heaviest twins. A hint of retard. Tiny girl. The ultimate debate. Tiny crime. VOIP. Manswers. SpikeTV. The Special Olympics.
Corporations. Copyright. Intellectual property.
id Software. Doom 3. SIIA. Britney Spears. Digital Protector. Don't Copy That. Copyright. The Constitution.
Twitter. NutureShock. Racism. Babies. Newsweek. Science. Science fairs. School newspapers.
HTTP. Amazon.com. Web Squared. Web programmers. Tim O'Reily. Typography. John Battelle. Gutenberg. CERN. Xerox PARC. Web 2.0. CSS.
Hitler. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Heat. Personal image issues. Casey the sleeper agent. Bernie Ecclestone. Blinds. The Special Olympics. Sexy Nazis. Nazi racing.
American Beauty. Lolita. Long sippers. 30-plus. Disabled. Standards vs. criteria. Fatties. Room to grow. La-Z-Boy. True Blood.
Rufies. Team Fortress. Tragedy. Science fiction. Gun control. Fantasy. Shot. Bathroom rules. Toilet. Japanese bathrooms. Larry Craig. Hamlet.
The Roberts Rule. G.I. Joe. Police. Sex. Video vault. Horse sex. Cinematography. Buggery. Hickies. South Carolina. Yankee lawyers. Repeat offenders. Pandering.
Romeo and Juliet. Transformers 2. Classiness. Transformer sex. Talking trucks. Racist robots. The AllSpark. Fish sex. Gospel. Tupperware. Robot heaven. Megan Fox.
Security. Rubbage. Smoking. The dystopian present. Bose. Lost luggage. Airport food. Popeye's Chicken. Closed economies. Shania Twain. KFC. Duty-free.
J.J. Abrams. Tanning. Marijuana. Atheist sex. Captain Cannabis. Facebook. Ambien. The Immaculate Conception.
Garage sales. Commemorative plates. Good/no-good. Flirting. Lyapunov stability. Gravity wells.
User-friendly. James Horner. The Autoblow. Fleshlight. Nuclear reactors. Sucking. Hands-free.
Harcore pornography. Kindergarten. Elementary school. The Jonas Brothers. Britney Spears. Disney. AP tests. The Brady Bunch.
Powerless Jeff. Facebook. Quizzes. Robots. Aliens. Hot girl quiz. Twilight. Profile pictures. Caricatures. Christians.
Good/no-good. Shopping carts. The homeless. TVs. U-hauls. Home Depot. Therapy.
Shadow Hare. Cincinnati. Electrical powers. The budget. Christian Bale. Perching. Rabbits. Pets. Dislocated shoulders. Applesauce. Impregnation. Secret identities. Profit sharing. Pellets. Superdrip. Rabbit tooth growth. Lisp. Nike. M...
Seaquest DSV. Talking dolphins. Darwin the Dolphin. Sir Isaac Newton. John Stuart Reed. The British. The Cymascope. Breakthroughs. Buckaroo Bonzai. Reporters. Screensavers. Voice synthesizers. Llamasoft. Jeff Minter. Visualizations. Dolp...