The number of young adults living at home crested at 52% in July 2020, the highest number ever recorded (the former high was around 48%, following the Great Depression—yes, the 1930s). Understandably, this figure rocked the internet—and spawned a deluge of articles in the years since hypothesizing about the why and how. And while things have since “normalized” back to a level of around 47%, that figure is still—historically—high, and deserves a closer look. Learn more about our sponsor, TaxAct: ...
Mar 01, 2023•17 min•Ep 70•Transcript available on Metacast We often hear about side hustles as a "necessary" thing, but are they really? Katie and Henah chat through how to pick a side hustle based on your needs, skill set, and ambitions, while sharing their own experiences along the way. Welcome back to #RichGirlRoundup, Money with Katie's weekly segment where Katie and MWK's Executive Producer Henah answer your burning money questions. Watch their full conversations here: New epi...
Feb 24, 2023•18 min•Ep 69•Transcript available on Metacast One of the trickiest things about investing in retirement accounts is that by the time you know how much you could’ve contributed for a tax break, it’s too late (e.g., you can only make 401(k) contributions through Dec. 31). But there are a few accounts in the tax-advantaged investing world that allow contributions right up until the tax deadline, making them incredible options for last-minute savings. After all, I prefer deductions that come from investing over deductions for spending: Why woul...
Feb 22, 2023•24 min•Ep 68•Transcript available on Metacast One reader asks: When is the cost of college worth it, given the high costs of tuition? Katie and Henah reflect on their own journeys, how the costs have ballooned over time, and other higher education options to consider. Welcome back to #RichGirlRoundup, Money with Katie's weekly segment where Katie and MWK's Executive Producer Henah answer your burning money questions. Watch their full conversations here: New episodes ev...
Feb 17, 2023•11 min•Ep 67•Transcript available on Metacast It’s a bit of a trope that the millennial generation has had a rough go of it, economically. After experiencing the Great Financial Crisis during their formative years, attending higher education during a massive debt-fueled student loan bubble, and entering adulthood while home prices were juiced higher and higher, the majority of millennials are now “behind pace,” financially speaking. In 2015, Pew Research conducted an interesting survey: It found that 89% of Americans considered themselves m...
Feb 15, 2023•34 min•Ep 66•Transcript available on Metacast "Work-life balance in your 20s is an easy way to guarantee a mediocre career." After seeing a tweet that made this statement and sharing on the Money with Katie Instagram (, Katie and Henah chat through the topic, ask what "work/life balance" and "mediocrity" truly mean, and run through some of the Instagram responses they've seen. - Welcome back to #RichGirlRoundup, Money with Katie's weekly segment where Katie and MWK's Executive Producer Henah answer y...
Feb 10, 2023•14 min•Ep 65•Transcript available on Metacast From a controversial billionaire’s new title to lawsuits and arrests galore, 2021’s “Golden Age of Grift” (as dubbed by Jack Raines) officially transitioned to the Era of Financial Karma in 2022. In this week’s episode, we rattle off some of the most illustrative downfalls—those most emblematic of our new bearish economic environment. Do we indulge this walk down memory lane because we’re schadenfreude junkies? No, not quite—there’s a lot to learn from this most recent 24-month hype cycle, inclu...
Feb 08, 2023•28 min•Ep 64•Transcript available on Metacast Understanding the "points system" for credit card rewards can be confusing. But it doesn't have to be! Here's how Katie and Henah maximize their own points, which cards they personally use, and how they redeem them for travel. For more information, check out our guide on How to Travel for Free with Credit Card Points: Welcome back to #RichGirlRoundup, Money with Katie's weekly segment where Katie and MWK's Executive Producer Henah answer your burnin...
Feb 03, 2023•15 min•Ep 63•Transcript available on Metacast Whether you’ve got access to an ESPP (Employee Stock Purchase Program) at work and aren’t sure if it’s worth your time, or your new offer includes compensation via RSUs and ISOs, this week is dedicated to you. Strap in for a ride through Jargonarnia. This week, I welcomed James Conole and Scott Frank—hosts of Real Personal Finance and holders of the prestigious CFP and CFA designations—to the show to help me break down this complicated world. They had some excellent tips that you won’t want to m...
Feb 01, 2023•36 min•Ep 62•Transcript available on Metacast When should I prioritize giving back alongside my long-term financial goals? Should I do lump sum or space it out over the long haul? Welcome back to #RichGirlRoundup, Money with Katie's weekly segment where Katie and MWK's Executive Producer Henah answer your burning money questions. Watch their full conversations here: New episodes every Friday. Each month, we'll put out a call for questions on her Instagram (@moneywithk...
Jan 27, 2023•10 min•Ep 61•Transcript available on Metacast This 20-minute rundown is about an (accidental) three-year study I ran on myself. Back in 2020, I was subjected to hours of content encouraging me to use the “great pause” of a global panini to reassess my entire life. Challenge accepted. At the time, I wrote one of my very first blog posts for a fledgling Money with Katie site, describing all the ways I’d like to level up my lifestyle—the little ways money could buy happiness. I revisited this exercise from my 2023 vantage point and had two maj...
Jan 25, 2023•24 min•Ep 60•Transcript available on Metacast One listener asks, "How do we navigate money conversations with Boomers who still are stuck on age old concepts of how to make money (buy a house, kids are your biggest asset, real estate is the best investment, etc.)?" Welcome back to #RichGirlRoundup, Money with Katie's weekly segment where Katie and MWK's Executive Producer Henah answer your burning money questions. Approaching money conversations inter-generationally can be a challenge, as times have rapidly changed and older wealth building...
Jan 20, 2023•13 min•Ep 59•Transcript available on Metacast 21-year-old high school dropout Emma Chamberlain earned $12 million in 2021. How’d she do it? Glad you asked. She’s a successful YouTuber who parlayed her internet prominence into major brand deals (and a coffee company). When I stumbled across a Bloomberg piece that cited “86% of young Americans” embrace the idea of becoming an influencer, I knew I had to do a deep dive on this wild west of a career field (and the careers these young people are leaving behind to pursue it, like teaching and nur...
Jan 18, 2023•44 min•Ep 58•Transcript available on Metacast One listener points out that we're prompted to tip everywhere nowadays, including in clothing stores. Should we be tipping every time? If so, what feels reasonable? Welcome back to #RichGirlRoundup, Money with Katie's weekly segment where Katie and MWK's Executive Producer Henah answer your burning money questions. In this week's conversation, Katie and Henah cover the history of tipping, what feels appropriate, and the judgements behind tip prompts. Watch their full conversation here: https://w...
Jan 13, 2023•14 min•Ep 57•Transcript available on Metacast Did somebody say paradigm shift? For the first time in more than a decade, the investing world is undergoing a fundamental shift. In the midst of a new interest rate regime, my guest Kristy Akullian (BlackRock investment strategist extraordinaire) joins me to unpack the implications of what the Fed’s moves—and broader economic conditions—might mean for markets. Hint: There’s probably an asset class or two partially or totally absent from your portfolio right now, thanks to the overwhelming S&P 5...
Jan 11, 2023•26 min•Ep 56•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome to a new kind of #RichGirlRoundup! We're trying a new format, where my Executive Producer Henah and I will pick a burning money question and discuss our answers. These new mini-episodes will drop every Friday, and every so often, we'll put out a call for questions on Instagram (@moneywithkatie) and select a few to answer. For our first conversational RGR, we have a spicy (and very complex question): My friends and family keep asking me for money. What should I do? Katie and Henah chat th...
Jan 06, 2023•12 min•Ep 55•Transcript available on Metacast This episode was inspired by a conversation I had with two other financial talking heads about how backwards it is to strip your life of all joy in the pursuit of saving every penny: “I’m not sure what they’re optimizing their lives for,” one said, “But it obviously isn’t ‘happiness.’” Friends, I plunked down in the chair after that and wrote for three hours straight (then decided I hated the first draft and basically rewrote the entire thing)—and the result was this episode. Take a trip with me...
Jan 04, 2023•25 min•Ep 54•Transcript available on Metacast When we were plotting our content for the last week of the year, our executive producer Henah had the brilliant idea of revisiting some of our most powerful mic drop moments from our 52 (!) episodes of The Money with Katie Show this year. We identified 5 of the best truths to carry forward into the new year. And since our entire team produced the original episodes, we figured it’d be fun to include everyone’s perspectives on these favorite clips. Whether you’ve diligently downloaded every episod...
Dec 28, 2022•1 hr 11 min•Ep 53•Transcript available on Metacast How much money do you have to earn in a HCOL area to become a millionaire in 10 years or fewer? A few months ago, we released an episode about how much someone would need to earn (and spend) to go from $0 to a seven-figure net worth in a decade, and a few of our listeners from NYC and the Bay Area said, “Good try, but can you triple the spending and redo this?” I’m nothing if not accommodating, and the question brought up a whole new topic for me: Is living in high cost-of-living areas worth it?...
Dec 21, 2022•37 min•Ep 52•Transcript available on Metacast I’ve onboarded to four different companies in the last five years (long story), and there’s one common throughline that knits together the experiences: The first month of HR paperwork and getting the lay of the land is stressful as hell. In this week’s episode, we’re diving into the major pieces to get right (setting up employer-sponsored retirement account contributions, the “use it or lose it” benefits at your old job, and other consequential-but-tedious administrative stuff). My guest, career...
Dec 14, 2022•56 min•Ep 51•Transcript available on Metacast It was only a matter of time before The Money with Katie Show tackled the Goopification of wellness (even “wellness” seems like a term that’s been co-opted in the last decade). In the US, this industry is worth $212 billion—and growing 11% annually. People be spendin’ some money. What if commercialized self-care is really just a millennial pink Band-aid for the problems endemic to our hyperspeed lives? Are we trapped in a cycle of deadlines and bath bombs and existential dread? (Just me?) This w...
Dec 07, 2022•56 min•Ep 50•Transcript available on Metacast Finally defeated your high-interest debt and got your cash flow under control? This week’s episode is for you, baby! If the 401(k) vs. IRA vs. HSA vs. everything else conundrum has you frozen with indecision, look no further than this week’s podcast episode for a framework that’ll help clarify these types of decisions so you can move forward with confidence in the new year. Even if you feel like you’ve got a relatively good grip on your investment strategy, this refresher may help you consider t...
Nov 30, 2022•42 min•Ep 49•Transcript available on Metacast I have been—by all accounts—incredibly fortunate in my career thus far, but there are a few distinct takeaways I notice when I reflect on the last five years. Since I went to a public state university and studied communications (not exactly a field with investment banking-level compensation), I figured I’d be a median earner forever. Discovering the art of the side hustle (and freelancing, contract work, and online businesses) sent me down a meandering path of trial and error that I’m recounting...
Nov 23, 2022•37 min•Ep 48•Transcript available on Metacast It turns out Americans have been asking the wrong question: It's not, “What’s the difference between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots,’” but rather…“How did those in the 0.1% end up having it all?” To paraphrase my guest, entrepreneur and venture capitalist Nick Hanauer (, “How do [rich people like me] manage to grab an ever-increasing piece of the pie? Is it because rich people are smarter than we were 30 years ago? Is it that we’re working harder than we once did? Are we...
Nov 16, 2022•1 hr 23 min•Ep 47•Transcript available on Metacast HMO or PPO? Go for the high-deductible health plan, or accept the higher premiums? Opt for the copay or coinsurance model? Can you trust the little brochures that subtly guide you to a “lower-cost” option, or are those marketing materials? How does healthcare use big data to offload more of your medical costs onto you? It’s fascinating that personal finance content doesn’t focus more on navigating the US healthcare marketplace—after all, just one mistake that leaves you underinsured can wipe out...
Nov 09, 2022•48 min•Ep 46•Transcript available on Metacast Until the global Pamela Anderson, I had never given much thought to ~the supply chain~ and where the things I buy come from—I kinda just took it for granted that I’d have 12 different almond butter options every time I wandered down Aisle 4 at my local King Soopers. And when you’re knee-deep in the “Financial Independence/Retire Early” world, there’s a heavy emphasis placed on attaining the things you need as cheaply as possible. Unfortunately, being able to purchase something for a single dolla...
Nov 02, 2022•34 min•Ep 45•Transcript available on Metacast I’m not an investment professional or licensed financial advisor, but I do have access to free products and portfolios built by licensed investment professionals—and so do you! The perks of living in 2022, right? This week, we’re breaking down a few big investing topics: the relationship between risk and returns diversification beyond the S&P 500 (and why it’s something you may want to consider, considering it involves securities that aren’t down 25% YTD) the (free) tools you can use to level up...
Oct 26, 2022•51 min•Ep 44•Transcript available on Metacast A little confused about how we’ve gotten to…well, ~gestures to everything~? The S&P 500 down roughly 25% YTD, record-high inflation, and rate hike after rate hike? SoFi’s ( Head of Investment Strategy, Liz Young, joins me to break it all down—and makes a few historically informed predictions about what’s likely on the horizon in 2023. She also addresses why she thinks now’s the time on which we’re all going to look back and wish we bought more, what to buy during downturns, a...
Oct 19, 2022•39 min•Ep 43•Transcript available on Metacast This week’s episode holds two complex truths simultaneously: That sometimes, the answer is working harder, and other times, the answer is policy, interdependence, and community. Sure, individual responsibility is important—but when we try to solve complex, collective problems with individual exceptionalism, we create a recipe wherein quality of life for all but a select few worsens over time. Our individual wealth accumulation and experience of personal finance do not exist in a vacuum—they exis...
Oct 12, 2022•1 hr 1 min•Ep 42•Transcript available on Metacast Before I understood the almost-unbelievable magic of exponential compounding, I thought becoming a millionaire was an almost-impossible goal only achievable by the highest earners or people who were already rich. Granted, inflation has certainly shifted the meaning of a million dollars over the last 20 years—but it’s still no small potatoes. Fortunately, we can calculate this path to the magic million with relative ease—so that’s exactly what we’re doing on the show today. If you’re trying to re...
Oct 05, 2022•42 min•Ep 41•Transcript available on Metacast