#65: Pirates and Piracy
Monday, July 16, 2012 - Recommending Edge Cases podcast, the origin of the Underscore, and discussion about Piracy. Edge Cases Popular Names
Monday, July 16, 2012 - Recommending Edge Cases podcast, the origin of the Underscore, and discussion about Piracy. Edge Cases Popular Names
Friday, July 13, 2012 - Some footnotes on having Side Projects and a few thoughts on using iCloud for Core Data syncing. Show 63 Simperium Parse
Thursday, July 12, 2012 - The importance of having Side Projects and Internationalization. iOS and Mac Podcasts Plain Wallpapers Cheddar API Question from Paul Dunahoo.
Monday, July 09, 2012 - Discussing the implications and considerations that a smaller iPad Mini would introduce.
Thursday, July 05, 2012 - How to make peace with checking Twitter/RSS feeds during your work day. Question via @EricWelander
Monday, July 02, 2012 - A discussion of the path any developer can take to move towards independence. Question via Mason.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Using Octopress, the new Podcasts app, watching WWDC videos and why I got a Retina MacBook Pro. Links: Octopress Podcasts App WWDC Videos Retina MacBook Pro
Thursday, June 21, 2012 - How to manage the various SDK versions that Apple has floating around while making sure you can always ship. Question via @nalenb
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 - A moment of solidarity for developers who work from home with their children. The main topic is a discussion of the current landscape of developer machines and why I think the new MacBook Pro is probably the best choice right now. #29: Working in an Office
Monday, June 18, 2012 — Reflections on how different this year’s WWDC was to last.
I continue my WWDC shows with a discussion of my favorite features in iOS 6. The main discussion is about the value of personal connections and how great it is to meet people in person. The Value of a Handshake - Shawn Blanc
Recorded a few minutes after leaving the WWDC keynote I walk through my initial impressions on the announcements—the things that excite me and the things that disappointed me.
AKA: Please, don’t be a jerk at WWDC. Be thankful to the Apple engineers and employees Be considerate of others and your presenter during sessions Make sure all your technology is on Silent (not vibrate) Please, don’t noisily pack up your stuff and leave before the presenter concludes. Wait until they are done. Pick up your trash Be polite in line and don’t hold spaces for unreasonable numbers of people Don’t be a pushy salesman for your apps Don’t overdo it. Have F...
The Mac Pro…can’t wait. Geekbench Scores
Discussions on Multi-Platform Development and the new AppleTV Instapaper for Android Show 5 and Show 0.8
How to effectively use the WWDC app Instapaper on Kindle Practical lessons from How to build an App Empire
Getting Crash Reports from iTunes Connect Tracking user retention with update stats Pricing as a way to maximize revenue
A few thoughts about The Talk Show leaving 5by5. A discussion of the process of an app being featured in the App Store. 5by5 | The Talk Show #56: That Day Has Come Thanks @gruber and @danbenjamin Dan’s response to The Talk Show leaving: http://5by5.tv/specials/6 John’s new show, The Talk Show: link Dan’s new show, Big Week: link...
Brief followup about yesterday’s launch of Audiobooks , then a thorough discussion of setting goals and how to define success for yourself.
A brief reminder to think of questions for WWDC, then a walkthrough of launch day. itcStatus Majic Rank Audiobooks
A more personal and off-topic discussion of handling the unexpected success of being linked to. Back to Work #23: Failure is ALWAYS an Option Marco.org: iOS 5.1.1 upgrade stats My very first Episode: Show 0.1 My Blog: david-smith.org 5by5 Radio iOS App FiveLive: Mac Live Listening App...
A little bit of housekeeping on the future and outlook for the show. The role of free in the app store How you can make user friendly iTunes affiliate links Links: SimpleCasts User Friendly iTunes Affiliate Links...
Discussing dealing with the unpredictable nature of app development. Starting with an example of how Audiobooks just got delayed and then hopefully giving some tips on how to handle disappointment.
Evaluating the various places you can try to pay to get your app attention and how they all fail.
Discussion of the steps involved in actually shipping an app once all the coding is done: iTunes Connect stuff, Marketing and promotion.
Discussing my process for doing a major app update. Things you should never do A lathe in use Audiobooks
A discussion of the risk, perils and benefits of growing your small, independent business. My Audiobooks app Build and Analyze: #75 My Twitterrific Moment
A few thoughts on WWDC , the annual Apple Developers Conference.
Some thoughts on the impending Apple Event. Recorded just prior to the announcement on March 7th.
Discussion of securing iOS Address Book, iTunes Connect users, and OS X Mountain Lion. HashContacts: an iOS Address Book Wrapper OS X Mountain Lion