What I Learned Shed Hunting in South Dakota
A couple years back I spent two days shed hunting in South Dakota; I learned a lot about how deer choose where to spend there time, and I think it’s very applicable to the Midwest.
A lighthearted and educational hunting podcast in which proficient hunters and cousins, Joe and Tim Willis, outline hunting tips, strategies, stories, and more. This podcast is geared towards newer hunters who are trying to learn as much as they can about the sport. Talking Deer is a good place for seasoned hunters too since there are some amazing guests along the way.
A couple years back I spent two days shed hunting in South Dakota; I learned a lot about how deer choose where to spend there time, and I think it’s very applicable to the Midwest.
I hunt the Kentucky bow opener! Listen to hear what I did right and what I did wrong!
Here’s how I plan to kill the biggest buck of my life this season.
These are all the gear and training exercises I will be using to become a more proficient and confident archer this year.
In this episode, I talk about how I managed to miss 4 bucks averaging nearly 150” and how you can learn from my mistakes to make sure this doesn’t happen to you.
This episode is all about setting good goals for the 2024 deer season. Listen along to help think about you can set goals to become a better hunter and a better person.
Uncle Scott’s 2023 buck was special! Enjoy as Scott and Joe tell the story of the biggest buck they’ve ever hunted!
Late season can be even better than the rut! Listen to find out how. Key takeaways: -Cover is extremely important (hunt close to it) -Deer are jumpy: plan accordingly -Don’t get tunnel vision on one spot or even one deer herd -Access and exit are crucial -Food is still important
Let’s talk gear!!! I’ll probably put out a gear update podcast annually to talk about some of the favorite gear that we use. Here’s a few things we love: -Mathew’s bows -Tidewe rangefinders -tactacam cellular cameras -apple sd lightning adapter -vortex optics
Listen to the story of how I killed the biggest buck of my life on a one day hunt!
Joe took Anna hunting for her first time during rifle season and she shot a great buck! We get to hear from her about her experience and what they both learned. See the photo of Anna’s deer here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck9SOL9J-Cy/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
What I learned on my 48 hour blitz in Wisconsin public land!
Joe and I are going through our summer scouting strategy for this season! Hopefully you can pick up something useful along the way.
Joe takes us through his turkey season so far. Then we dive a little into deer prep and talk about some of our favorite hunters.
We’re back again! Joe and I have been struggling to find a way that’s easy to record without us having to driving hours to meet up. I think we’ve finally found an app that will allow us to be a little more consistent and we should only need to be in person when we have guests! Sorry for the long vacation. Today we are basically catching everyone up on the tail end of our 2021 season as we are already gearing up for fall 2022!
Joe killed a giant! He’s taking us through the story of how he killed the biggest buck of his life.
Today I chat with my good friend, Daniel Mallette, from Growing Deer tv about his recent hunting trip to Greenland. A bucket list hunt is honestly an understatement.
Joe and I are having a conversation about our early season hunting strategies and what all we’ve been doing to prepare for season. We talk about everything from uncle Scott getting bored with habitat management to Donald Trump Jr. hopefully this gets you excited for deer season!
Matt Dye from land and legacy joins me today to talk about the importance of diversity in deer habitat. He also gives some great tips for managing habitat without breaking the bank! Unfortunately Joe couldn’t join me on this one but Matt has so much much knowledge about all things habitat you won’t want to miss this one! https://landandlegacy.tv/
It’s been a while! We are missing our mic so this isn’t quite our normal quality but we felt obligated to get some content out to you guys! We talk some about our fall hunting plans and summertime pictures!
Its been a while! Today we are talking all about family as well as getting youth into the sport!
Today we are taking a break from "talking deer" as we are talking turkey hunting and calling basics! Listen in to hear tactics and stories we've used in the past.
Today Joe and Tim are covering the basics of good stand locations. They cover what kind of tree to look for as well as good areas to target in a particular time of year.
Bonus! Today Joe and Tim talk about some of gear they use in the deer woods. Think it costs thousands to get into deer hunting? Listen to find out just how inexpensive it can be! We cover hunting basics like licenses and weapons as well as talking about high end items like cellular game cameras and Ozone-based scent elimination technology lots of stuff in between! Below are some links to some of the gear that has worked well for us. game cam: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Tasco-8MP-Tan-Trail-Camera...
Joe's dad hops on and talks about setting good goals that keep hunting fun. We also dive into creating hit lists. link to deer aging from NDA (formerly called QDMA): https://www.agingdeeronthehoof.com/deer-aging-charts/buck-aging-poster-qdma/
Joe and Tim briefly introduce themselves and their goals for this podcast, and then dive into the world of shed antlers. From when to start looking for sheds, all the way to how to gain access to private land, this episode outlines everything you need to know to start finding antlers! Here is a link to the mapping app that we use: https://www.onxmaps.com/