Homily from the Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time. Do not miss your turn. There are times in our lives when we have the opportunity and the ability to make a decision that will change the direction of our lives. Joshua issued this invitation to the people of Israel as they entered the Promised Land and we are issued the same invitation. We must decide for ourselves whom we will serve. Mass Readings from August 25, 2024: Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Psalms 34:2-3, 16-21 Ephesians 5:21-32 John 6:...
Aug 24, 2024•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Let praise go up first. There is something that every Christian can do at every moment and in every situation...that most of us forget to do. Or we fail to do it. God has called us to offer praise at all times. Mass Readings from August 18, 2024: Proverbs 9:1-6 Psalms 34:2-7 Ephesians 5:15-20 John 6:51-58...
Aug 17, 2024•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Body and soul in Heaven. The fact of the Assumption is the greatest reminder that all those who have died in Christ are meant to rise with Christ. All of us will get our bodies back and we will rise on the Last Day; some to the Resurrection of Glory and others to the Resurrection of Shame. Mass Readings from August 15, 2024: Revelation 11:19; 12:1-6, 10 Psalms 45:10, 11, 12, 16 1 Corinthians 15:20-27 Luke 1:39-56...
Aug 15, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. What does a"win" look like? There are times when we accomplish our goals...and then we still feel that there ought to be something more. There are times when "winning" is just as empty as "losing". In those moments, we have the opportunity to step back and ask what we are shooting for. These are the moments we can ask "what does a 'win' look like?" Mass Readings from August 11, 2024: 1 Kings 19:4-8 Psalms 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 Ephesians 4:30—5:...
Aug 10, 2024•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. There are four kinds of vision...one is the most helpful. We all want to see the world accurately. But most often, we fall into the blindness of being shortsighted. Then we want foresight so that we can know what will happen. Or hindsight so that we know what we've lived through. But God calls us to a newer sight. One that helps us get out of the desert by going through the desert. Mass Readings from August 4, 2024: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 Psalms ...
Aug 03, 2024•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Give the first fruits and gather the fragments. We are given two commands in this weekend's readings: to give the first fruits and gather the fragments. Our temptation, however, is to do the opposite; to give the fragments and gather the first fruits. In order to have a heart like Christ, we must become givers. Mass Readings from July 28, 2024: 2 Kings 4:42-44 Psalms 145:10-11, 15-18 Ephesians 4:1-6 John 6:1-15...
Jul 27, 2024•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. A person cannot be excellent without rest. Human beings are made in God's image. We are also made for love, for labor, and for leisure. Since the Fall, these gifts have become distorted in our hearts and we have to fight for the ability to love well, to labor well, and even to leisure well. But we must strive to rest well if we are going to be the people God has made and redeemed us to be. Mass Readings from July 21, 2024: Jeremiah 23:1-6 Psalms...
Jul 20, 2024•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Does God have permission to say "I want it back?" We are all living on borrowed time. And borrowed gifts...and borrowed strengths... Everything we have has been loaned to us from God. At some point, God will interrupt our lives and will ask for His gifts back. He will interrupt our lives and ask for us to return all that has been entrusted to us. Will we be free enough to say "Here it is. I hope that the way I used it glorified You."? Mass Readi...
Jul 13, 2024•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. God can be glorified through our wounds, not merely in spite of them. We all experience brokenness. We all experience God's love through a broken lens. And yet we do encounter them in this way. Mass Readings from July 7, 2024: Ezekiel 2:2-5 Psalms 123:1-4 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Mark 6:1-6...
Jul 06, 2024•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Sacraments are God's presence and power...do we let them change us? We continually come into contact with the living God in the Sacraments. But we often leave our encounter with the Sacraments the same as when we arrived. If we are open to what God wants, we are surrendering to His will. Mass Readings from June 30, 2024: Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 Psalms 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-13 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 Mark 5:21-43...
Jun 29, 2024•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Rebellion, Resentment, or Rejoicing. We are called to surrender to God's will. But how do we surrender? Is it a matter of feeling or is it a matter of something else? Surrender is an active, dynamic thing. And it is the opposite of rebellion and resentment. Mass Readings from June 23, 2024: Job 38:1, 8-11 Psalms 107:23-26, 28-31 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 Mark 4:35-41...
Jun 22, 2024•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. Courage is the willingness to do God's will on your own accord. We find ourselves in a place where we face uncertainty and difficulty. And yet, we are called to nonetheless move forward with courage. We walk by faith and not by sight. We choose to trust in God's Word more than our fears. Mass Readings from June 16, 2024: Ezekiel 17:22-24 Psalms 92:2-3, 13--16 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 Mark 4:26-34...
Jun 15, 2024•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. God can even use a broken world to accomplish His will. What is the point of life? Is it to be happy? To get what you want? Or is the point of life to become like God? And this world is specifically designed to help you become that kind of person. Mass Readings from June 9, 2024: Genesis 3:9-15 Psalms 130:1-8 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 Mark 3:20-35...
Jun 08, 2024•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Do I not know? Or do I not care? The Eucharist is truly the Body, and Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ. Beyond all of God's other gifts, this gift stands alone. Because it is the gift of His very Self. And yet, too often our hearts are cold and indifferent to this Greatest of Gifts. Mass Readings from June 2, 2024: Exodus 24:3-8 Psalms 116:12-13, 15-18 Hebrews 9:11-15 Mark 14:12-16, 22-26...
Jun 01, 2024•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. God wants to spend time with you. The Mystery of the Holy Trinity is the Mystery of God's identity. The tri-Personal God is more than an abstract concept, yet the Trinity can often remain in our minds as a vague "idea". And yet, in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God has claimed us, brought us into a new relationship with Him, and made us a new creation. Mass Readings from May 26, 2024: Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40 Psalms 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22 R...
May 25, 2024•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from Pentecost Sunday. The best way to thank the Giver is to use the gift. At Pentecost, the Lord poured out His Holy Spirit upon the disciples and blessed them with His gifts. Immediately, they used those gifts. These gifts were given to be used. And so are all of the gifts God continues to give. Mass Readings from May 19, 2024: Acts 2:1-11 Psalms 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13 John 20:19-23...
May 18, 2024•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Solemnity of the Ascension. Who am I building up? God has given us His promise of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit sanctifies us and makes us holy, but the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to us so that we can participate in the work of God in the world. At His Ascension, Jesus promised the Holy Spirit so that we could continue His work here on earth. Mass Readings from May 12, 2024: Acts 1:1-11 Psalms 47:2-3, 6-9 Ephesians 1:17-23 Mark 16:15-20...
May 11, 2024•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Sixth Sunday of Easter. The strength that got you here is not the strength needed to get you there. As we continue to grow and age and mature, we also continue to experience the reality of decline. Each of us will come to know what it is to have less youthful strength. Rather than lament this fact, we can learn to adapt and choose a different strength. We can choose a new definition of what it is to "win" at life. Mass Readings from May 5, 2024: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 Psalms...
May 04, 2024•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Fifth Sunday of Easter. You got to wake up today. We don't know if we will have enough time to finish, but we do know that we have time to start. We have a tendency to delay, but the only time that we have is now; and since we got to wake up today, we have the chance to say "Now, I begin". Mass Readings from April 28, 2024: Acts 9:26-31 Psalms 22:26-28, 30-32 1 John 3:18-24 John 15:1-8...
Apr 27, 2024•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Easter. Stand in the truth and do the next right thing. Life can easily overwhelm us, leaving us in a place where we feel beaten and in a season of discouragement. But choosing humility and hope...choosing to live the truth and to do the next right thing...is the key to living courageously. Mass Readings from April 21, 2024: Acts 4:8-12 Psalms 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29 1 John 3:1-2 John 10:11-18...
Apr 20, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Third Sunday of Easter. The first step is to stop. Once we realize that we have to repent...that we are called to "change our minds"...the first step is to stop. To examine what it is that we are thinking and to which thoughts, sins, and false images of God we have made agreements with. And then to break those agreements in order to say "Now I begin". Mass Readings from April 14, 2024: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 Psalms 4:2, 4, 7-9 1 John 2:1-5a Luke 24:35-48...
Apr 13, 2024•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from Divine Mercy Sunday. Mercy is the love we need the most and deserve the least. We all want to get what we deserve. We want justice, and God is Just. But there are times when we need something more than justice...there are times when we might deserve justice, but need mercy. Mass Readings from April 7, 2024: Acts 4:32-35 Psalms 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 1 John 5:1-6 John 20:19-31...
Apr 06, 2024•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from Easter Sunday. Are Jesus and the Mass merely optional...or essential? We have such full lives and such small hearts that we are relieved when things get cancelled. But, for the things that are neccesary, we would be devasted if we missed them. Who Jesus is to us will determine our response when we are not able to get to Mass or receive the Eucharist. Mass Readings from March 31, 2024: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Psalms 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Colossians 3:1-4 John 20:1-9...
Mar 31, 2024•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from Good Friday. Jesus won the world in His weakness. We would like for our Lord to be triumphant in His conquering of sin and death. But the people around Him as He saved the world were largely ignorant, indifferent, or antagonistic. Yet, Jesus won the world through His wounds. Mass Readings from March 29, 2024: Isaiah 52:13—53:12 Psalms 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25 Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 John 18:1—19:42...
Mar 29, 2024•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from Holy Thursday, the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper. We all have unique sadnesses. Jesus enters into all of them. Holy Thursday is a day that marks the gift of the Priesthood, the Eucharist, Christ's humble service, and the beginning of the Triduum. Today, we reflect on Peter, Judas, and Jesus in their unique sadnesses. Mass Readings from March 28, 2024: Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14 Psalms 116:12-13, 15-18 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 John 13:1-15...
Mar 29, 2024•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from Palm Sunday. You are meant to be a part of the story. As Christians, we know the Story and we believe the Story. We know how God has saved the world by entering into suffering and death. But we are called to more; we are called to participate in the Story. Our apostolate is marked by Acceptance, Access, and Action. Mass Readings from March 24, 2024: Isaiah 50:4-7 Psalms 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24 Philippians 2:6-11 Mark 14:1—15:47...
Mar 23, 2024•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Fifth Sunday of Lent. You don't have to find God's will in this moment and these circumstances...this moment and these circumstances are God's will for you. The greatest lesson that anyone of us can learn is simple, but it is not always easy: you can trust God in every moment and all circumstances. Mass Readings from March 17, 2024: Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalms 51:3-4, 12-15 Hebrews 5:7-9 John 12:20-33...
Mar 16, 2024•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Lent. We often feel owned by the past or powerless in the present. Once something is broken, is it really lost forever? Mass Readings from March 10, 2024: 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 Psalms 137:1-6 Ephesians 2:4-10 John 3:14-21
Mar 09, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Third Sunday of Lent. The greatest grace is to know the depth of our brokenness and to know the depth of His love. Father Walter wanted to be like his heroes. We all want to think that we will be strong in the moment of truth. But the actual moment of truth comes after our weakness has been revealed. Mass Readings from March 3, 2024: Exodus 20:1-17 Psalms 19:8-11 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 John 2:13-25...
Mar 02, 2024•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homily from the Second Sunday of Lent. If I know Who, then I can say yes without knowing why. Do I have any conditions on my response to God? Will I pray or serve or say yes to Him as long as I understand why He is asking? Mass Readings from February 25, 2024: Genesis 22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18 Psalms 116:10, 15-19 Romans 8:31-34 Mark 9:2-10...
Feb 24, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast