Episode 152 - Aquaman The Trench
Send us a text I swear hes not lame
Follow Nick, Luke, and Bryan as they crusade through the comic world. Each episode they will tackle a different comic and talk about its highs and lows. Western comics, Japanese manga, and web comics are all on the table when each week, one of our hosts will surprise the others with a book of their choice. Follow us on Twitter @crusade_comic for updates on the podcast.
Send us a text I swear hes not lame
Send us a text This sure is a manga.
Send us a text I can't believe we made it this far
Send us a text A classic manga and anime that everyone vaguely remembers. Classic
Send us a text Get ready to talk about everyone's favorite Batman game.
Send us a text Yes we do webcomics occasionlly
Send us a text I hope you like politics
Send us a text Uwu its deadpool time. Isnt he so quirky and wholesome. Bacon and chimichangas am I right
Send us a text This week the famous manga Food Wars is brought to trial. Big questions are asked like can food be too sexy? Will these questions be answered? Probably not. Find out this week on the Trial of Sexy Food.
Send us a text The JLI are back bay bay. Bwa ha ha and all that
Send us a text Friday Monkey
Send us a text Here's what everyone has been waiting for. An episode about everyone's favorite robotic superhero. No not Vision. ITS RED TORNADO TIME BAY BAY
Send us a text What would you do if a baby wouldnt stop urinating
Send us a text This sure is another episode of the podcast
Send us a text I wish my future diary would have told me not to read this book
Send us a text What if they made an X-men book that was good?
Send us a text Mathematical
Send us a text This week Bryan details his traumas from school and other fun tales
Send us a text Booba Fett
Send us a text Join us as we talk about the new hotness Daemons of the Shadow Realm brought to you by the creator of Full Metal Alchemist. We definitely stay on topic this episode
Send us a text Lets start the new year right with some good ole fashioned baseball
Send us a text The greatest blind superhero with the super power to see.
Send us a text After a week of despair last week. This episode will bring you hope.
Send us a text I actively warn you not to listen to this episode. This episode contains graphic content that we on The Comic Crusade do not endorse.
Send us a text Time to talk about our favorite white hooded hero
Send us a text Happy Leif Erikson Day, hinga dinga durgen.
Send us a text Everyones favorite DC acrobatic SexyMan finally gets an episode
Send us a text The V stands for Virgin
Send us a text A prefect little sendoff to spooky month. A classic episode where we talk about the book I promise
Send us a text This episode STINKS