Series Finale
Diego sets off the series finale to start a new show
Diego sets off the series finale to start a new show
Diego gives his thoughts on the Avengers game that seems to be getting mixed reviews and asked why Insomniac’s version of the web slinger couldn’t link up with the titanic team
Chadwick Aaron Bozeman was an American actor and producer. You can find the rest on Wikipedia but honestly what matters the most was his heart, dedication and class. Rest in Power sir you earned it and thank you
Diego gives his thoughts on the state of social empathy and how he’s overcome apathy. He also talks about this thing called a podcast....
Diego gives his ignorant thoughts on the Smith situation with August
Diego gives his thoughts on Total Recall and the reboot it received
Diego gives his thoughts on recent media and the state of the world while handling business
Diego discusses how we can continue to protest from home, The virus didn’t go away guys and we may be making things worse.
Diego raves and rants about the Synder cut of Justice League
Diego gives his thoughts on the new (to Netflix) anime Beastars. Speaking of art tap this link for an offer into a product I really enjoy I think you might to:
I talk about Coronavirus before talking seriously
Diego vents about the current state of Nickelodeon’s content while handling business
I basically speak on the lack of happiness and bring facts into why we should try to be better also we speak on Daredevil and why he doesn’t have a game or movie. As usual I have many rants and sidebars all while playing Spider-Man PS4
Diego gives his thoughts on characters that are created on the baseline of pre-established characters and how too much change can be harmful
“Diego” talks about his questions involving Netflix, the industry and Ben 10 all while battling a cold