Masters, Teachers, Guides and Guru's with Jeffrey Milburn
Jeffrey insights about the different ways spiritual assistants, guide, guru's and masters assist us in becoming more realized human beings ready for what life can throw at us.
Jeffrey insights about the different ways spiritual assistants, guide, guru's and masters assist us in becoming more realized human beings ready for what life can throw at us.
Jeffrey's lovely dialogue with Santa Fe artist, Stephanie Murphy, who shares her insights about using creativity and authenticity to make every moment an opportunity to be completely joyful.
Jeffrey's reading about gratitude, happiness and bliss.
Jeffrey's dialogue with Martin Rutte, co-author of the New York Times bestseller Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work, talking about the insights he has gained over the last 20 years of personal challenges and joys, and why he thinks the work of humanity is to make Heaven on Earth a living reality.
Jeffrey's dialogue with Irenka Taurek telling her story of escaping the Nazi's in Poland during WW2 and her subsequent life in Switzerland, Los Angeles and Santa Fe. Sharing stories and insights from her experiences as therapist, mother, grandmother, bed and breakfast owner and world traveler, Irene delights us with her remarkable life's journey.
Jeffrey's dialogue with Irenka Taurek telling her story of escaping the Nazi's in Poland during WW2 and her subsequent life in Switzerland, Los Angeles and Santa Fe. Sharing stories and insights from her experiences as therapist, mother, grandmother, bed and breakfast owner and world traveler, Irene delights us with her remarkable life's journey.
Jeffrey discusses how energy and emotions effect manifestation in life and achieving bliss. Discussing the mental passions as blocks to achieving divine love, Jeffrey gives 4 techniques to overcome blocks to high consciousness and one’s mission in life. When Soul knows that it is truly at play in the universe, fear melts into love and the mental passions disintegrate into pure beingness and allow one to do one’s art well. Some music today is from the Podsafe Music Network : Symmetrical Angels Pa...
Jeffrey's dialogue with Fe Christian about her days as an air traffic control specialist, the owner and operator of a production company, a writer and backer of Santa Fe's famous Tea House on Canyon Road Fe shares her many insights into the meaning of life and her incredible encounter with a massive UFO when she was an air traffic controller.
Jeffrey's dialogue with Fe Christian about her days as an air traffic control specialist, the owner and operator of a production company, a writer and backer of Santa Fe's famous Tea House on Canyon Road Fe shares her many insights into the meaning of life and her incredible encounter with a massive UFO when she was an air traffic controller.
Jeffrey's dialogue with Santa Fe artist Judy Just, creating art since 8 speaks extensively about how her training as an artist and her consciousness interacts to form her original works of art. Teaching art all over the country to students of varying abilities and ages have brought Judy ever greater understandings of the unique being that every artist is and has continually expanded her ability to see in ever greater realms and vistas.
Jeffrey's dialogue with Ariel Youst, an 84 year old Santa Fean who shares her experiences being in WW 2 in Holland, how she got her name and how she began her journey into consciousness. Ariel's wisdom and charm is communicated through her stories and insights about life that have led her to a very vibrant beingness and an amazing clarity about what really matters in life. Ariel shares what really brings her happiness and how she overcame her greatest fears. Also talking about her greatest lesso...
Jeffrey talks about how quantum physics and chemistry form the basis for homeopathic and allopathic approaches to medicine. Describing the universe as a hologram, Jeffrey discusses the history of consciousness and physics and what constitutes balance and wellness.
Jeffrey talks about how privacy and consciousness intersect in our public life in The United States, and the spiritual purpose behind the formation of The United Nations. Jeffrey also discusses how to follow two basic laws discovered by Richard Mayberry in his book “Whatever Happened To Justice” to ensure a well functioning life and how to embrace life from a higher understanding.
Jeffrey and Mr. BE discuss reincarnation and the many aspects of the expanded consciousness that accrues from the experiences in this life, and over many lifetimes. Closing music is "The Beat Oracle" provided by the Podsafe Music Network .
Jeffrey's conversation with Mose Henry, aka Moses MacNaughton, feature film developer and well-known lead singer for the 1960's group, the Highwaymen about his view of Divine Love, feature films as an expression of higher consciousness and his work with the United Nations Foundation, and his One-Heart global broadcast.
Understanding the sound and light waves that inform the entirety of the Omniverse which the ancients called the Audible Life Stream, and the specific sounds that correspond to a 5 dimensional physical universe and the unlimited non-physical universe. Jeffrey touches upon how radio waves, machines and nature interact and how the human voice can heal, disrupt, destroy, enflame or bring peace by resonating within the various charkas and energy centers of the human body. ....
Jeffrey talks about the meaning of true activism and how to identify it’s inherent characteristics. Critical to authenticity is to be the change you want to see and to understand the connection between ethics and spirituality and how these play out in the larger context of the five dimensions. Exploring why so much long term change fails in our culture, Jeffrey offers a new perspective towards establishing deep and lasting change based on a deeper understanding of life in the five dimensional un...
Jeffrey talks about the duality of matter, the lightness of spirit, and living beyond the tyranny of your personal opinions. He also talks about how health issues and personal challenges act as springboards for greater awareness, the interaction of the dream world, some spiritual tuning techniques, and how to work with the five dimensions to read the language of your life and connect with and trust yourself as Soul. Some humor: Borowitz report....
Jeffrey's very first Omni Art Salon in 2005 where he is interviewed by John Biethan about the history of the Omni Art Movement in the early 1980's in New York with Andy Warhol and his one man museum installation of The Universalist Group in 1991. Part Three of a Three Part series.
Jeffrey's very first Omni Art Salon in 2005 where he is interviewed by John Biethan about the history of the Omni Art Movement in the early 1980's in New York with Andy Warhol and his one man museum installation of The Universalist Group in 1991. Part Two of a Three Part series.
Jeffrey's very first Omni Art Salon in 2005 where he is interviewed by John Biethan about the history of the Omni Art Movement in the early 1980's in New York with Andy Warhol and his one man museum installation of The Universalist Group in 1991. Part One of a Three Part series.