3-12-2002 - David Anderson - Time Traveler Open Lines
Art Bell - David Anderson - Time Traveler Open Lines [h1 only]
Art Bell - David Anderson - Time Traveler Open Lines [h1 only]
Art Bell - Major Ed Dames - Remote Viewing *Please check out the poll I have added to this episode, thanks!
Art Bell - Dr. Joyce Hawkes - NDEs and Indigenous Healing Wisdom. Colm Kelleher - Animal Mutliations
Art Bell - Richard Hoagland
Art Bell - Michael Horn - The Billy Meier UFO Case. Steve Smith - 100 Million Years Old Human Tooth
Art Bell - William Thomas - Chemtrails
Art Bell - Dr. Kent Hovind - Dispelling the Myth of Evolution. Nick Begich - Weather Manipulation
....and we're back! Art Bell - Prof. Kevin Warwick - World's First Cyborg
Art Bell - Art Bell - Open Lines - Entity Attacks
Art Bell - Eric Burdon - Eric Burdon and the Animals
Art Bell - Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics
Art Bell - Jim Larranaga - Weather Control
Art Bell - Open Lines - Immortals
2002Art Bell - Philip Tierno MD - Bioterrorism, Secret Life of Germs. Jim Berkland - Earthquake Predictions
Art Bell - Michael Luckman - New Face on Mars
Art Bell - Harry Braun - The Phoenix Project, Shifting from Oil to Hydrogen
Art Bell - Janis Amatuzio - The Compassionate Coroner - Death And Hereafter
Art Bell - Brendan Cook, Barbara McBeath - EVPs
Art Bell - Graham Hancock - Ancient Underwater Ruins
Art Bell - Dr. Edward Tenner - Technology and Unintended Consequences. R.C. Hoagland - Nuclear Technology
Art Bell - Dr. Gregory Little - Edgar Cayce and the Mound Builders - Scott Portzline - Nuclear Reactors
Art Bell - Hollow Planets - Jan Lamprecht
Art Bell - Eugene Linden - Science Writer
Art Bell - Mel Waters - Mel's New Hole
Art Bell - Hutchison Effect - John Hutchison
Art Bell - Open Lines - Monsters
Art Bell - John A. Keel - The Mothman Prophecies
Art Bell - George Zeiler - MUFON, Investigating the Romanek UFO Sighting
Art Bell - Mel Waters - Bottomless Hole - Replay Compilation (2-21-97, 2-24-97, 4-24-00)
Art Bell - Bizarre Open Lines