483: SilmFilm 6-14: The Depiction of Magic
Tonight we discuss Magic and its representation in the Beren and Luthien story!
Tonight we discuss Magic and its representation in the Beren and Luthien story!
Join Corey and Maggie as they discuss the new Rings of Power metateaser and discuss TolkienTok with some awesome TikTokers.
Tonight we discuss the script of Episode 1 of Season 6! There are ghosts, vampires, frustrated balrogs, desperate outlaws, and the heirs of kings.
Join Corey and Maggie as they share more details from their discussions with the Rings of Power showrunners and continue discussing Empire images. Other Minds and Hands: An Open and Friendly Discussion of Tolkien Adaptation, Episode 13, recorded on June 15, 2022 Hosts: Dr. Corey Olsen the Tolkien Professor https://signumuniversity.org/director... Dr. Maggie Parke https://signumuniversity.org/director... Other Minds and Hands takes place (almost) every week at 4 pm US Eastern, Wednesday, on this ...
Other Minds and Hands: An Open and Friendly Discussion of Tolkien Adaptation, Episode 12, recorded on June 8, 2022 Hosts: Dr. Corey Olsen the Tolkien Professor https://signumuniversity.org/director... Dr. Maggie Parke https://signumuniversity.org/director... Other Minds and Hands takes place (almost) every week at 4 pm US Eastern, Wednesday, on this SignumU Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/SignumUnive... and SignumU Twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/signumu For more information https...
Join us tonight for a discussion of the Frame story for Season 6! (Hint: Tinuviel! Tinuviel!)
Let's discuss the recent Wheel of Time adaptation! Corey really admires it and dares you to change his mind!
Tonight we finish the plot outline discussion for Season 6. Time to resolve the issues with the end of the season...
Today, Maggie and Corey are joined by Sergio and Cesar from the Tolkien Talk YouTube channel in Brazil! Other Minds and Hands: An Open and Friendly Discussion of Tolkien Adaptation, Episode 10, recorded on May 18, 2022 Hosts: Dr. Corey Olsen the Tolkien Professor https://signumuniversity.org/director... Dr. Maggie Parke https://signumuniversity.org/director... Episode guest: Sergio and Cesar from the Tolkien Talk YouTube channel in Brazil Youtube https://www.youtube.com/TolkienTalk Twitter https...
This evening we finish thinking through the arc of the Beren and Luthien story, focusing on the final sequence: To Mandos and Back Again.
Join Corey and Maggie as they discuss their whirlwind trip to London for Amazon Prime Video's Sneak Peek Rings of Power experience! Other Minds and Hands: An Open and Friendly Discussion of Tolkien Adaptation, Episode 9, recorded on May 10, 2022 What Corey and Maggie are talking about, you can find out some of the atmosphere of the event from the OneRing.net article by Justin Sewell here, https://www.theonering.net/torwp/2022... and from the Tolkien Guide's post here. https://www.tolkienguide.co...
Today we are joined by the Voice of Geekdom, to talk about the idea of "canon". Other Minds and Hands: An Open and Friendly Discussion of Tolkien Adaptation, Episode 8, recorded on April 20, 2022 Hosts: Dr. Corey Olsen the Tolkien Professor https://signumuniversity.org/director... Dr. Maggie Parke https://signumuniversity.org/director... Episode guest: Voice of Geekdom YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/VoiceofGeekdom Twitter https://twitter.com/VoiceOfGeek Other Minds and Hands takes place (almo...
Tonight: How many dogfights do we really want to do in one episode? And how do we depict the dynamics of Beren and Luthien's relationship at this stage?
Today we will think through the Elvish political situation in Eriador in the Second Age, considering the opportunities and challenges that the Rings of Power show faces. Other Minds and Hands: An Open and Friendly Discussion of Tolkien Adaptation, Episode 7, recorded on April 13, 2022 Hosts: Dr. Corey Olsen the Tolkien Professor https://signumuniversity.org/director... Dr. Maggie Parke https://signumuniversity.org/director... Other Minds and Hands takes place (almost) every week at 4 pm US Easte...
Other Minds and Hands: An Open and Friendly Discussion of Tolkien Adaptation, Episode 5, recorded on March 30, 2022 Hosts: Dr. Corey Olsen the Tolkien Professor https://signumuniversity.org/director... Dr. Maggie Parke https://signumuniversity.org/director... Other Minds and Hands takes place (almost) every week at 4 pm US Eastern, Wednesday, on this SignumU Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/SignumUnive... and SignumU Twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/signumu For more information http...
Other Minds and Hands: An Open and Friendly Discussion of Tolkien Adaptation, Episode 4, recorded on March 23, 2022 Today, Corey and Maggie are joined by our second special guest, not-so-clueless fangirl Helen from the Clueless Fangirl, and discuss Númenor in the #RingsOfPower adaptation. Hosts: Dr. Corey Olsen the Tolkein Professor https://signumuniversity.org/director... Dr. Maggie Parke https://signumuniversity.org/director... Episode guest: Helen from The Clueless Fangirl Youtube https://www...
Tonight we start on the Beren and Luthien story, and we decide the order of the first part of the season.
Today we pause to take a real look at the Rings of Power trailer -- not to speculate about events or to worry about details, but to consider themes and the larger story. Other Minds and Hands: An Open and Friendly Discussion of Tolkien Adaptation, Episode 3, recorded on March 16, 2022 Hosts: Dr. Corey Olsen the Tolkein Professor https://signumuniversity.org/director... Dr. Maggie Parke https://signumuniversity.org/director... Other Minds and Hands takes place (almost) every week at 4 pm US Easte...
Today we have both cohosts, and we are also joined by our first guest: Knewbettadobetta, whom you can follow on TikTok. Today we'll discuss the significance of background lore choices and what it means for an adaptation to be "faithful". Other Minds and Hands: An Open and Friendly Discussion of Tolkien Adaptation, Episode 2, recorded on March 9, 2022 Hosts: Dr. Corey Olsen the Tolkein Professor https://signumuniversity.org/director... Dr. Maggie Parke https://signumuniversity.org/director... Epi...
So how do we shape the Nargothrond and Doriath suplots of the Beren and Luthien story?
Other Minds and Hands: An Open and Friendly Discussion of Tolkien Adaptation, Episode 1, recorded on February 23, 2022 In the first episode of Other Minds and Hands, Corey Olsen gives an introduction to Tolkien adaptation, starting with Tolkien’s vision for his legendarium from his famous Letter to Milton Waldman, and then addressing some of the widespread reactions to the upcoming Amazon adaptation. Next episode will be at 4 pm US Eastern, Wednesday, March 9. Dr. Corey Olsen the Tolkein Profess...
So, what exactly is Glaurung up to during the Beren and Luthien story?
Let's discuss the Character Posters that dropped today!
Let's discuss the Character Posters that dropped today!
Okay, so what is Thuringwethil's story, anyway? How did she die, but also, how did she live? And what does this tell us about Sauron?
Meanwhile, what exactly happened in Dorthonion? How is Sauron involved? Thuringwethil?
And now to plan one of Sauron's big moments: his rise and fall in the Luthien story. And what happened to Thuringwethil anyway?
The day has come! It is finally time to embark on the first-ever film adaptation of the story of Beren and Luthien. Let's do this!
Join us for the final session of Season 5, as we discuss the end of the Dagor Bragollach and the Duel of Fingolfin and Morgoth.