TOPIC : Elephants all the way down. This week, Dan and Merlin do a deep dive on communication, perception, persuasion, empathy, and understanding, as illustrated by everything from The Force Awakens to Don LaPre to PR emails to Donald Trump to a variety of elephants—plus a famous photo of a man and the fake dead triceratops he supposedly killed. Links for this episode: Tai Lopez - YouTube xkcd: Duty Calls Four-quadrant movie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia How Donald Trump Answer...
Jan 05, 2016•2 hr 53 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Something something the things we own. This week, Dan and Merlin talk about the way shopping changes how we buy stuff—and how buying is changing what we can actually shop for. Then, there's a ruminative discussion of the Mast Brothers chocolate dust-up and what it might say about our sense of story, identity, and "authenticity." Links for this episode: What the Mast Brothers Scandal Tells Us About Ourselves - Eater One of the ascendant virtues of the new culinary landscape is the murky, ...
Dec 23, 2015•2 hr 47 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Maybe quit being so "busy." This week, Dan and Merlin drop a lot of science on the miraculous taxonomies of Judaica. Mazel Tov! For the big topic, Merlin launches into an animated jeremiad on words meaning things, with a focus on being terminally "busy" versus being willfully "time-constrained." Links for this episode: Conceptual metaphor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Metaphors We Live By (9780226468013): George Lakoff, Mark Johnson: Books HTTPS Everywhere | Electronic F...
Dec 15, 2015•1 hr 27 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Sunrise, Sunset. This week, Dan and Merlin celebrate their 250th episode with an extensive discussion of McDonaldland and its horrific culture and citizenry. The main topic addresses the ““sunsetting”” of the Mailbox iOS app—and what it highlights about deciding where to put our stuff, what apps we choose to use, and what contingency plans it's probably wise to have in place. Links for this episode: Saying goodbye to Carousel and Mailbox | | Dropbox Blog Dropbox Kills Mailbox, an App It ...
Dec 08, 2015•2 hr 58 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Personal Crazy Walls This week, Dan and Merlin start by covering a lot of things that you might actually be thinking of. The meat of the episode focuses on a listener question about deciding what things go where—leading to a pretty nerdy exegesis of Notes vs. text files, reminders vs. task managers, and where stuff goes vs. where it probably should go. Links for this episode: Ungainly X-Mann Meetup #11 — Merlin Mann MERLIN MANN (Back to Work, Roderick on the Line, Reconcilable Difference...
Dec 01, 2015•2 hr 50 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : More Songs About Buildings and Food This week, Dan and Merlin talk about transitions, microwave ovens, air conditioning, and the likelihood of salmonella. Links for this episode: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values (9780060589462): Robert M. Pirsig: Books Discipline of Do Easy by Gus Van Sant - YouTube The discipline of DE (do easy) - MELANCHOLIA. Homer's Enemy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Food Safety Talk Food Safety Talk 79: You’re I...
Nov 24, 2015•2 hr 32 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : A Mark on a Page This week, Dan and Merlin kick off by talking about Dan's recent interview with "Weird Al" and how he's such an interesting harbinger of changing times for media and platforms. Next, Merlin responds to a listener's question about how he uses a notebook, which leads to an extended dissertation on how to ruin your notebook in the best way possible. Nothing doesn't go in here . Links for this episode: 5by5 | The Ihnatko Almanac #161: Project Doneway On the eve of the finale...
Nov 17, 2015•1 hr 23 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Medieval or Renaissance? This week, Dan and Merlin start out by helping listeners learn to identify the subtle differences between all things Renaissance and Medieval . The remainder of the show is split between an in-depth introduction to the Plex media ecosystem, and a philosophical and practical meditation on choosing how to spend a given day. Links for this episode: Das Keyboard 4 Professional for Mac, Clicky (DASK4MACCLI): Computers & Accessories A Scottish historian...
Nov 10, 2015•2 hr 55 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : First impressions of the new Apple TV This week, Dan and Merlin talk about the triumphs and travails of their first few days with the fourth generation Apple TV. Links for this episode: New Apple TV: Tips, Tricks, Siri Remote Shortcuts and Useful Settings - Mac Rumors To complement our coverage of the new Apple TV, which includes a trio of hands-on videos, an Apple TV apps roundup, several tidbits, and a reviews roundup, we have created the following list of tips, tricks, and shortcuts f...
Nov 03, 2015•2 hr 57 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : You are who you choose to be. This week Dan and Merlin talk about making buying decisions, dealing with unsolicited email, preventing stupid from sticking to you, and finding systems that may or may not work. Links for this episode: Travel Basket Key Tray and Wallet Valet by Red Oxx Mfg It's All Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff: Peter Walsh: 9780743292658: Books BEST Haka EVER on HD - All Blacks Haka - Rugby World Cup Final 2011 Vs. France ...
Oct 27, 2015•2 hr 55 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : It's Business All the Way Down. This week, Dan and Merlin talk about joys and frustrations of contemporary consumer technologies. So great yet so frustrating. So powerful yet so hobbled. It's weird how, as great as the newest tech ever gets, we so quickly find we're bumping right up against business, business, business . Then, there's some more discussion of updates in iOS 9 and what we can now do with iPhone 6s, highlighting the astonishing power of trackpad mode. Finally, some updates ...
Oct 20, 2015•2 hr 35 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Procrastination is a life sentence. This week, after some high-level discussion on the topics of Marvel and media reduxes, Dan and Merlin ( maaaaybe ) wrap up their initial and very positive impressions of iOS 9 on modern Apple devices. More fawning talk of Siri, plus tips on easily adding items to Reminders and Notes. Dan also lays out his freeing new philosophy and implementations for doing sane email on an iPad. Then, Merlin goes off a little on why constantly feeling bad about yourse...
Oct 14, 2015•2 hr 33 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : iOS Amazement This week, Dan and Merlin talk about Dan's new iPad Air 2 and continue their discussion of how much iOS 9 on modern devices is already changing how we do our work. Also, some nerdy updates on how Merlin uses synced text files via Drafts, Editorial, and nvALT. Links for this episode: What does “Spotlight Suggestions” turn off? - alexwlchan I’m no expert, but holy crap the hacking on Homeland was bad | Ars Technica On trackpad mode in iOS 9 and the iPhone | iMore Lipophobicit...
Oct 06, 2015•2 hr 39 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Speed, Reliability, and Expectations This episode, Dan and Merlin talk about this week's massive leaps forward with the pairing of iOS 9 and iPhone 6s. Links for this episode: Siri’s Headphone Tax | If It Ain’t Fixed, Break It | Childhood's End - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Great. My seven-year-old has discovered... | kung fu grippe OS X El Capitan review: Mac upgrade that's as solid as a rock | Macworld How to pair your Apple Watch with y...
Sep 29, 2015•2 hr 43 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Block! Block! Body blow! Uppercut! This week, Dan and Merlin talk less about ad-blocking and more about what kind-of feels like (but might not actually be) a point of change for web advertising, podcasting, and media as a whole, which could affect, like, everything, man. Links for this episode: Internet History Podcast | From Netscape To The iPad Political Gabfest on the second Republican presidential debate and the possible government shutdown over the Planned Parenthood controversy. On...
Sep 23, 2015•2 hr 49 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Knowing what you'll need to know. This week, Dan and Merlin answer a listener question about how the " slow your roll " thought technology can apply to learning new skills. Links for this episode: Political Gabfest SF Tickets | Slate Magazine's Political Gabfest | City Box Office Political Gabfest John Dickerson - How to Process a Hotel Room John Dickerson, Journalist & Handsomeman | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Are People Really More Busy? The Rise of Shadow Work | The Art of Manlin...
Sep 15, 2015•2 hr 56 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Stop that train! This week, Dan and Merlin talk about some ideas for noticing and then battling the surfeits of negative thought that sometimes threaten to overrun us. Also: talk of a cool new computer mouse, evolution in the comic book industry, and what constitutes "real camping." Links for this episode: Logitech MX Master Wireless Mouse (910-004337): Computers & Accessories Urban Dictionary: slow your roll Term used to inform a homie that he's getting outta control and...
Sep 08, 2015•2 hr 38 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Practice, practice, practice. This week, Dan and Merlin talk about the perilous wonders of practice of all kinds. Links for this episode: How Portability Ruined the Telephone - The Atlantic Boiron Homeopathic Medicine Coldcalm Tablets for Colds, 60 Count: Prime Pantry Practice (learning method) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Making of an Expert Actually, practice doesn’t always make perfect — new study - The Washington Post Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 Hour Rule for deli...
Sep 01, 2015•2 hr 35 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC: Losing hit points. This week, Dan and Merlin talk about the stuff you have to do to stay healthy and well—and the rocky path to realizing when you have to actually "make it a thing ." There's also some follow-up on OTA antennas, car keys, and how little most of us really understand about the media industries. Links for this episode: Ungainly X-Mann Meetup #10 — Merlin Mann Strandpromenade / By the seaside Ringtone iOS LOOP 10 Min - YouTube Sutro Tower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Su...
Aug 25, 2015•1 hr 23 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Compensatory muscles This week, Dan and Merlin talk about how much emotions can become like physical injuries—and what happens when we try to overcompensate for either. Links for this episode: 5by5 | The Ihnatko Almanac #152: Project Runway Andy is joined by Merlin Mann to discuss Project Runway. nevver: Peanuts | kung fu grippe adam baldwin - Google Search vincent d'onofrio - Google Search wilford brimley age in 1984 - Wolfram|Alpha Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy: David D. Burn...
Aug 18, 2015•2 hr 42 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Can I ask you a question? This week, Dan and Merlin talk about the complexities of communicating effectively via email. They also begin to sketch out a unified field theory for escalating communication media based on informational and emotional destiny. Also, more thoughts on The Smiths, plus some recommendations on books and comics for kids. Links for this episode: Food Safety Talk 79: You’re Into Botulism Country (with Merlin Mann) — Food Safety Talk Merlin Mann joins Don and Ben for a...
Aug 11, 2015•1 hr 20 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Don't just be the meatbag in the room. This week, Dan and Merlin talk about "the fill-in guy," TV shows they're loving, listener feedback, improving presentations, The Smiths, the evolution of podcasts, contact management woes, and remembering what you're capable of. Links for this episode: 'Mad Max: Fury Road' Will Be On iTunes Soon So Catch Up With Some Of Your Favorite Heroines First | Bustle Conversation Parade: An Adventure Time Podcast | Podcast | Infinite Guest Podcast N...
Aug 05, 2015•2 hr 54 min•Transcript available on Metacast With Merlin on sabbatical (returning next week), Dan is once again joined by John Roderick. They discuss the significance of dreams, sleep paralysis, unexplained phenomenon, alien abductions, a relationship with magic, the importance of history, night terrors, and leaving a legacy. Links for this episode: Sleep paralysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Diaper-wearing astronaut jailed in love triangle plot - The Denver Post Lisa Nowak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Neil deGrasse Tyson - Wi...
Jul 28, 2015•2 hr 59 min•Transcript available on Metacast With Merlin on sabbatical, Dan is joined by John Roderick to talk about being a candidate, taking care of yourself, managing introversion, trying on ideas without fear, the Thirty Years War, and the struggle of being a generalist. Links for this episode: John Roderick for Seattle City Council Thirty Years' War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ep. 163: "The Maisie Glotz File" - Roderick on the Line - Merlin Mann Eugenics in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Int...
Jul 21, 2015•2 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : The perils and joys of just getting started. This week's episode is chockablock with awesomeness, from the sublime to the ridiculous. It ends on a very inspiring note. But, en route: Mexican guys love Morrissey Shabbos goys cause fire to be created An eruv is an ad hoc house described by string Merlin has Aloha for Judaism Teaching History is hard America owes some apologies Endorsing "Ordinary People Change the World" books Endorsing Mr. Robot and Humans Thanks for great Holacracy feedb...
Jul 14, 2015•2 hr 33 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : What kind of "perfect" can you tolerate? This week, Dan and Merlin have a big week. A huge week. Opening with a thank you to generous listeners, the boys then proceed to tackle some FU on the complicated world of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III (he is recognized!). Next up is some preliminary discussion on Pando's recent hit piece on Tony Hsieh, his weird edict for Holacracy at Zappos, and his strange and checkered history with theoretically transforming downtown Las Vegas. Moving forward, "...
Jul 07, 2015•1 hr 18 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Learning to shut up and relax. This week, Dan and Merlin talk about the challenges and benefits of getting out of your own head. Links for this episode: Art Museum | San Francisco | International Art Museum of America The International Art Museum of America - Museums - SoMa - San Francisco, CA - Reviews - Photos - Yelp Inside Out (2015) - IMDb Life Is Beautiful - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Why Stoicism is one of the best mind-hacks ever – Lary Wallace – Aeon Stoicism is, as much as...
Jun 30, 2015•1 hr 22 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : Hitting and sharing and dietetic lunch. This week, Dan and Merlin talk about having and not having siblings (and what it may or may not actually mean ) as well as addressing some of the rapid changes coming to the business of podcasting. Links for this episode: Reconcilable Differences #3: Helena Sell - Relay FM This week, John and Merlin finally set themselves to the task of beginning to argue about their differences.After a look at their feelings about reviews (and review culture), Joh...
Jun 23, 2015•1 hr 25 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC : You can't have ALL the phone calls. This week, Dan and Merlin battle Skype to talk about Dan't hissing floor, text editing on iOS, plus more followup on WWDC announcements. Spotlight on a second look at last week's conversation about how we do and don't communicate. Links for this episode: Special 2: The Original Trilogy of Merlin Mann In August 2012, Brett interviewed Merlin Mann on the now-legendary 6th episode of Systematic. Thus was a trilogy born. From processes to pills and apps to...
Jun 16, 2015•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast TOPIC: Poundsign Communication This week, Dan and Merlin talk about evolutions in how we do and don't communicate with each other. Links for this episode: Reconcilable Differences #1: We All Ruined It Together - Relay FM In this inaugural episode of Season 1, John and Merlin begin framing the conversation on exactly how they got how they are.From the dungeons of Usenet to the dragons of roving bullies, origins are explored, awkwardness is catalogued, and differences are provisionally reconciled....
Jun 09, 2015•2 hr 52 min•Transcript available on Metacast