Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! What happens when a generation that uses gallows humor to deal with trauma loses someone they love? That’s the question The Grief Mixtape Projec t will explore through stories from you, our community. To learn more and contribute your voice to the Grief Mixtape, go to at genxstories/grief. Related Podcast episodes Losing a Parent as a GenXer Do you gotta have faith? Becoming a sandwich generation Eve’s writing about grief The problem with...
May 03, 2023•1 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! On today’s encore episode, the gang digs into what makes GenX the latest “sandwich” generation and how we’re handling it. Smushed between taking care of our parents and our kids, how did we go from being ignored to being needed by two different age groups? No matter what kind of generational sandwich you are - club, open faced, keto, whatever - hear about choosing support groups over ice floes. Episode links What is a sandwich generation?...
Apr 19, 2023•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! In an encore episode, the crew dishes on one of the sexiest topics around: money. Ok, maybe not THAT sexy but we can make anything fun. Between paper route Ponzi schemes, having a monthly “nut”, wondering if we can ever retire, and how much we still owe Columbia House, you’ll never think of Gen X finances the same. Crack open that piggy bank and tune in today. Episode links The Flying Lizards "Money" song Look up social security...
Apr 05, 2023•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Well, it happened - we couldn’t get our schedules lined up to record this week. BUT the good news is that we have an encore episode for you we think is pretty special - our first ever together on the podcast! Learn how Lori, Courtney, Christopher and I started doing this wacky thing in season 2 (since season one was a totally different format.) In this episode, we dig into what being GenX means to each of us knowing how pivotal the 80’s w...
Mar 22, 2023•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Today on the podcast we're talking all about jobs. The ones we had as kids, our first “real” ones, and even the ones that taught us a thing or two about life and ourselves. In a world where “quiet quitting”,“quiet firing” and the “great resignation” are now just part of work life, what do 50+ year olds expect in a job now? (Other that retire - well, maybe). We also share some of our beloved Facebook community’s first jobs, and pick o...
Mar 08, 2023•42 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Did you want your MTV? We certainly did! Today’s episode is all about being the “MTV generation”, the iconic music video cable channel launched the summer of 1981. What was the first day like? Who were these “VeeJays”? And why does MTV still feels like a cultural rite of passage for GenX. We are also joined by music video historian and the brains behind website & magazine Music Video Time Machine, Stephen Pitalo. Hear all the behind t...
Feb 22, 2023•45 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Today’s podcast episode is going to be a little different. We’re taking on a topic that both Courtney and I have sadly experienced firsthand - losing a parent as a Gen Xer - and it’s just the two of us. This is also a longer episode than usual and barely edited because we felt it was important to be as authentic as possible with you. While we know this is an emotional topic, we don’t cover any of that up. You'll will hear us lose it,...
Feb 08, 2023•1 hr 8 min•Ep 6•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Today the GenX Series Podcast gang is talking about cult classic films with with a special guest - Final Destination and American Pie movie producer Craig Perry (who happens to be married to one of our hosts). Given his vast amount of knowledge and the ton of research he asked us to read (OMG!) about the difference between a Cult Classic movie vs a cult following, we’re definitely going deep. You know you want the behind the scenes info a...
Jan 25, 2023•39 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Today the GenX Stories gang is talking about obsessions. I mean… fandoms & collecting. Were you into puffy stickers or comics as a kid? And let’s get really honest and admit what weird thing you still collect. So grab that Holly Hobby lunch box and Star Wars Pez dispenser and get ready to get deep into it with your favorite GenX Geeks. Episode links Collecting Stickers in the 1980 s What is a Fandom? What did we collect? Corky the dog...
Jan 11, 2023•39 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! 2022 just hasn't been our year here over at GenX stories. Life keeps interfering so we’re just gonna start fresh in 2023. We plan to be back to publishing every two weeks starting January 11, 2023 and can’t wait to bring you new episodes about fandom, cult movies, ageism, music videos, & more. Courtney, Lori, Chris, and Eve hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season, and look forward to seeing everyone in the new year. Love yo...
Dec 28, 2022•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Today we have a special little bonus episide for you - an interview with Gabi Lorino, a kick ass book editor and 100% pure GenXer. We originally thought this would be part of the books episode published last week, but it was too fabulous to edit down to a few minutes so it got it’s own. Gabi's actually the type of GenXer we created this podcast for because she’s got some amazing stories to share. Hear all about her work as an antholo...
Dec 14, 2022•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! This week, the gang talks about books, books, and more books. The ones we loved reading as kids, the ones we shouldn't have read as kids, the books that shaped us how we grew up and what role books & reading plays now in our increasingly digital world. Between rolling into the Scholastic book fairs, paying fines from overdue library books, sneaking forbidden books as a teenager and audio books vs old school reading, jump into to ...
Dec 07, 2022•38 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! The GenX Stories gang needed some laughs so we took on the Muppets & Sesame Street which caused a serious conversation. (because of course it did). Did you grow up with the Muppet Show or Sesame Street? Is Yoda really a muppet? (don’t fight Courtney about it!). And seriously, what character would YOU be? We get brutally honest and share our thoughts on muppet doppelgängers among other Jim Henson/Frank Oz stuff. You know you need a bre...
Nov 23, 2022•32 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Welcome to Season 4 of GenX Stories! While we we originally intended to launch this episode at the end of summer, I lost my father in September which sadly impacted everything. But we finally got the gang together, and thought we'd kick off our new season talking about how everything old is new again. Music, movies, fashion, everything is back (even stuff we wish wasn’t). With the GenZ'ers trying to own on our nostalgia now, is ...
Nov 09, 2022•37 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Season four of GenX Stories is finally going to drop Wednesday, November 9th! Get ready for more of the awesome banter and kick ass GenX-ness you’ve come to expect from us as we chat about everything from nostalgia trends to books to Late ADHD diagnoses to muppets to travel to therapy to family dysfunction and even to ASMR (whatever that means). Meanwhile, check out some of our AWARD WINNING episodes from season 2 and 3 and brace yourself...
Oct 26, 2022•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Given the recent loss of my father , it’s a crazy time to share good news, but I wanna think dad would have been so proud. Born from my 25th Penn reunion, the GenX Stories podcast just won a Best in Show W3 Award in the podcast category. For a teeny show run by four 50+ friends (and first time podcasters) not a podcast network, this is a huge honor. I am SO thankful for our supporters & listeners and my beloved co-hosts who somehow ag...
Oct 05, 2022•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! While we had hoped to start season four in September, sadly my beloved father passed away on September 11 due to a rapidly growing aggressive brain cancer. I am still reeling because it happened so fast and my mother and I are navigating the next few weeks, but season four of the podcast is obviously delayed. On the bright side, Courtney, Chris, Lori and I did record the first two episodes at the end of August. And they’re great We are pl...
Sep 19, 2022•1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! While we are on hiatus this summer (ahead of season four’s fall release), we are re-publishing some of our most popular episodes with brand new intros and trust us, this one is worth the wait. Get out the popcorn! The GenX Stories gang goes all out & shares how we really feel about the “new takes” of tv shows and movies we grew up on. While this was originally released WAY ahead of Top Gun: Maverick, thanks to GenX nostalgia it’s soar...
Aug 31, 2022•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! While we are still on hiatus this summer (ahead of season four), we are re-releasing some of our most popular episodes with brand new intros and trust us, this one rocks (literally). In a summer filled with kick ass concerts - including many of our generations favorites - do you remember YOUR first? What about your favorite? And what bands are you planning to see this summer. We also asked what shows our facebook group are excited about a...
Jul 20, 2022•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! While we are on hiatus this summer (ahead of season four), the GenX Stories crew is re-releasing some of our most popular episodes and today’s is sadly pretty appropriate for our world right now. After the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe Vs Wade on Jun 24, 2022, many of us have been very upset. Most of our listeners (and our show hosts!) have-not known a time when abortion wasn’t legal and safe, so we all worry what this means fo...
Jul 06, 2022•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! TBD Episode links Aging Life Care Association Health Care proxy in NY State - note each state will have different laws about this so look yours up. People with estranged family should also know that a family member will be able to make decisions for them and that typically the proxy can’t just unplug you What is a sandwich generation? GenX women facing the caregiving crisis The Sandwich Generation: When Caregiver Seems to Be Your Only Rol...
Jun 22, 2022•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! As we wrap up season 3 of the podcast (OMG - really?) and look ahead to season 4, this episode is a love letter to our kick-ass and hysterical hosts. Check out some of the funny clips that were either bloopers or new stuff you’ve never heard before. While new episodes of GenX Stories are on hiatus until season 4 drops late summer/early fall, don’t think you’ll get a total break from us! We’re gonna either re-release some of our personal f...
Jun 08, 2022•12 min•Ep 22•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! On today’s episode we're digging into what being GenX really means to the podcast crew, from a personal, cultural and even societal point of view. In addition, we have clips from real GenXers - classmates from Courtney and Eve’s recent 30th college reunion. Want to know what makes us, us? Listen now! Episode links It Took a Global Pandemic, But Generation X is Finally Getting Love About Generation X Connect with us Subscribe to GenX ...
May 25, 2022•24 min•Ep 21•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! It’s almost summer and the GenX Stories gang has a ton of kick-ass memories from ours. As kids, we were all about hanging at the mall, riding bikes all day, finding that one friend with a/c and a pool, blowing stuff up at camp, snacking on fla-vor-ice and coming home when the street lights came on. Sneak into a cool movie theater with us and hear all about those footloose and fancy free summers. Episode links Favorite GenX Summer memories...
May 11, 2022•38 min•Ep 20•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Because we rarely have guests on our show, this one deserved it’s own little bonus episode. Bobbi Rebell is a fellow GenXer, certified financial planner and host of the critically acclaimed Money Tips for Financial Grownups podcast. If you still don’t think of yourself as an adult (cuz we don’t!) you’re gonna totally dig our little chat about GenX finances and Bobbi’s new book "Launching Financial Grownups”. Even if this topic freaks...
Apr 27, 2022•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! This week the crew dishes on one of the sexiest topics around: money. Ok, maybe not THAT sexy but we can make anything fun. Between paper route Ponzi schemes, having a monthly “nut”, wondering if we can ever retire, and how much we still owe Columbia House, you’ll never think of Gen X finances the same. Crack open that piggy bank and tune in today. Episode links The Flying Lizards "Money" song Look up social security and see you...
Apr 20, 2022•41 min•Ep 19•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! We know it’s after April fools day, but we still have some stories to share. On this little bonus episode, hear all the funnies from our Facebook community, and why Gen X doesn’t trust anyone, especially not on April 1. Episode links Nikita’s pun-o-matic Gmail launched on April 1 60 great April Fools jokes Connect with us Subscribe to GenX Stories in your favorite podcast app Buy some kickass merch Write us a review Visit our site Join ou...
Apr 06, 2022•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Does our generation have any heroes? The Gen X Stories gang isn’t really sure. Between family members we respect, public figures we admire & others who inspire us, hear why we think our generation struggles to use the word “hero” at all. Plus we hear from our Facebook community about their thoughts on the matter. You may be surprised where we end up as much as we were. Episode links Songs about heroes Urban Dictionary definition of a ...
Mar 23, 2022•36 min•Ep 18•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Arrrrroooooooooooooo! On today’s episode, the GenX Stories gang is talking all about our furry friends. The ones we had growing up, the ones we maybe shouldn't have had and why we love TikTok dogs so much now. Between Chris’s pug's viral MRI, Lori’s wish for an illegal hedgehog and Eve’s Monty Python parakeet issues, you won’t believe the role pets have always had in our lives. Episode links Generational shifts/differences in pe...
Mar 09, 2022•37 min•Ep 17•Transcript available on Metacast Send a FanMail to the GenX Stories gang via text message! Between learning square dancing, playing the recorder, studying geometry and even taking typing class, the GenX Stories gang explores the importance of what we were taught (or not!) when we were younger & if that changed when we grew up. Get ready to dig into lifelong learning, even if it’s not how you expected it to be. And seriously, what really happened to Pluto? Episode links Kermit Recorder Meme 11 Absolutely Useless Things You W...
Feb 23, 2022•41 min•Ep 16•Transcript available on Metacast