Men's Life Week 1_At The Starting Line - Five Manhood Promises
Pastor Gregg Matte begins our 24-week Quest for Authentic Manhood by exploring the 5 manhood promises.
Pastor Gregg Matte begins our 24-week Quest for Authentic Manhood by exploring the 5 manhood promises.
Don Munton, the Single Adult Minister at Houston's First Baptist Church, challenges us to look backward to gain the understanding and insight we need as we begin our journey together.
Eric Reed, the Men's Minister at Houston's First Baptist Church, continues our study on authentic manhood by examining the 4 faces each man must learn to balance in life.
Jason Swiggart, the Ministries Pastor at Houston's First Baptist Church, shares from his own experiences about the effect an overbearing mother can have on the development of a man.
Eric Reed wraps up our 24-week exploration of Authentic Manhood. He leads us in looking at a Man and His Life Journey using the lenses of life stage maps. Forgive the poor sound quality:)
Don Munton concludes our practical look at biblical manhood by discussing fathers and daughters. Note that announcements are included in this podcast.
Pastor Gregg leads us into some very practical ways of engaging our sons that are honoring to God and them. For single men, he shares how investing in the lives of nephews, younger men, and even brothers can alter lives for eternity.
Don Munton explores the many ways biblical men can be servant-leaders both within the Church and outside the church.
Ben Pritchett concludes our exploration of the relationship between a husband and a wife. This lesson is filled with practical suggestions for any current husband or any man who desires to honor his spouse-to-be.
Ben Pritchett begins this two part study on the sacred union of marriage. This week his focus is on three very different, yet prevalent, models of marriage we find in our society: The Top-Down Traditional Marriage, the 50-50 Partnership Marriage, and the Side-by-Side Biblical Marriage.
Don Munton concludes the two week study on manhood by comparing and contrasting the life of Adam with the life of Christ. The result is a four-fold definition of manhood...rejecting passivity, accepting responsibility, leading courageously, and expecting God's greater reward.
Don Munton, Summit Ministries Minister, begins a two-week study on a biblical definition of manhood. Through contrasting the First Adam with the Second Adam (Jesus Christ), the first facet of authentic, biblical manhood emerges.
Eric Reed concludes our exploration of manhood from first three chapters of Genesis. This week he hits upon the "Fall" and the theme of passivity all men struggle with today.
Pastor Gregg begins a two-part glance at the origins of masculinity. Using Genesis 1-3 as the text, he lays a foundation of a truly biblical understanding of what it means to be a man.
Eric Reed leads us into the second half of the Quest for Authentic Manhood. He will spend time looking back over the first 13 weeks of the study and then give some vision for the 11 remaining weeks.
Afshin Ziafat concludes the three-week look at the one wound which is common to all men...Depravity. He also shares the genuine Good News for each of us. His story of being transformed by Christ is truly inspiring.
Afshin Ziafat continues unpacking the heart wound, also known as depravity. This lesson explores the actual implications we all wrestle with because of depravity.
Afshin Ziafat, our special guest for the next 3 sessions, leads us in understanding the one wound we ALL have...a wound not of nurture (i.e., absent father, over-bearing mother, peer rejection, etc.), but of nature. This is the beginning of a three-week look into the one wound common to all men.
Pastor Gregg dives into the necessity of mentors (both being one and having one) in the life of a growing, maturing man.
Ben Pritchett explores the dangers of living life disconnected from other men, the benefits of investing in deep friendships, and some strategies to move forward as intentional men.
Jason Swiggart concludes our look at the "Mother Wound" by offering several strategic steps to forge and maintain a healthy relationship with our moms. The importance of beginning the Manhood Plan on page 92 is also emphasized.
Eric Reed picks up where Pastor Gregg left off as we continue our look at the Father Wound. Eric offers 8 proactive strategies for dealing with this common wound.
Pastor Gregg leads us into an exploration of the roles of a father and the wounds that arise as a result of some of our fathers. One key truth is that we are all products of our past but not prisoners to it.